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Brigham’s Watchmaker


Version: 27 Jan 2017

John Frederick Nicholas Daynes (1831-1905), Brigham’s Watchmaker

By Maralyn Daynes Tolman and Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.


 Note by the authors (March 2016):

This essay is an expansion of an article of the same name that appeared in the official organ of the Utah Genealogical Society: Crossroads, Vol. 10, Number 3 (Summer 2015), pp. 6-27.


      The Daynes Family have been merchants in Salt Lake City for more than 150 years in the jewelry, music and optical businesses. They have struggled with economic times, bad decisions and leadership, and have had hot and cold relations with the Mormon Church leadership. Family tragedies have resulted in family schisms which have never healed.

The Daynes Jewelry/Music Store

     The original Daynes immigrant and the founder of the Daynes Jewelry Store on Main Street Salt Lake City was John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, son of Thomas and Bridgit (Carter) Daines of Norwich, England. He arrived in Great Salt Lake City in 1862 from Liverpool on the sailing vessel John J. Boyd. He then continued traveling overland, taking a steamboat up the Missouri and finally crossing the plains in the Homer Duncan party from Florence, Nebraska arriving after five months on September 24.1Daynes, J. Donald (ggson) ‘John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, Prominent Pioneer’, typescript, 5 pages (September 1, 1977); copy in possession of the authors (hereafter Prominent Pioneer).

     The store was originally a log establishment (see Figure 12Photo is from Jean Bucher ‘Once Upon a Business…’, Utah Holiday, June 1989 issue, p. 28-29; drawing of the original oil that hung in the jewelry store published in Deseret News, Saturday, April 8, 1939, (ad) p. 15. ) and was called ‘John Daynes and Sons’ on First South, just east of Main Street.3‘DAYNES JEWELRY CO., Utah’s Pioneer Jewelers Celebrates 102th Anniversity’ The Deseret News Tuesday, July 1, 1952 (the Daynes Jewelry Company was originally established by John Daynes in Norwich, England in 1850) and ‘The Daynes Building’, picture taken March 31, 1909 by Shipler Photo, 118 South Main, Salt Lake City (original in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV 89451).

     The store originally sold and repaired jewelry and timepieces as well as musical instruments; it was the oldest music store west of the Mississippi and second oldest in the nation behind Steinert’s of Boston.4Gurchiek, Kathy ‘Family Heirloom’ The Salt Lake Tribune May 5, 2003.

     In 1873 Daynes convinced Steinway and Sons to ship him (by wagon over the Donner Pass) the first Steinway piano in Utah.5Slaughter, William ‘Daynes Music Company’ Utah Business (April 2002); cited in Wikipedia (, search: Daynes Music Company. The jewelry store moved several times ending up at 26 South Main before the founder’s death in 1905.

             Table 1.6Various Salt Lake City Directories, Family History Library US/CAN 979.225 E4 including Sloan, E. L. Salt Lake City Directory and Business Guide, 1869, pp. 101,171; Crofutt, George A. Crofutt’s Salt Lake City Directory, 1885-6, p. 118, and others.

      When John F. Daynes II (J. Fred) returned from his mission to England in 1900, his father talked him into turning down a job as a bank teller to take over Daynes and Sons, with John senior continuing as watchmaker for $5/month.7John F. Daynes III oral history (1977, twelve tapes, transferred to CDs), Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections; hereafter JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1. Then in 1907 the jewelry store safe was robbed8The Salt Lake Telegram, April 22, April 23, May 7, and May 28, 1907. and everything was taken (roughly $15,000 in money and merchandise, uninsured); although the four thieves were arrested in Denver a month later, the jewels were not recovered; it was years before the Daynes family recovered financially from the robbery. J. Fred bought the Daft Building (see Figure 29The Daynes Building, picture taken March 31, 1909 by Shipler Photo, 118 South Main, Salt Lake City, original in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV 89451. ) from the heirs of Mrs. Sarah Daft of Salt Lake City for $70,000 in 1909. He paid the $2000 deposit and raised the rest of the $20,000 down payment by selling 20,000 shares (of a total of 25,000 shares) of stock in the Daynes Building Co. Investors included the then-governor John C. Cutler; the final payment on the building was made in 1928.10 JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1. It became the ‘Daynes Building’ at 128 South Main Street in Salt Lake City that today still has the large Daynes sign painted on the side of the building. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Buildings in 1975.11Utah Historical Society, Historic Preservation Research Office, Site No. 15.

The Daynes Family and the CHURCH

      The Daynes family had many interactions with the LDS Church as Salt Lake City prominent merchants and civic leaders for more than one hundred years. They also married within the Church hierarchy: John Daynes’ (6) daughter Ida Maud Daynes (15) married a son of Lorenzo Snow [5th Church President]; a grandson Joseph J. Daynes Jr. (24) married a daughter of Wilford Woodruff [4th Church President]; another grandson Harold Sharp Daynes (26) married the daughter of an apostle John W. Taylor; and another grandson Lincoln Anson Daynes (37) married a granddaughter of Joseph F. Smith [6th Mormon Church President] and niece of Joseph Fielding Smith [10th Mormon Church President].

       Upon the Daynes family arrival in the Valley in 1862 a ‘jollification’ in honor of the safe arrival of the company was held at their campsite at the old 8th Ward square (the site of the current City and County Building). John and his son Joseph (age 11) were natural musicians and had brought with them a melodeon [small pump (reed) organ] and an English concertina. Joseph was an expert on the former and his father on the latter. When he heard Joseph play the melodeon with blocks on his shoes so he could reach the pedals, Brigham commented: ‘there is our tabernacle organist’. Brigham sent young Joseph J. Daynes east to study organ and when he returned he supervised the installation of the tabernacle organ in 1867 becoming the first organist at age 16, a position he held for 33 years.12Many versions of this story exist; none are first-hand accounts. The only sourced and detailed one is found in Prominent Pioneer, p. 3).

      Upon arrival in the Salt Lake Valley the Daynes Family lived the first three years on North Temple across from the temple lot (the old 17th Ward). When John Daynes approached Pres. Brigham Young (after 1865) to buy a block on the Avenues (So. Temple and 1st Ave, F and G Streets), Brigham told him he could buy the block for $5 in gold. Daynes countered, ‘How much in paper money?’ And Brigham said, ‘Now, Brother Daynes, I told you I would sell you that block for $5 in gold. If you have that $5 in gold then that block is yours, otherwise don’t waste my time.’ Daynes managed to get the $5 in gold, bought the block, and built at 28 F Street (then Oak Street,13Barnett, A. and C. Bell, Historical Guide to the Streets of Salt Lake City (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Historical Society, 2001). in the 20th Ward)14Prominent Pioneer, p. 3. with pasture and outbuildings to support livestock and horses.15JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1.

      The Edmunds Act of 1882 (directed exclusively at the Mormon Church and the practice of polygamy) made the conviction of polygamy (‘unlawful cohabitation’) punishable by a fine of up to $300 and incarceration in the Territorial Prison.16Wikipedia, online at (searchterm: Edmunds Act). The deputies offered lenient terms to those ‘cohabs’ who would voluntarily surrender themselves. John Daynes had grown-up and established children from his first wife and a lot of small children from his second wife—so he surrendered to the deputies—essentially abandoning his first wife Eliza Miller Daynes (but still financially supporting her), and incurring the wrath of his devout neighbors. Eliza (#1 wife) had her own house next door to her sister-wife Rebecca (#2 wife); so what it really meant was that Eliza’s daughter Lysle became her companion for the rest of her life in her failing health, although Lysle was very attractive and marriageable, had several suitors, and was easily one of the most congenial of all the Daynes children.17JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1. John Daynes was punished by the 20th Ward by expelling him from the choir for a time;18Ibid. but that didn’t stop the choir at his retirement from awarding him an engraved cane for his 33 years of (continuous?) service as their leader. There was a special program in March 1904 commemorating the event with soloists and an all-Daynes-composed musical program.19Prominent Pioneer, p. 3.

      During the period 1899-1908 the store was located at 26 So. Main, a building owned by Heber J. Grant, then an apostle in the LDS Church (later 7th Church President, 1918-1945). John Daynes did not always have amicable relations his landlord. Grant ran an insurance business on the second floor and wished he had a more successful tenant as the jewelry store struggled to survive during that period. As he passed Daynes on the street, Grant’s comment was always ‘Are you still here?’ Later (1909) when John’s son J. Fred was selling stock in the Jewelry Co. so he could buy the building at 128 So. Main, Grant declined to purchase any as he said it was ‘too risky’.20JFDaynes Oral History, tape 4.

The Daynes Family Schism

      When Mary Ann Anson Daynes (wife of J. F. Daynes II) died in 1919 of diabetic complications; she left a young family of five, the youngest being the 3-year-old Lincoln Anson Daynes. The widower J. Fred married again six months later Mabel Pearl Anderson, a recent widow herself. Pearl was a rigorous disciplinarian to her new stepchildren, and was not popular with any of them. Worst of all was the reaction of the oldest girl, Jean, who was then just 14 and very attractive. She had a mercurial temperament which significantly worsened her relationships at home; in desperation to escape her family situation (according to her brother),21Ibid., tape 4. she took up with Eugene Callister Hinckley after several boyfriends her father did not approve of and they got married in 1922 (she was 17). There was a son Howard born in 1923. She decided she didn’t like life in Utah or Eugene, but he would not give her a divorce. In order to facilitate the divorce (1926), her father arranged for her to see his attorney Alonzo B. (Lon) Irvine, an ambitious local politician with an eye for the governor’s job. He was captivated by her and sexually assaulted her in his office. She immediately told her father and there was a confrontation where J. Fred told Lon he was finished in politics as he would charge him publicly with rape if he announced his candidacy for any political office. Jean fled to California, where her father attempted to place her in a nunnery ‘Sisters of the Bleeding Heart’.22Ibid., tape 5.

