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Kayser Family


Version: 22 Nov 2020

The Württembergian Kayser Family (Black Sea Russians) from the Odessa Region of Russia

Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.

   Friedrich Kayser was born 21 Apr 1840 at the Groβliebenthal colony (the village of Alexanderhilf), near Odessa, administrative center Kherson, Russia, the son of Johann Adam Kayser and Anna Maria Frey. Groβliebenthal is a German colony a little northwest of Odessa (see Figure 1), Russia in what is termed Bessarabia.

Figure 1. Map of the (Black Sea) German Colonies near Odessa, Russia.1Stumpp, Karl The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 (Tubingen: Christian Gulde, 1973) p. 23; hereafter Stumpp.

   The German colonists in this area came mostly from southern Germany at the invitation of Catherine the Great and Tsar Alexander I to settle the rich farmland in the Odessa region.

Figure 2. Origin of Residents of the Mother Colonies in the Odessa Region.2Ibid., p. 100.(Alexanderhilf is the southern-most colony; most of its’ colonists are from Württemberg).

   Below is shown Friedrich’s baptism record3Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/24, p. 386, FHL Film 1883,190; online at FamilySearch Россия, дубликаты Лютеранских метрических книг in the Lutheran church in Groβliebenthal. In addition to his baptism record, we also learn his mother’s name as well as her maiden name Frey.

Figure 3. Friedrich Kayser baptism record.

   The Kayser family came from Entringen, Kreis Schwartzwald, Württemberg in or about 1818; this from a ‘Familien Dokumente’, a document furnished by the province of Württemberg to all emigrating families as a kind of recommendation document to be provided to their new jurisdiction. A brief summary is also included in the ‘Württemberg Emigration Index’ (8 vols, see FamilySearch).

   From this document we learn immediately the identity of two more generations of Kaysers. The document was prepared at the request of Johann Leonhard Kayser, father of Johann Adam Kayser. A translation is shown below.

   Beginning of translation_______________________________________________________

Letter of Birth

   We at the royal Württembergian village of Entringen in the principality of Herrenberg as ordained mayor, provost, and judge attest that Johann Leonhard Kayser has appeared before us and has revealed what plans he has decided upon with God, which are—that he and his family will immigrate to Caucasia. In an undertaking of such design a certified document of his birth, descent, and present performance would be necessary and he has submitted the accompanying request for us to issue him such a document.

   We have in all fairness considered this demand that we should lay down in writing a testament of the truth regarding this matter:

   So we testify by our judicial and official responsibilities that the above-named Johann Leonhard Kayser is the son of Johann Adam Kayser of Wankheim and his wife Catherina born Walkerin and that he was born under the law of these his natural parents. This is evidenced by the entry in the baptismal book on the 20th of April 1782 that he came into the world on that day and was taken immediately to the holy baptism. The baptism witnesses thereby testified that they knew nothing of his heritage or descent which they might take exception to, but know and attest of the acceptability of his background. Concerning his upbringing, as far as we know or have heard attested, he has led at all time an honest, devout, sincere, and irreproachable life, and that we know of nothing disagreeable or deceitful to say against him, but have only honorable, responsible and wholesome things to say of him.

   Besides this is he bound by no bondage, but is completely free from such servitude and can therefore with body and possession dwell, move and seek citizenship however, whenever, and wherever he might choose:

   Additionally he has wealth in the amount of sixteen hundred gulden.

   