      Alonzo Blair Irvine (1875-1940), a Utah state senator who had served two terms by 1929,23‘Former President of Utah Senate Has Wide Experience in Politics’ The Salt Lake Tribune January 29, 1929, p. 7. wanted to insure that Jean would not make trouble for him as he wished to continue to pursue a career in politics. Because her father J. Fred had such great animosity toward him, he approached Roy Daynes, Jean’s uncle and J. Fred’s brother, and offered him $25,000 if he would locate Jean in California and convince her to sign and notarize an affidavit exonerating him. At this time Roy was in financial trouble so he went to California to see his niece and sweet-talk her into signing the document and was ultimately successful. When Lon finally received this document, he flaunted it before J. Fred, who went ballistic when he found out that he had been betrayed by his brother Roy. The brothers were estranged from then on. They were neighbors on F Street in the Avenues and each tried to make as much trouble as they could for the other as they each converted their houses into rental apartments.24JFDaynes Oral History. In the mid-1930’s Roy allowed the Consolidated Music Company (in which both brothers had stock) to go bankrupt (returning 15 cents on the dollar to investors) and then founded the Daynes Music Company (of which he was sole proprietor) from what remained.25Ibid., tape 5. And so the jewelry and music businesses were very much separate from that time on.

Genealogical Summary

Generation A

      1. ThomasA Daines/Daynes born26devorah54 ( has contributed a photo of Thomas Dains birth/baptism record, son of John and Ann (Harte) Daynes; no other source detail. This is corroborated by the death record (ref 14) which has him age 77 at his death in 1881 and the 1841 and 1851 censuses (ref 18) which has him age 35 in 1841 and age 46 in 1851. 13 Mar 1804 and christened 16 Mar 1804 at St. Helens, Norwich, Norfolk, England the son of John and Ann (Harte) Daynes. He was a weaver. He died27Thomas Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1918, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1881, 4b: 108, age at death 77. 30 Nov 1881 at Heigham, Norwich, Norfolk, England. He married28Daines/Carter marriage: England, Selected Marriages 1538-1973, FHL Film 1278,883, item 2 (Bishop’s Transcripts for the Archdeaconry of Norwich 1685-1925); online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). 30 Jun 1822 at St. Helens, Norwich, Norfolk, England Bridget (Biddy) Carter daughter of William and Elizabeth (Loads) Carter. She was born 25 Jul 1803 at Norwich and christened 31 Jul 1803 at St. Benedict, Norwich29Bridget Carter baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1517746, item 27, p. 25 (Parish registers for St. Benedict’s Church, Norwich, 1562-1906); online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). and died 1864 at Norwich.30Bridget Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Third Quarter 1864, 4b:93; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

      Thomas and Bridget (Carter) Daynes had seven children:311841 England Census of Norfolk, St. Paul Parish, Class HO107, Enumeration District 16, Folio 35, p. 21 and 1851 England Census of Norfolk, St. Paul Parish, Class HO107, GSU Roll 207466, Piece 1813, Folio 35, p. 30.

2      i. WILLIAM DAYNES christened32Birth date: mentioned in a letter from Wm Daynes to J. Fred Daynes (August 29, 1905) written on the occasion of John Daynes death; in the possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV., 33William Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1565,304, item 4, p. 37; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 25 Aug 1822 at St Helen’s, Norwich, Norfolk, England; he died 20 Sep 1912 at Rugby, Warwick, England and was buried in the Rugby Cemetery 23 Sep 1912.34Funerary card in the possession of the author (it was received by J. F. Daynes II on 1 Jan 1913). He married35Daynes/Ashley certification of marriage, Holborn Dist., Fourth Quarter 1847, 2:88, England and Wales Civil Registration, General Register Office, London, U.K. 1847 at St. Peter’s, Holborn London, England Susannah Ashley daughter of Joseph and Diana (Hitchens) Ashley. She was born 12 Jul 1826 and christened36Susannah Ashley baptism: England and Wales, The National Archives, Kew, Non-conformist and Non-parochial Registers, 1567-1970, Piece 2591, Devizes, St. Mary’s Chapel (Independent) 1774-1837; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). 29 Apr 1827 at Devizes, Wiltshire, England and died 1905 at Rugby, Warwick, England.

     William went to Rugby in 1860 and worked there as a photographer. He was one of the leaders of the Rugby Temperance Society. After his retirement he continued to live in Rugby with a daughter.37‘Death of Mr. W. Daynes, A Long and Useful Life’ The Rugby Observer, September 27, 1912, Rugby, Warwick, England. Eleven children.

3     ii. THOMAS DAYNES christened38Thomas Daynes baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1278,904, item 2; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 26 Dec 1824 at St. Helens, Norwich died and was buried39Thomas Daynes death: England, Select Deaths and Burials, FHL Film 1565,304, item 8, p. 22 (online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 17 Nov 1825 at St Helens, Norwich, Norfolk, England.

4    iii. THOMAS DAYNES christened40Thomas Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1565,304, item 4, p. 63; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 10 Dec 1826 at St Helen’s, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died 2 Dec 1893 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. He married41Daynes/Purland marriage: England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973, FHL Film 1472,781, item 4-6 (Parish Registers for St. Matthew’s Church, Thorpe-next-Norwich, 1851-1901), online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014). 6 Jan 1856 St Matthew, Thorpe, Norwich, Norfolk, England Harriet Purland daughter of Horatio and Harriet (Crotch) Purland. She was born42Harriet Purland birth: England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, FHL Film 0571604 and 0894699 (Parish registers for St. James with Pockthorpe Church, Norwich, 1556-1911); online at Ancestry. com (accessed 25 Sep 2014). 25 Nov 1832, christened 2 Dec 1832 and died43Harriet Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1884, 4b:93, age 49; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). 11 Dec 1884 at St Paul, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Seven children.

5    iv. RICHARD DAYNES christened44Richard Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1517,749, item 1, p. 25; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 25 Jan 1829 at St James Pockthorpe, Norwich, Norfolk, England. He married,451861 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class RG9, Piece 1212, Parish: Norwich St. Edmund, E. D. 6, Folio 35, Page 8; Richard/Harriot Daynes, both age 32, a son Richard age 10, cordwainer, both b. Norwich., 46Daynes/Horth certification of marriage, Norwich District, Third Quarter 1855, 4b: 201, England and Wales Civil Registration. 1855 at Norwich, Norfolk Harriet Horth the daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Horth. She was christened47Harriet Horth baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1470,813, item 3, p. 57; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 17 Jan 1830 at Thorp Episcopi, Norfolk. They both died after 1891.481891 England Census of Shoreditch, London, Class RG12, Piece 247, Parish: St. Marks Old Street, Book 4, E. D. 24, Folio 122, Page 24; census shows Richard/Harriet Daynes, ages 61/60, shoemaker (cordwainer), both born Norwich, General Register Office, London, U. K. At least one son.

6 +  v. JOHN FREDERICK NICHOLAS DAYNES born 15 Apr 1831 at Norwich, Norfolk, England and christened at St. Paul’s, Norfolk; he died 30 Mar 1905 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

7     vi. SUSAN (search Susan Daynes, dau Thomas and Bridget (Carter) Daines). DAYNES born501841 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 790, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, E. D. 16, Folio 36, Page 22; Thomas Daynes family, Susan age 3; 1851 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 1813, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, Folio 35, Page 30, Susan age 16; her death record (Susan Dawson) estimates her birth in 1834 and the 1881 England Census of Norwich, Norfolk, Class RG11, Piece 1938, Parish: Norwich St. Clement, E. D. 24, Folio 125, Page 35 has her age 46 (b. 1835). abt 1835 and died51Susan Dawson death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1905, 4b:64; online at (accessed 15 Sep 2014). 20 Oct 1905 at St. Clement, Norwich, Norfolk, England. She married52Dawson/Daynes certification of marriage, Norwich Dist., Fourth Quarter 1854, 4b:371, England and Wales Civil Registration, General Register Office, London, U.K. 5 Nov 1854 at St Matthew, Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, Norfolk, England William Dawson son of Jonathan and Sarah (Land) Dawson. He was born 3 Feb 1835 at St Paul, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died 12 Mar 1908 at St. Clement Norwich, Norfolk, England.53‘Holland/Dalton/Cook/Loose Family Tree’, owner: davidpreston1_1,, ‘Dawson Family Tree’, owner: spudkins, and references therein (accessed 27 Jan 2017) and personal communication from Richard Price, SLC, UT. Ten children.

8   vii. ELIZABETH DAYNES christened54Elizabeth Daynes baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1470,903, p. 47, dau of Thomas Daynes and Bridget Carter; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 25 Dec 1836 at St Paul’s, Norwich, Norfolk, England; she probably died early, 1841-1851.551841 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 790, Parish: St. Paul, Book 4, E. D. 16, Folio 35, Page 21 and 1851 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 1813, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, E. D. 1b, Folio 35, Page 30; Thomas Daynes Family: Elizabeth was there in 1841 (age 5) but not in 1851 when she would have been 15.  Note: this Elizabeth Daynes, b. 1836 is included incorrectly in several Family Trees on Ancestry (accessed 4 Oct 2014); examination of the marriage records for these Elizabeths lists her father as ‘James Daynes’ and/or the later census records (1861-1881) lists her birthplace as Norfolk, but not Norwich.

Generation One

      6. John Frederick Nicholas Daynes1 (ThomasA) born56A primary birth or christening record has not been found; John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, online at, #57991281 (accessed 25 Sep 2014); marker has birth and death dates. The birth date in 1831 is consistent with 1841 and 1851 British Census records vide supra. 15 Apr 1831 at Norwich, Norfolk, England and christened at St. Paul Parish, Norfolk; he died of septicemia (from chronic cystitis and urethritis)57John Daynes death certificate, State Board of Health File No. 352, State of Utah, online at (accessed 13 Aug 2014). or Bright’s disease58‘John Daynes Dead’ The Salt Lake Telegram, March 30, 1905, Salt Lake City, Utah. 30 Mar 1905 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.59John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, online at, #57991281 (accessed 25 Sep 2014); marker has birth and death dates. A jeweler and watchmaker, he was founder (in 1850) and proprietor of a jewelry store with an adjacent saloon in Norwich and he founded a jewelry store in Great Salt Lake City called ‘John Daynes and Sons’, established 1862 at No. 10 East 100 South60Prominent Pioneer, p. 2. and later at 26 South Main Street.61‘John Daynes and Sons’ The Salt Lake Telegram, November 30, 1905, Salt Lake City, Utah. His family believed one reason the Daynes family joined the Church in England was his wife Eliza’s desire to separate him from his saloon (which lost money) and to get him to focus on the watchmaking business (which made money).

     He was a lifetime pipesmoker and used to smoke his pipe on the walk to choir practice, knock the ashes out on the side of the Church building, and put it in his handkerchief pocket, bowl outward, until after choir practice.62JFDaynes Oral History, tape 2. He was only 5 feet 2 inches tall, but was physically very active. A favorite family activity was to go to Saltair; his son J. Fred attested that his father was the only one he had ever encountered who could stand on the rail and dive into the water of the Great Salt Lake (most people then and now try to keep their heads dry at all costs).63Ibid.

     He married64Daynes/Miller marriage: England and Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1850, 13:471 and Millennium file; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014). 31 Mar 1850 at St. Paul Parish, Norwich, Norfolk, England (1) Eliza Miller, daughter of John and Mary Ann (Jolly) Miller. Eliza was born65Eliza Miller birth/christening: England, Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975, FHL Film 1526,650 (Bishop’s transcripts for the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, 1686-1941); online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014). 20 May 1831, christened 22 Sep 1839 at Wymondham, Norfolk, England and died66Eliza Daynes death: Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961 (Utah State Archives, series 81448), age 84; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014); see also ‘Bushby/Daynes Tree’, owner: JeanO88, (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 23 Oct 1916 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.

     John married67Daynes/Bushby marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937 (Utah, County Marriages) and Millennium file; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014). in a polygamous relationship 6 Jun 1870 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah (2) Rebecca (Becky) Bushby, daughter of Thomas and Esther (Rich) Bushby of Hull, York, England. Rebecca was born68Rebecca Bushby birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Sculcoates District (Yorkshire, East Riding), First Quarter 1849, 22:576; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014); many accounts list her birth year as 1851, but the 1851 England census of Hull, Yorkshire (Holy Trinity Parish, Kingston-upon-Hull), Class HO107, piece 2363, folio 984, page 1 has her with her parents Thomas and Ester, age 2. 13 Feb 1849 at Kingston upon Hull (Sculcoates), York, England and died of urethral carcinoma 24 Nov 1920 at the home of her son Royal in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.69Rebecca Daynes death: Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, also lists birth data and parentage; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).,70Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43) ‘Some facts I have discovered about Rebecca Bushby, John Daynes, and Joseph J. Daynes’, unpublished manuscript, copy in the possession of the author, 2 pages.

     When she arrived71Search ‘Rebecca Bushby’ at; she sailed Liverpool to New York (25 Aug 1869-6 Sep 1869); (accessed 25 Sep 2014). in Salt Lake City early in 1870 with her mother, she had not yet joined the Mormon Church. She was a skilled seamstress and was a ‘belle’ in Hull. In SLC she was courted by Joseph J. Daynes (9), a young single man, reportedly badly ‘smitten’ as well as his father John Daynes (6), who already had one wife. She chose the father.72Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43) ‘Some facts I have discovered about Rebecca Bushby, John Daynes, and Joseph J. Daynes’, unpublished manuscript, copy in the possession of the author, 2 pages; she states she has two letters of Joseph J.’s to Rebecca.,73JFDaynes Oral History, tape 2; John Daynes’ son J. Fred contended that his father actually persuaded Becky to marry him on the occasion of his son Joseph J.’s asking for permission for he and Becky to get married.

       John and Eliza (Miller) Daynes had seven children of whom only two grew to adulthood:74John Daynes household, 1870 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 20, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, Roll M593_1611, p. 715B, dwell. 13, fam. 13; John and Eliza and their two children plus John’s wife #2 Rebecca and her mother Ester Bushby, a Maria Ames (no occupation), William Boden (day laborer), and Mary Ann Miller [b. 1857, England; the daughter of Eliza Miller’s brother William; see Kate B. Carter, Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol 12 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1962), p. 35-6].

9  +   i. JOSEPH JOHN DAYNES born 2 Apr 1851 at St. Paul Parish, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died 15 Jan 1920 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah. He was a skilled musician and composer and the famed Tabernacle organist.

10     ii. CLADIUS WILLIAM DAYNES, born75‘Cladius’ Miller Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1853, 4b:131; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at 31 Jan 1853 at St. Paul Parish, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died76‘Cladius’ Miller Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1853, 4b:66; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at 14 Oct 1853 at Norwich, Norfolk, England.

11    iii. ELIZA (‘LISLE’) MILLER DAYNES, born77Eliza Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1855, 4b:119; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014). 14 Feb 1855 at St. Augustine Parish, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died78Lisle Miller Daynes death certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, database on line at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). 1 Apr 1934 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. She never married.

12    iv. MARY ANN DAYNES born79Mary Ann Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1856, 4b:112; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at 17 May 1856 at St. Augustine Parish, Norwich, Norfolk, England and died80Mary Ann Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1857, 4b:86; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at and personal communication from Richard Price, SLC, UT. 13 Nov 1857 at St. John the Baptist, Lakenham, Norwich, Norfolk, England.

13     v. ERNEST ARTHUR DAYNES, born81FamilySearch Family Tree at; no British birth/christening record can be found. Mar 1857 and died the same month at Norwich, Norfolk, England.

14    vi. MATHIAS DAYNES born82Matthias Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1859, 4b:106; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at 6 Apr 1859 and died83Matthias Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1857, 4b:70; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at 24 Apr 1859 at Norwich, Norfolk, England.

15   vii. JOHN THOMAS DAYNES born 28 Jul 1862 near Florence, Douglas, Nebraska during the westward migration and died Sep 1862 at age 6 weeks.84FamilySearch Family Tree at (Ancestral File Number 1PQC-Z8; submitted by rwprice624040/bcevans560324, microfilm 1394150).

      John and Rebecca (Bushby) Daynes had seven children of their own and raised the daughter of Rebecca’s niece, Mary Kate Bushby, after Mary Kate died in childbirth:

16 +    i. IDA MAUD DAYNES born 6 Mar 1871 at Salt Lake City and died 27 Aug 1955.

17 +    ii. JOHN FREDERICK DAYNES (J Fred) born 7 Dec 1872 at Salt Lake City and died 15 Jan 1955 at Salt Lake City.

18 +   iii. DELLA RENE DAYNES born 14 Aug 1875 at Salt Lake City and died 20 Nov 1960 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California.

19 +   iv. ROYAL WALTER DAYNES born 3 Oct 1877 at Salt Lake City and died 5 Dec 1950 at Salt Lake City.

20       v. ARTHUR VINCENT DAYNES born 11 Jan 1880 and died85Utah, Deaths and Burials, 1888-1946, p68 dth. #2752; online at FamilySearch (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 14 Jan 1893 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.

21      vi. MELVIN BUSHBY DAYNES born 24 Mar 1882 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died86Utah, Deaths and Burials, 1888-1946, #11149 P279; online at FamilySearch (accessed 23 Oct 2014). of marasmus 14 Dec 1882 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah; buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

22 +  vii. DEAN RICH DAYNES born 1 Sep 1885 at Salt Lake City and died 26 Jun 1944 at Salt Lake City.

23 + viii. HAZEL ‘KATE’ TUCKFIELD birth daughter of Joseph James and Mary Kate (Bushby) Tuckfield, was born 13 Mar 1889 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah; she died 23 Apr 1939 at Park City, Summit, Utah. [adopted and raised by John & Rebecca Daynes]

Generation Two

      9. Joseph John2 Daynes (John1 ThomasA) born87Joseph John Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1851, 13:325; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and Joseph John Daynes certificate of death. 2 Apr 1851 at Norwich, Norfolk, England and died88Joseph John Daynes death certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, database on line at (accessed 10 Sep 2014). 15 Jan 1920 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. A musical prodigy, he began to play89‘Joseph John Daynes’ in Andrew Jensen, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol 1 (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1901) p. 746-7 and ‘Joseph J. Daynes’ in Utah: A Centennial History (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1949) p. 56. the piano at age 4, and to perform in concerts and special entertainments at age 6; he became an accomplished singer, organist, and composer as well.90Ibid. He became Tabernacle Organist in 1867, a position he held for 33 years. He composed many hymns that received international acclaim including ‘Let All Israel Sing’ for the Salt Lake Temple dedication and ‘As the Dew from Heaven Distilling’ which became the theme for the Tabernacle Choir broadcasts on radio and television. Evan Stephens, who conducted the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for many years while Joseph J. was accompanist said, ’He was, without doubt, one of the greatest organists of his time. In my experience I never heard his equal as an accompanist for the choir and soloists and he was the very best sight reader I ever knew.’91Wikipedia, online; search ‘Joseph John Daynes’; from an essay by Royal W. Daynes, written abt 1950 and reproduced on (accessed 4 Oct 2014). He was a musician and businessman founding the Daynes Music Company in 1893.

He married 18 Nov 1872 at Salt Lake City Mary Jane (Jennie) Sharp daughter of Joseph and Jeanette (Condie) Sharp. She was born 13 Oct 1854 at Salt Lake City and died 22 Mar 1937 at Santa Monica, California.  She was buried at the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

       Joseph J. and Mary Jane (Sharp) Daynes had seven children.

24     i. JOSEPH JOHN DAYNES Jr. born92Joseph J. Daynes Death: Salt Lake City, Utah, Cemetery Records 1848-1992; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and U. S. Passport Applications 1795-1925, issued 6 Oct 1899; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 7 Nov 1874 at Salt Lake City and died93Ibid. (Cemetery Record). 19 Sep 1963 and is buried at Salt Lake City. He worked with his father and grandfather until 1893, when his father separated the music from the jewelry business, and he became manager of the Daynes Music Company; he and his family lived in Denver, Colorado in 1935.94Joseph J. Daynes family: 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake , Utah, Roll: T627_4227, E. D. 30-145, page 64B; 1935 residence listed as Denver, CO (accessed 6 Oct 2014). He married95Daynes/Woodruff marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 429056; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. F, p. 409, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 18 Dec 1895 at Salt Lake City Winnifred Blanche Woodruff daughter of Wilford and Emma (Smith) Woodruff. She was born 9 Apr 1876 at Salt Lake City and died 2 Apr 1954 at Salt Lake City, buried Salt Lake City Cemetery.96Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848 and Utah Cemetery Inventory; databases online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). Nine children.

25    ii. IRENE DAYNES born 25 Apr 1877 at Salt Lake City and died97Utah Death Registers 1847-1966, database online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). of typhoid fever 9 Dec 1888 at Salt Lake City.98Utah Cemetery Inventory; database online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

26   iii. HAROLD SHARP (Sharp) DAYNES born 15 Jul 1881 at Salt Lake City and died99California Death Index 1905-1939, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 28 Jul 1937 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California . As a young man Sharp was a proprietor of the Daynes-Beebe Music Company and later lived in southern California, in Santa Monica and Pasadena.100U. S. City Directories 1821-1989, 1921 and 1928, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). He married101Daynes/Taylor marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 429063; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. 4, p. 1260, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 14 Oct 1905 at Salt Lake City Agnes Leona Taylor, daughter of John Whittaker and May Leona (Rich) Taylor. She was born 24 Aug 1883 at Salt Lake City and died102Leona Crownover Death: California Death Index 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name: Rich; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). 12 Apr 1965 at San Bernardino, Riverside, California (two children). She was also married (2) abt 1943 John Hayden Crownover; he was born 1889 at Arkansas, served time in San Quentin for grand theft (1927-1942),103California, Prison and Correctional Records, 1951-1950, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). and died 12 Nov 1956 at Los Angeles.104John Crownover Death: California Death Index 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name: Hayden; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

27    iv. STELLA DAYNES was born 18 Jul 1883 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died105Stella D. Christensen, California Death Index, 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name Sharp. 27 Sep 1969 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. She married106Utah, Select Marriages, 1887-1966, FHL Film 429298; online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014). 28 Nov 1906 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Nis Christian Christensen Jr.,107Nis Christian Christiansen, Jr., U. S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925, online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014). son of Nis Christiansen and Gunelle (Swenson) Christiansen.108Nis Christian Christiansen (Sr.), Death Certificate 7 Jan 1935, State of Utah, Department of Health #3501266. He was born 18 Jan 1882 at Nephi, Juab, Utah and died 21 Nov 1957 at Rosemead, Los Angeles, California. They had two children.109‘Forsythe Family Tree’, owner: Logan Forsythe, (accessed 15 Aug 2014) and 1920 U. S. Census of Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, Roll T625_116, E. D. 598, Page 1B.

28    v. RAYMOND EDGAR DAYNES was born 28 Jul 1887 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died 19 Jul 1963 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.110Raymond E. Daynes, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp. He married111California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, online at FamilySearch (accessed 15 Aug 2014). 1 Jul 1916 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Grace Judkins, daughter of Louis C. and Nellie (Sutherland) Judkins. She was born 21 Aug 1892 at Oakland, Alameda, California and died 5 Sep 1982 at Martinez, Contra Costa, California. They had three children.112‘brian lilly Family Tree’, owner: in2sound, (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

29   vi. MARGUERITE DAYNES was born 28 Jun 1891 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died 17 Jul 1969 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.113‘Marguerite D Baldwin’, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp. She married 30 Nov 1916 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Charles Wilson Baldwin.114In the 1900 census he was 13 and living with his grandmother in Cincinnati, Margaret Westerman (Ward 1, Roll 1274, p. 12A, E. D. 0010, FHL microfilm 1241274). He was born 16 July 1886 at Toledo, Lucas, Ohio and died 12 Dec 1949 Los Angeles County, California. No issue.115Charles Baldwin household, 1930 U.S. Census of Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, Roll 175, p. 10A, E. D. 1506, FHL microfilm 2339910; 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 4, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, p. 1A, E. D. 136.

30   vii. VILETTA DAYNES born 22 May 1896 and died 17 Jun 1899 at Salt Lake City.116Findagrave online, #148763132 (accessed 12 Mar 2016).

      16. Ida Maud2 Bushby Daynes (John1 ThomasA) born 6 Mar 1871 at Salt Lake City and died117Ida Daynes Snow: Utah Cemetery Inventory; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014). 27 Aug 1955 and is interred in the Salt Lake City cemetery. She married (1) 12 Nov 1891 at Logan, Cache, Utah Charles Mousley Cannon son of Angus Munn and Ann Amanda (Mousley) Cannon. He was born 2 Jan 1869 at Salt Lake City and died 11 Jan 1899 at Salt Lake City.

     After Charles’ death Ida married118Utah Select County Marriages 1887-1937, online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017). (2) 11 Jun 1901 at Salt Lake City Leslie Woodruff Snow, son of Lorenzo and Phoebe Amelia (Woodruff) Snow. He was born 6 Feb 1862 at Salt Lake City and died 28 Nov 1935.

        Charles and Ida (Daynes) Cannon had a daughter.

31     i. DOROTHY CANNON born 14 Jul 1895 at Salt Lake City; died119Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982, birth data too; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 27 Feb 1955 at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. She married120Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429312; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 20 Jul 1918 at Salt Lake City George Van Studdiford, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Van Studdiford. He was born 1894 in Missouri. They had a daughter Shirley.121‘Daynes/Bushby Tree’, owner: JeanO88, and ‘Packard Block Tree’, owner devorah54, (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

        Leslie and Ida (Daynes) Snow had a son.

32     i. LYNDON DAYNES SNOW born 3 Dec 1906 at Salt Lake City; died122Lyndon D. Snow, Social Security Death Index; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 18 May 1993 at Salt Lake City. He married 24 Jun 1929 at Salt Lake City Glayde Vincent daughter of Joe Gamett and Winifred (Bonny) Vincent.123Joseph G. Vincent Family: 1910 U. S. Census of Murray Ward 2, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T624_1605, Page 15B, E. D. 0082, Image 49, FHL Film 1375618 and 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 1, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, Page 1A, E. D. 87, Image 966; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014). She was born 13 Jan 1907 at Salt Lake City and died Oct 1977 at Utah.1241930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2421, Page 11A, Image 577, FHL Film 2342155 and Social Security Death Index; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

      17. John Frederick2 (J Fred) Daynes II (John1 ThomasA) born 7 Dec 1872 at Salt Lake City and died 15 Jan 1955 at Salt Lake City. He attended the L.D.S. Business College at Social Hall and helped in his father’s store (‘John Daynes and Sons’) before serving a mission in England for his church (Mar 1898- Jul 1900). An early memory125Salt Lake Tribune 1952 ?  (clipping in possession of the authors). is having his left hand strapped into a solid leather glove in an effort to cure him of being left-handed (from age 10 to age 12). With his ‘stiffened paw’ he could lick any kid in school; he became ambidextrous. He was a member of a boys club called the ‘Rusty Dozen’ (in the 20th Ward area). His initial assignment working for his father in the jewelry story was the selling of sewing machines. He subsequently learned to be a jeweler and watchmaker from his father and also received the ‘Doctor of Optometry’ degree.126‘Friends Fete S. L. Jeweler on 80th Anniversary’ Salt Lake Tribune Thursday, December 4, 1952.

     He loved camping and road trips in his Model T. Between 1915 and 1925 he took his children to out of the way and difficult places to get to such as Koosharem (near Fish Lake, Utah), Funk’s Park (now Palisade Park near Manti), Cove Fort, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon.

     He married 28 Sep 1904 at Salt Lake City Mary Ann Anson, daughter of Perry Jesse and Jeannie Smith (Lyon) Anson. She was born 10 Sep 1880 at Salt Lake City and died 21 Dec 1919 of complications of diabetes at Salt Lake City and was buried at the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

     After Mary Ann’s death J. Fred married127Western States Marriage Record Index, v. 88, ID#627155, online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014). (2) 14 Jul 1920 at Salt Lake City Mabel Pearl Anderson, daughter of Henry James and Elizabeth Jane (Pyper) Anderson. She was born 13 Nov 1883 at Salt Lake City and died 29 Jul 1968 and was buried 2 Aug 1968 at Salt Lake City.128Utah Cemetery Inventory 1847-2000; online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017).  Pearl had married (1) 24 Sep 1907 at Salt Lake City Alma Olaf Soderberg, son of Gustaf Valfred Soderberg and Johanne Sine Frederiche (Pederson) Soderberg. He was born 29 Jun 1875 at Ephraim, Sanpete, Utah and died 5 Dec 1918 (no issue).

       J. Fred and Mary Ann (Anson) Daynes had five children.

33     i. JEAN LYON DAYNES, born 18 Jul 1905 at Salt Lake City and died 15 Sep 1947 at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii and was buried at the Salt Lake City Cemetery, Salt Lake City. See ‘Daynes Family Schism’ vide supra. She married129Western States Marriage Record Index, ID#687883, FHL Film 429113, online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014). (1) 21 Oct 1922 (div 1926) Eugene Callister Hinckley son of Dr. Elmer Eugene and Helen Angie (Callister) Hinckley. He was born 15 Aug 1899 at Fillmore, Millard, Utah and died130Eugene Calllister Hinckley, Utah Cemetery Inventory, birth and death data; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 31 Mar 1974 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. They had one son Howard, who by the terms of the divorce was raised by Eugene. He taught typing at LDS Business College. Eugene married131Stephen Walker household: 1930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2421, Page 3A, E. D. 0057, Image 229; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). (2) 11 Jun 1929 at Salt Lake City Mary Alice Walker, daughter of Stephen and Ellen Varley Walker.132‘Fisher Family Tree’, owner spiritseeker,, some sources (accessed 5 Dec 2014).

     Jean was a vivacious and capricious person and a natural salesperson. In 1926 she went to southern California, worked in several banks with great success and then convinced Adolf Zukor of Paramount Pictures to hire her as his secretary/assistant; in 1932 she helped rewrite dialog for Shirley Temple to adapt it to a 3-yr-old.

     Jean married (2) 22 Feb 1932 Edgar Louis McCoubrey, son of Catherine McCoubrey Farrell. He was born 29 Aug 1904 at St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada and died 19 Feb 2001 at Palm Springs, Riverside, California. Jean was a great help to Edgar as he attempted to make his Cadillac dealership in Riverside a financial success. But she soon succumbed to high-living and alcohol abuse. Jean lived in Palm Springs, California until her death of sleeping pill overdose/alcohol at age 42.133JFDaynes Oral History, tape 5. No issue.

     Edgar married134Edgar L. McCoubrey, Wikipedia online (accessed 21 Oct 2014). (2) Anne T. Hill in 1990; he was mayor of Palm Springs 1966-1967.

34    ii. MARIE ANSON DAYNES was born135Marie Anson Daynes birth, Salt Lake County Birth Records, 1890-1908, p. 134, line 5360; online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). 25 Dec 1907 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died 1 Aug 1995 at St. George, Washington, Utah and is interred at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park in Salt Lake City.136Arline Daynes Smith, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). She married137Smith/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). 27 Oct 1930 at Salt Lake City Fisher James Smith, son of Charles Daniel and Mary Ann (Greenhalgh) Smith. He was born 7 May 1907 at Meadow, Millard, Utah and died Sep 1997 at St. George, Washington, Utah and is interred at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park in Salt Lake City.138Ltc Fisher James Smith, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). Two daughters.139Fisher Smith household: 1940 U. S. Census of Salinas, Monterey, California, Roll T627_267, JPage 5A, E. D. 27-5; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

35   iii. ARLINE FRANCES DAYNES was born 3 Sep 1908 and died140Arline Daynes Ostler, California Death Index 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Anson. 23 Mar 1992 at Coronado, San Diego, California and is interred in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.141Arline Daynes Ostler, Utah Cemetery Inventory, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). She married142Arline Frances Daynes, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014). (1) 23 Dec 1932 (div) at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Melvin Rowntree Thorley, son of Thomas Alldridge and Jane (Rowntree) Thorley. He was born 28 Dec 1907 at Cedar City, Iron, Utah and died 5 Apr 1999 at Flintridge, Los Angeles, California. Two children. Melvin married143Melvin Thorley, Ibid. (2) Nov 1974 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Virginia Ednell Bryson, daughter of Perrigren and June Margaret (Thiriot) Bryson. Virginia had married (1) 24 Jul 1929 (div) at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Benjamin F. Miller, son of Benjamin Franklin and Lula (Lackey) Miller. Arline married144Arline Frances Daynes, Ibid. (2) 12 Nov 1953 Harry Richard Ostler, son of Harry and Minerva May (Margetts) Ostler. He was born 3 Oct 1913 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died145Obit: Harry Richards Ostler, Deseret News Monday, November 12, 2001. 8 Nov 2001. No issue with Arline. He served as a captain in the U. S. Army in WWII (the 29th Division); he landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944. He was proprietor of the Ostler Candy Company.146Ostler’s Candy, U. S. City Directories, 1821-1989; online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). Harry had married (1) 16 Jun 1937 at Salt Lake City Helen Ruth Leavitt, daughter of Julian and Elizabeth (Moyes) Leavitt. Two daughters.

36    iv. JOHN (Jack) FREDERICK DAYNES III was born 25 Sep 1910 and died 27 Mar 1980 of emphysema at Provo, Utah, Utah and is interred in East Lawn Memorial Hills in Provo, Utah, Utah. He married (1) 3 Nov 1935 (div) at Portland, Multnomah, Oregon Bernice Jeanette Kayser, daughter of Ludwig and Augusta Ophelia (Villwock) Kayser. She was born 19 Mar 1911 at Portland, Multnomah, Oregon and died 18 Jun 2008 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.147John Frederick Daynes, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014). Jack was an optometrist and proprietor of Daynes Optical as well as Daynes Jewelry in Provo, Utah. Four children. He married (2) 10 Sep 1962 Cora Hatch, daughter of Lewis Andrew and Chana Elizabeth (Broadbent) Hatch.148Cora Hatch, Ibid. No issue. She was born 24 Oct 1920 at Salem, Utah, Utah and died of metastatic breast cancer 18 Jan 1967 at Provo, Utah, Utah. She had married149Wilson/Hatch marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 0482952; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). (1) 24 Sep 1936 (div) Ralph Wilson. He married (3) 6 May 1968 Elma Cheney, daughter of Elam George and Louise (Whittaker) Cheney150Elma Cheney, Ibid. as her third husband. No issue. She was born 14 Aug 1915 at Burley, Cassia, Idaho and died 3 Dec 2005 at Bountiful, Davis, Utah and is interred in the Kaysville Cemetery. She married151Evans/Cheney marriage: Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. 5, p. 408, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).,152Clark/Cheney marriage: Idaho Marriage Index 1842-1996, Certificate 00982, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).,153Whitesides/Cheney marriage: Western States Marriage Record Index, Certificate 30197, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014). (1) 28 Apr 1940 (div) at Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho Howard Sinclair Evans and (2) 21 Jun 1947 (div) at Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho Arthur Marion Clark and (4) 29 Jun 1984 at South Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah Joseph Edward Whitesides. One daughter with (1) and two daughters with (2).

37     v. LINCOLN (Linc) ANSON DAYNES was born 15 Dec 1916 and died154Lincoln Anson Daynes, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). 23 Oct 1970 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and is interred in Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park in Salt Lake City. He married 1 Jan 1942 at Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming Elizabeth (Betty) Louise Peery, daughter of Joseph Stras and Julina Clarissa (Smith) Peery155Lincoln Daynes, FamilySearch Family Tree online (accessed 4 Nov 2014). (Julina was sister to Joseph Fielding Smith [10th Mormon Church President] and daughter of Joseph F. Smith [6th Mormon Church President]). Lincoln was an optometrist and owner of Daynes Optical and Lincoln Optical Supply in Salt Lake City. Five children.

       J. Fred and Pearl (Anderson) Daynes had one son.

38     i. ROBERT FREDERICK DAYNES born at Salt Lake City.

      18. Della Rene2 Daynes (John1 ThomasA)born 14 Aug 1875 at Salt Lake City and died156Della D. Sanders, California Death Index 1940-1997, Mother’s Maiden Name: Bushby; online at (accessed 5 Jun 2006). 20 Nov 1960 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California. She was a noted soprano157Mrs. Della Daynes Hills: ‘Talented Soprano to Sing at the American Theatre Tomorrow’ The Salt Lake Telegram, April 14, 1914, H10. and sang in the opera in Salt Lake City and in New York City. She sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for many years (1893-1905).158Della Daynes, Historical Member Roster, online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014). She married159Utah, Select Marriage Index 1887-1985, Cert. #007394; online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017). (1) 25 May 1898 (div) at Salt Lake City Lewis Burton Hills son of Lewis Samuel and Theresa Hannah (Burton) Hills.160cf. ‘Descendants of Aaron Temple’; online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014). He was born 4 Sep 1867 at Salt Lake City and died 12 Jun 1946 at Salt Lake City.

     She married161Marriage of Mrs. Della Daynes Hills and George E. Sanders: Society Page, The Salt Lake Telegram, February 16, 1917. (2) 15 Feb 1917 at the Yellowstone Hotel, Pocatello, Bannock, Idaho George E. Sanders; for most of their married life they used the name Saunders; no issue. He was born162George Saunders, U. S. Social Security Death Index, online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014). 7 Oct 1875 at Utah Territory and died Jan 1966 at Utah, son of George W. and Elizabeth Saunders.163Geo W. Saunders family: 1880 U. S. Census of Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, Roll 360, p. 366A, E. D. 164 and George Saunders family: 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 4, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, p. 6B, E. D. 140. He married164Eda V. Moore/Geo E. Sanders marriage: Pinal County Courthouse, AZ, Vol. 1A, p. 121; online at (accessed 23 Aug 2014). (1) 7 Jul 1896 (div) at Florence, Pinal, Arizona Eda V. Moore, she was born Oct 1876 at Topeka, Shaunee, Kansas daughter of Milton Randolph and Ann J. (Perkins) Moore. They had two children; including a son Milton G. Sanders born 27 Jun 1905 at New York City, New York.165‘Harken Family Tree’, owner: NieldsReese, (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

       Lewis and Della Rene (Daynes) Hills had two children

39   i. JUDITH TEMPLE HILLS born 18 Feb 1899 at Salt Lake City and died 1 Apr 1988 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. She married 24 Feb 1925 at New York City, New York Fred Lothair Packard. They had one child.

40   ii. VIRGINIA HILLS born 30 Jun 1904 at Salt Lake City and died 11 Jun 1998 at Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. She married (1) 1933 John Taylor Gibbs and (2) 1955 John Herman Rottmann; no issue.

      19. Royal Walter2 (Roy) Daynes (John1 ThomasA)born166Royal Walter Daynes, Millenium File,; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 3 Oct 1877 at Salt Lake City and died167Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966, File 1950004727; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 5 Dec 1950 at Salt Lake City. Roy was associated with the Daynes Jewelry store and then owner/manager of Daynes Music and Daynes Optical of Salt Lake City.168‘Royal Walter Daynes’ in Utah: A Centennial History (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1949) p. 56.

     He married169Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429058; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). (1) 16 Oct 1901 at Salt Lake City Amy Urilda Rich daughter of John Taylor and Agnes Elizabeth Eola (Young) Rich. She was born170Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848, database online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 1 May 1879 at Grantsville, Tooele, Utah and died171Salt Lake County, Utah, Death Records, 1908-1949; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 15 Aug 1942.

     After Amy’s death he married172Royal Walter Daynes, online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). (2) 31 Dec 1943 Mary Eliza Grimsdell, daughter of William Charles Frederick and Jane Green (Buckle) Grimsdell. She was born 11 Jun 1894 at Salt Lake City and died173Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 10 Mar 1952 at Salt Lake City. She had married174Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429311; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). (1) 22 Dec 1917 (div) at Salt Lake City Lemert Phillips Van Voorhis born 3 Oct 1877 at Salt Lake City and died175Lemert Van Voorhis, online at (accessed 31 Jul 2015). 6 Nov 1949.

Royal and Amy (Rich) Daynes had five children.

41   i. ROYAL RICH DAYNES was born 4 Sep 1902 and died 2 Apr 1905 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.176Royal Rich Daynes, online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

42   ii. GERALD (Skip) RICH DAYNES was born 15 Oct 1904 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died177Gerald Rich Daynes, California Death Index 1940-1997, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). 11 May 1978 at Fallbrook, San Diego, California and was buried 17 May 1978 in the Salt Lake City cemetery.178Gerald R. Daynes, Sr., Utah Cemetery Inventory, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). He married179Daynes/Clays marriage, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014). 28 Feb 1939 at Salt Lake City Ethel Ruth Langwell Clays, daughter of John Peter and Mary May (Langwell) Clays. She was born 9 Jul 1908 at Seattle, King, Washington and died 29 Nov 1989 at Lockeford, San Joaquin, California.180Gerald R. Daynes household, 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 9A, E. D. 30-15. He was the proprietor of the Daynes Music Company. At least two children.181Gerald Rich Daynes, Capt., Utah, Military Records, 1861-1970, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

43   iii. DELORES BONNIE DAYNES was born182Delores R. Daynes birth: Utah, Salt Lake County Birth Records, 1890-1908, p. 120, line 4799; father: R. W. Daynes, mother Amy Rich; and, search ‘Royal Walter Daynes’ FGS. 30 Sep 1906 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died183Bonnie D. Adams, U. S. Social Security Death Index (accessed 24 Sep 2014). 31 Jan 1995 at Denver and is interred at Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Denver, Colorado.184Online at, #97423723 (accessed 24 Sep 2014). She married,185R. W. Daynes household: 1930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2420, Page 8A, E. D. 0081, Image 466, FHL Film 2342154, Bonnie was single; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).,186Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43), handdrawn pedigree (abt 1970), in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, Nevada. (1) abt 1931 (div) Clarence Dinsmore and (2) before 1935 John Quincy Adams Jr., son of John Q. and Estelle O. Adams.187John Q. Adams household: 1930 U. S. Census of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Roll 237, Page 9A, E. D. 0107, Image 409, FHL Film 2339972. He was born 1905 at Arkansas and died188Online at, # 97423725 (accessed 21 Oct 2014). 1965 at Denver, Colorado. He was manager of a music company.1891940 U. S. Census of Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho, Roll T627_754, E. D. 42-33, p. 7B; online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014). Two children.

44   iv. REBECCA RICH DAYNES was born 9 Feb 1909 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah and died 15 Sep 1989 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. She married190Young/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). (1) 26 Dec 1929 (div) at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Truman Richards Young, son of Richard Whitehead and Minerva (Richards) Young. He was born 19 Jul 1904 at Salt Lake City and died Jan 1984 at Paradise Valley, Maricopa, Arizona.191Truman Young, Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). In 1930 the couple was living in Washington, D. C.192Truman Young household, 1930 U.S. census of Washington, District of Columbia, Roll 297, p. 36A, E. D. 0191, FHL microfilm 2340032. No issue. She married193Jeremy/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014). (2) 16 Nov 1935 at Davis, Salt Lake, Utah Thomas Ethan Jeremy, son of Ethan John and Minnie (Hodges) Jeremy.194Thomas Jeremy, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014). He was born 21 Nov 1904 and died Nov 1979 at Salt Lake City.195Thomas Jeremy household, 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 14A, E. D. 30-16. One daughter.

45   v. CHERRY ROSALIN DAYNES was born 19 May 1914 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Utah and died 3 Nov 1990 at Denver, Denver, Colorado.196‘JacobsenWilkes Family’, owner: JaniceWilkes697, (accessed 16Aug 2014). She married 1942 at Berkeley, Alameda, California Carl Herman Jacobsen, son of Hans Jacob Georg Rasmuss and Alma Kathrine (Sorensen) Jacobsen. He was born 25 May 1913 at Akeley, Hubbard, Minnesota and died 28 Sep 1983 at Lakewood, Jefferson, Colorado. Two children.197Ibid.

      22. Dean Rich2 Daynes (John1 ThomasA)born 1 Sep 1885 at Salt Lake City and died198Salt Lake County, Utah, Death Records, 1908-1949, birth, death, and parentage data; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 26 Jun 1944 at Salt Lake City and was buried 29 Jun 1944 at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Salt Lake City. He was the co-operator of the Daynes Music Company of Salt Lake City. He was very musical and could play nearly any musical instrument.199JFDaynes Oral History. He married200Utah, Select Marriages, 1887-1966, Ref ID 6304, FHL Film 429069; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 10 Jun 1908 at Salt Lake City Mina Walker Rogers, daughter of Lewis B. and Mina (Walker) Rogers.201Lewis Rogers household: 1900 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 2, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 1684, Page 4B, E. D. 0013, FHL Film 1341684; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). She was born 10 Aug 1885 at Salt Lake City and died202Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014). 16 Dec 1953 at Salt Lake City.

       Dean and Mina (Rogers) Daynes had two children.203Dean R. Daynes household, 1930 U.S. census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2418, p. 16B, E. D. 0017, FHL microfilm 2342152.

46   i. BARBARA DAYNES born 28 Jul 1911 at Salt Lake City and died 21 Aug 1989 at Petaluma, Sonoma, California. She married204Williams/Daynes marriage: Western States Marriage Index #529376 at (accessed 15 Aug 2014). 16 May 1938 at Tooele, Tooele, Utah Harry M. Williams. He was born abt 1898.205‘O’Connor Family Tree’, owner: weaverpaul51, (accessed 15 Aug 2014); Barbara Daynes Williams, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp. No issue.

47   ii. ROGER (Rog) W. DAYNES born 17 May 1916 at Salt Lake City and died Mar 1980 at Salt Lake City. He was a musician and single in 1940.206Roger Daynes, Social Security Death Index, online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014); 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 61A, E. D. 30-28.

      23. Hazel ‘Kate’ Tuckfield (Joseph James1) birth daughter of Joseph James and Mary Kate (Bushby) Tuckfield, was born207Joseph J. Tuckfield Family: 1910 U. S. Census of Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, Roll T624_858, Page 5B, E. D. 0005, FHL Film 1374871, Hazel K. is 21, living with her father and his 2nd wife Anna Snedden, married 5 yrs.; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014). 13 Mar 1889 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah; she died 23 Apr 1939 at Park City, Summit, Utah. She was adopted and raised by John and Rebecca Daynes when Mary Kate (Bushby) Tuckfield died in childbirth in 1889. Mary Kate was Rebecca Bushby’s niece, the daughter of her brother John and his wife Eliza Pindar,208John Bushby household: 1871 England Census of Hull, Yorkshire, England, Holy Trinity Parish, Class RG10, Piece, 4795, Folio 110, Page 41, GSU roll 847350 (Mary Kate is 8) and 1881 England Census of Hull, Yorkshire, England, Kingston-Upon-Hull Parish, Piece, 4779, Folio 43, Page 37; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014). Therefore Mary Kate came from Hull, Yorkshire to Utah after 1871 and before 1881; she does not appear in the Mormon Migration Index., 209John. Daynes household: 1880 U.S. census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 1337, p. 16B, E. D. 050, FHL microfilm 1255337. Hazel (Kate) lived several years in Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada. She married 5 Jul 1911 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California John Herbert Dalzell son of Thomas and Catherine (Jackson) Dalzell. He was born 18 Jul 1886 at Manitoba, Canada and died 8 Nov 1945 at Los Angeles, California.

       John and Hazel (Tuckfield) Dalzell had a daughter:

48   i. ELIZABETH KATHLEEN DALZELL, born 10 Apr 1914 in California. She died 5 Sep 1991 at Orange, California.210John H. ‘Balzell’ household, 1930 U.S. Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Roll 137, p. 8B, E. D. 0116, FHL microfilm 2339872; Elizabeth is 15 and living with her parents and her paternal grandfather., 211Elizabeth Kathleen Henry, California Death Index, 1940-1997. She married abt 1934 Gilbert Henry, he was born abt 1912 in California.2121940 U. S. Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Roll T627_400, p. 62B, E. D. 60-180; Elizabeth is living with her father, her husband and son Jack, and her father’s brother. At least one son.


1. Daynes, J. Donald (ggson) ‘John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, Prominent Pioneer’, typescript, 5 pages (September 1, 1977); copy in possession of the authors (hereafter Prominent Pioneer).

2. Photo is from Jean Bucher ‘Once Upon a Business…’, Utah Holiday, June 1989 issue, p. 28-29; drawing of the original oil that hung in the jewelry store published in Deseret News, Saturday, April 8, 1939, (ad) p. 15.

3. ‘DAYNES JEWELRY CO., Utah’s Pioneer Jewelers Celebrates 102th Anniversity’ The Deseret News Tuesday, July 1, 1952 (the Daynes Jewelry Company was originally established by John Daynes in Norwich, England in 1850) and ‘The Daynes Building’, picture taken March 31, 1909 by Shipler Photo, 118 South Main, Salt Lake City (original in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV 89451).

4. Gurchiek, Kathy ‘Family Heirloom’ The Salt Lake Tribune May 5, 2003.

5. Slaughter, William ‘Daynes Music Company’ Utah Business (April 2002); cited in Wikipedia (, search: Daynes Music Company.

6. Various Salt Lake City Directories, Family History Library US/CAN 979.225 E4 including Sloan, E. L. Salt Lake City Directory and Business Guide, 1869, pp. 101,171; Crofutt, George A. Crofutt’s Salt Lake City Directory, 1885-6, p. 118, and others.

7. John F. Daynes III oral history (1977, twelve tapes, transferred to CDs), Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections; hereafter JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1.

8. The Salt Lake Telegram, April 22, April 23, May 7, and May 28, 1907.

9. The Daynes Building, picture taken March 31, 1909 by Shipler Photo, 118 South Main, Salt Lake City, original in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV 89451.

10. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1.

11. Utah Historical Society, Historic Preservation Research Office, Site No. 15.

12. Many versions of this story exist; none are first-hand accounts. The only sourced and detailed one is found in Prominent Pioneer, p. 3).

13. Barnett, A. and C. Bell, Historical Guide to the Streets of Salt Lake City (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Historical Society, 2001).

14. Prominent Pioneer, p. 3.

15. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1.

16. Wikipedia, online at (searchterm: Edmunds Act).

17. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 1.

18. Ibid.

19. Prominent Pioneer, p. 3.

20. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 4.

21. Ibid., tape 4.

22. Ibid., tape 5.

23. ‘Former President of Utah Senate Has Wide Experience in Politics’ The Salt Lake Tribune January 29, 1929, p. 7.

24. JFDaynes Oral History.

25. Ibid., tape 5.

26. devorah54 ( has contributed a photo of Thomas Dains birth/baptism record, son of John and Ann (Harte) Daynes; no other source detail. This is corroborated by the death record (ref 14) which has him age 77 at his death in 1881 and the 1841 and 1851 censuses (ref 18) which has him age 35 in 1841 and age 46 in 1851.

27. Thomas Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1918, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1881, 4b: 108, age at death 77.

28. Daines/Carter marriage: England, Selected Marriages 1538-1973, FHL Film 1278,883, item 2 (Bishop’s Transcripts for the Archdeaconry of Norwich 1685-1925); online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

29. Bridget Carter baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1517746, item 27, p. 25 (Parish registers for St. Benedict’s Church, Norwich, 1562-1906); online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

30. Bridget Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Third Quarter 1864, 4b:93; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

31. 1841 England Census of Norfolk, St. Paul Parish, Class HO107, Enumeration District 16, Folio 35, p. 21 and 1851 England Census of Norfolk, St. Paul Parish, Class HO107, GSU Roll 207466, Piece 1813, Folio 35, p. 30.

32. Birth date: mentioned in a letter from Wm Daynes to J. Fred Daynes (August 29, 1905) written on the occasion of John Daynes death; in the possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV.

33. William Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1565,304, item 4, p. 37; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

34. Funerary card in the possession of the author (it was received by J. F. Daynes II on 1 Jan 1913).

35. Daynes/Ashley certification of marriage, Holborn Dist., Fourth Quarter 1847, 2:88, England and Wales Civil Registration, General Register Office, London, U.K.

36. Susannah Ashley baptism: England and Wales, The National Archives, Kew, Non-conformist and Non-parochial Registers, 1567-1970, Piece 2591, Devizes, St. Mary’s Chapel (Independent) 1774-1837; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

37. ‘Death of Mr. W. Daynes, A Long and Useful Life’ The Rugby Observer, September 27, 1912, Rugby, Warwick, England.

38. Thomas Daynes baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1278,904, item 2; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

39. Thomas Daynes death: England, Select Deaths and Burials, FHL Film 1565,304, item 8, p. 22 (online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

40. Thomas Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1565,304, item 4, p. 63; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

41. Daynes/Purland marriage: England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973, FHL Film 1472,781, item 4-6 (Parish Registers for St. Matthew’s Church, Thorpe-next-Norwich, 1851-1901), online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

42. Harriet Purland birth: England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, FHL Film 0571604 and 0894699 (Parish registers for St. James with Pockthorpe Church, Norwich, 1556-1911); online at Ancestry. com (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

43. Harriet Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1884, 4b:93, age 49; online at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

44. Richard Daines baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1517,749, item 1, p. 25; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

45. 1861 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class RG9, Piece 1212, Parish: Norwich St. Edmund, E. D. 6, Folio 35, Page 8; Richard/Harriot Daynes, both age 32, a son Richard age 10, cordwainer, both b. Norwich.

46. Daynes/Horth certification of marriage, Norwich District, Third Quarter 1855, 4b: 201, England and Wales Civil Registration.

47. Harriet Horth baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1470,813, item 3, p. 57; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

48. 1891 England Census of Shoreditch, London, Class RG12, Piece 247, Parish: St. Marks Old Street, Book 4, E. D. 24, Folio 122, Page 24; census shows Richard/Harriet Daynes, ages 61/60, shoemaker (cordwainer), both born Norwich, General Register Office, London, U. K.

49. (search Susan Daynes, dau Thomas and Bridget (Carter) Daines).

50. 1841 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 790, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, E. D. 16, Folio 36, Page 22; Thomas Daynes family, Susan age 3; 1851 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 1813, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, Folio 35, Page 30, Susan age 16; her death record (Susan Dawson) estimates her birth in 1834 and the 1881 England Census of Norwich, Norfolk, Class RG11, Piece 1938, Parish: Norwich St. Clement, E. D. 24, Folio 125, Page 35 has her age 46 (b. 1835).

51. Susan Dawson death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1905, 4b:64; online at (accessed 15 Sep 2014).

52. Dawson/Daynes certification of marriage, Norwich Dist., Fourth Quarter 1854, 4b:371, England and Wales Civil Registration, General Register Office, London, U.K.

53. ‘Holland/Dalton/Cook/Loose Family Tree’, owner: davidpreston1_1,, ‘Dawson Family Tree’, owner: spudkins, and references therein (accessed 27 Jan 2017) and personal communication from Richard Price, SLC, UT.

54. Elizabeth Daynes baptism: England, Select Births and Christenings, FHL Film 1470,903, p. 47, dau of Thomas Daynes and Bridget Carter; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

55. 1841 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 790, Parish: St. Paul, Book 4, E. D. 16, Folio 35, Page 21 and 1851 England Census of Norfolk, Norwich, Class HO107, Piece 1813, Parish: Norwich St. Paul, E. D. 1b, Folio 35, Page 30; Thomas Daynes Family: Elizabeth was there in 1841 (age 5) but not in 1851 when she would have been 15.  Note: this Elizabeth Daynes, b. 1836 is included incorrectly in several Family Trees on Ancestry (accessed 4 Oct 2014); examination of the marriage records for these Elizabeths lists her father as ‘James Daynes’ and/or the later census records (1861-1881) lists her birthplace as Norfolk, but not Norwich.

56. A primary birth or christening record has not been found; John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, online at, #57991281 (accessed 25 Sep 2014); marker has birth and death dates. The birth date in 1831 is consistent with 1841 and 1851 British Census records vide supra.

57. John Daynes death certificate, State Board of Health File No. 352, State of Utah, online at (accessed 13 Aug 2014).

58. ‘John Daynes Dead’ The Salt Lake Telegram, March 30, 1905, Salt Lake City, Utah.

59. John Frederick Nicholas Daynes, online at, #57991281 (accessed 25 Sep 2014); marker has birth and death dates.

60. Prominent Pioneer, p. 2.

61. ‘John Daynes and Sons’ The Salt Lake Telegram, November 30, 1905, Salt Lake City, Utah.

62. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 2.

63. Ibid.

64. Daynes/Miller marriage: England and Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1850, 13:471 and Millennium file; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

65. Eliza Miller birth/christening: England, Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975, FHL Film 1526,650 (Bishop’s transcripts for the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, 1686-1941); online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

66. Eliza Daynes death: Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961 (Utah State Archives, series 81448), age 84; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014); see also ‘Bushby/Daynes Tree’, owner: JeanO88, (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

67. Daynes/Bushby marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937 (Utah, County Marriages) and Millennium file; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

68. Rebecca Bushby birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Sculcoates District (Yorkshire, East Riding), First Quarter 1849, 22:576; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014); many accounts list her birth year as 1851, but the 1851 England census of Hull, Yorkshire (Holy Trinity Parish, Kingston-upon-Hull), Class HO107, piece 2363, folio 984, page 1 has her with her parents Thomas and Ester, age 2.

69. Rebecca Daynes death: Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, also lists birth data and parentage; online at (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

70. Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43) ‘Some facts I have discovered about Rebecca Bushby, John Daynes, and Joseph J. Daynes’, unpublished manuscript, copy in the possession of the author, 2 pages.

71. Search ‘Rebecca Bushby’ at; she sailed Liverpool to New York (25 Aug 1869-6 Sep 1869); (accessed 25 Sep 2014).

72. Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43) ‘Some facts I have discovered about Rebecca Bushby, John Daynes, and Joseph J. Daynes’, unpublished manuscript, copy in the possession of the author, 2 pages; she states she has two letters of Joseph J.’s to Rebecca.

73. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 2; John Daynes’ son J. Fred contended that his father actually persuaded Becky to marry him on the occasion of his son Joseph J.’s asking for permission for he and Becky to get married.

74. John Daynes household, 1870 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 20, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, Roll M593_1611, p. 715B, dwell. 13, fam. 13; John and Eliza and their two children plus John’s wife #2 Rebecca and her mother Ester Bushby, a Maria Ames (no occupation), William Boden (day laborer), and Mary Ann Miller [b. 1857, England; the daughter of Eliza Miller’s brother William; see Kate B. Carter, Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol 12 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1962), p. 35-6].

75. ‘Cladius’ Miller Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1853, 4b:131; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at

76. ‘Cladius’ Miller Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1853, 4b:66; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at

77. Eliza Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, First Quarter 1855, 4b:119; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014).

78. Lisle Miller Daynes death certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, database on line at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

79. Mary Ann Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1856, 4b:112; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at

80. Mary Ann Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1857, 4b:86; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at and personal communication from Richard Price, SLC, UT.

81. FamilySearch Family Tree at; no British birth/christening record can be found.

82. Matthias Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1859, 4b:106; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at

83. Matthias Daynes death: England and Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Fourth Quarter 1857, 4b:70; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and FamilySearch Family Tree at

84. FamilySearch Family Tree at (Ancestral File Number 1PQC-Z8; submitted by rwprice624040/bcevans560324, microfilm 1394150).

85. Utah, Deaths and Burials, 1888-1946, p68 dth. #2752; online at FamilySearch (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

86. Utah, Deaths and Burials, 1888-1946, #11149 P279; online at FamilySearch (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

87. Joseph John Daynes birth: England and Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915, Norwich District, Second Quarter 1851, 13:325; online at (accessed 3 Sep 2014) and Joseph John Daynes certificate of death.

88. Joseph John Daynes death certificate, Salt Lake County, Utah Death Records 1908-1949, database on line at (accessed 10 Sep 2014).

89. ‘Joseph John Daynes’ in Andrew Jensen, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol 1 (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1901) p. 746-7 and ‘Joseph J. Daynes’ in Utah: A Centennial History (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1949) p. 56.

90. Ibid.

91. Wikipedia, online; search ‘Joseph John Daynes’; from an essay by Royal W. Daynes, written abt 1950 and reproduced on (accessed 4 Oct 2014).

92. Joseph J. Daynes Death: Salt Lake City, Utah, Cemetery Records 1848-1992; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and U. S. Passport Applications 1795-1925, issued 6 Oct 1899; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

93. Ibid. (Cemetery Record).

94. Joseph J. Daynes family: 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake , Utah, Roll: T627_4227, E. D. 30-145, page 64B; 1935 residence listed as Denver, CO (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

95. Daynes/Woodruff marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 429056; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. F, p. 409, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

96. Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848 and Utah Cemetery Inventory; databases online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

97. Utah Death Registers 1847-1966, database online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

98. Utah Cemetery Inventory; database online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

99. California Death Index 1905-1939, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

100. U. S. City Directories 1821-1989, 1921 and 1928, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

101. Daynes/Taylor marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 429063; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014) and Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. 4, p. 1260, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

102. Leona Crownover Death: California Death Index 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name: Rich; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

103. California, Prison and Correctional Records, 1951-1950, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

104. John Crownover Death: California Death Index 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name: Hayden; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

105. Stella D. Christensen, California Death Index, 1940-1997, mother’s maiden name Sharp.

106. Utah, Select Marriages, 1887-1966, FHL Film 429298; online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

107. Nis Christian Christiansen, Jr., U. S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925, online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

108. Nis Christian Christiansen (Sr.), Death Certificate 7 Jan 1935, State of Utah, Department of Health #3501266.

109. ‘Forsythe Family Tree’, owner: Logan Forsythe, (accessed 15 Aug 2014) and 1920 U. S. Census of Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, Roll T625_116, E. D. 598, Page 1B.

110. Raymond E. Daynes, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp.

111. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, online at FamilySearch (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

112. ‘brian lilly Family Tree’, owner: in2sound, (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

113. ‘Marguerite D Baldwin’, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp.

114. In the 1900 census he was 13 and living with his grandmother in Cincinnati, Margaret Westerman (Ward 1, Roll 1274, p. 12A, E. D. 0010, FHL microfilm 1241274).

115. Charles Baldwin household, 1930 U.S. Census of Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, Roll 175, p. 10A, E. D. 1506, FHL microfilm 2339910; 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 4, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, p. 1A, E. D. 136.

116. Findagrave online, #148763132 (accessed 12 Mar 2016).

117. Ida Daynes Snow: Utah Cemetery Inventory; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

118. Utah Select County Marriages 1887-1937, online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017).

119. Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982, birth data too; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

120. Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429312; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

121. ‘Daynes/Bushby Tree’, owner: JeanO88, and ‘Packard Block Tree’, owner devorah54, (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

122. Lyndon D. Snow, Social Security Death Index; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

123. Joseph G. Vincent Family: 1910 U. S. Census of Murray Ward 2, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T624_1605, Page 15B, E. D. 0082, Image 49, FHL Film 1375618 and 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 1, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, Page 1A, E. D. 87, Image 966; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

124. 1930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2421, Page 11A, Image 577, FHL Film 2342155 and Social Security Death Index; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

125. Salt Lake Tribune 1952 ?  (clipping in possession of the authors).

126. ‘Friends Fete S. L. Jeweler on 80th Anniversary’ Salt Lake Tribune Thursday, December 4, 1952.

127. Western States Marriage Record Index, v. 88, ID#627155, online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014).

128. Utah Cemetery Inventory 1847-2000; online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017).

129. Western States Marriage Record Index, ID#687883, FHL Film 429113, online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014).

130. Eugene Calllister Hinckley, Utah Cemetery Inventory, birth and death data; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

131. Stephen Walker household: 1930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2421, Page 3A, E. D. 0057, Image 229; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

132. ‘Fisher Family Tree’, owner spiritseeker,, some sources (accessed 5 Dec 2014).

133. JFDaynes Oral History, tape 5.

134. Edgar L. McCoubrey, Wikipedia online (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

135. Marie Anson Daynes birth, Salt Lake County Birth Records, 1890-1908, p. 134, line 5360; online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

136. Arline Daynes Smith, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

137. Smith/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

138. Ltc Fisher James Smith, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

139. Fisher Smith household: 1940 U. S. Census of Salinas, Monterey, California, Roll T627_267, JPage 5A, E. D. 27-5; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

140. Arline Daynes Ostler, California Death Index 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Anson.

141. Arline Daynes Ostler, Utah Cemetery Inventory, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

142. Arline Frances Daynes, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

143. Melvin Thorley, Ibid.

144. Arline Frances Daynes, Ibid.

145. Obit: Harry Richards Ostler, Deseret News Monday, November 12, 2001.

146. Ostler’s Candy, U. S. City Directories, 1821-1989; online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

147. John Frederick Daynes, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

148. Cora Hatch, Ibid.

149. Wilson/Hatch marriage: Utah, Select County Marriage 1887-1937, FHL Film 0482952; online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

150. Elma Cheney, Ibid.

151. Evans/Cheney marriage: Western States Marriage Record Index, Vol. 5, p. 408, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

152. Clark/Cheney marriage: Idaho Marriage Index 1842-1996, Certificate 00982, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

153. Whitesides/Cheney marriage: Western States Marriage Record Index, Certificate 30197, online at (accessed 6 Oct 2014).

154. Lincoln Anson Daynes, Findagrave index online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

155. Lincoln Daynes, FamilySearch Family Tree online (accessed 4 Nov 2014).

156. Della D. Sanders, California Death Index 1940-1997, Mother’s Maiden Name: Bushby; online at (accessed 5 Jun 2006).

157. Mrs. Della Daynes Hills: ‘Talented Soprano to Sing at the American Theatre Tomorrow’ The Salt Lake Telegram, April 14, 1914, H10.

158. Della Daynes, Historical Member Roster, online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

159. Utah, Select Marriage Index 1887-1985, Cert. #007394; online at (accessed 26 Jan 2017).

160. cf. ‘Descendants of Aaron Temple’; online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

161. Marriage of Mrs. Della Daynes Hills and George E. Sanders: Society Page, The Salt Lake Telegram, February 16, 1917.

162. George Saunders, U. S. Social Security Death Index, online at (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

163. Geo W. Saunders family: 1880 U. S. Census of Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, Roll 360, p. 366A, E. D. 164 and George Saunders family: 1920 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 4, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T625_1865, p. 6B, E. D. 140.

164. Eda V. Moore/Geo E. Sanders marriage: Pinal County Courthouse, AZ, Vol. 1A, p. 121; online at (accessed 23 Aug 2014).

165. ‘Harken Family Tree’, owner: NieldsReese, (accessed 11 Aug 2014).

166. Royal Walter Daynes, Millenium File,; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

167. Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966, File 1950004727; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

168. ‘Royal Walter Daynes’ in Utah: A Centennial History (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1949) p. 56.

169. Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429058; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

170. Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848, database online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

171. Salt Lake County, Utah, Death Records, 1908-1949; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

172. Royal Walter Daynes, online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

173. Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

174. Utah, Select County Marriages, 1887-1937, FHL Film 429311; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

175. Lemert Van Voorhis, online at (accessed 31 Jul 2015).

176. Royal Rich Daynes, online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

177. Gerald Rich Daynes, California Death Index 1940-1997, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

178. Gerald R. Daynes, Sr., Utah Cemetery Inventory, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

179. Daynes/Clays marriage, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

180. Gerald R. Daynes household, 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 9A, E. D. 30-15.

181. Gerald Rich Daynes, Capt., Utah, Military Records, 1861-1970, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

182. Delores R. Daynes birth: Utah, Salt Lake County Birth Records, 1890-1908, p. 120, line 4799; father: R. W. Daynes, mother Amy Rich; and, search ‘Royal Walter Daynes’ FGS.

183. Bonnie D. Adams, U. S. Social Security Death Index (accessed 24 Sep 2014).

184. Online at, #97423723 (accessed 24 Sep 2014).

185. R. W. Daynes household: 1930 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2420, Page 8A, E. D. 0081, Image 466, FHL Film 2342154, Bonnie was single; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

186. Adams, Bonnie Daynes (43), handdrawn pedigree (abt 1970), in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, Nevada.

187. John Q. Adams household: 1930 U. S. Census of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Roll 237, Page 9A, E. D. 0107, Image 409, FHL Film 2339972.

188. Online at, # 97423725 (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

189. 1940 U. S. Census of Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho, Roll T627_754, E. D. 42-33, p. 7B; online at (accessed 24 Sep 2014).

190. Young/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

191. Truman Young, Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

192. Truman Young household, 1930 U.S. census of Washington, District of Columbia, Roll 297, p. 36A, E. D. 0191, FHL microfilm 2340032.

193. Jeremy/Daynes marriage: Utah, Select County Marriages,1887-1937, online at (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

194. Thomas Jeremy, FamilySearch online (accessed 16 Aug 2014).

195. Thomas Jeremy household, 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 14A, E. D. 30-16.

196. ‘JacobsenWilkes Family’, owner: JaniceWilkes697, (accessed 16Aug 2014).

197. Ibid.

198. Salt Lake County, Utah, Death Records, 1908-1949, birth, death, and parentage data; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

199. JFDaynes Oral History.

200. Utah, Select Marriages, 1887-1966, Ref ID 6304, FHL Film 429069; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

201. Lewis Rogers household: 1900 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City Ward 2, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 1684, Page 4B, E. D. 0013, FHL Film 1341684; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

202. Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961; online at (accessed 23 Oct 2014).

203. Dean R. Daynes household, 1930 U.S. census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 2418, p. 16B, E. D. 0017, FHL microfilm 2342152.

204. Williams/Daynes marriage: Western States Marriage Index #529376 at (accessed 15 Aug 2014).

205. ‘O’Connor Family Tree’, owner: weaverpaul51, (accessed 15 Aug 2014); Barbara Daynes Williams, California Death Index, 1940-1997; mother’s maiden name Sharp.

206. Roger Daynes, Social Security Death Index, online at (accessed 15 Aug 2014); 1940 U. S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll T627_4223, p. 61A, E. D. 30-28.

207. Joseph J. Tuckfield Family: 1910 U. S. Census of Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, Roll T624_858, Page 5B, E. D. 0005, FHL Film 1374871, Hazel K. is 21, living with her father and his 2nd wife Anna Snedden, married 5 yrs.; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014).

208. John Bushby household: 1871 England Census of Hull, Yorkshire, England, Holy Trinity Parish, Class RG10, Piece, 4795, Folio 110, Page 41, GSU roll 847350 (Mary Kate is 8) and 1881 England Census of Hull, Yorkshire, England, Kingston-Upon-Hull Parish, Piece, 4779, Folio 43, Page 37; online at (accessed 21 Oct 2014). Therefore Mary Kate came from Hull, Yorkshire to Utah after 1871 and before 1881; she does not appear in the Mormon Migration Index.

209. John. Daynes household: 1880 U.S. census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Roll 1337, p. 16B, E. D. 050, FHL microfilm 1255337.

210. John H. ‘Balzell’ household, 1930 U.S. Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Roll 137, p. 8B, E. D. 0116, FHL microfilm 2339872; Elizabeth is 15 and living with her parents and her paternal grandfather.

211. Elizabeth Kathleen Henry, California Death Index, 1940-1997.

212. 1940 U. S. Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Roll T627_400, p. 62B, E. D. 60-180; Elizabeth is living with her father, her husband and son Jack, and her father’s brother.

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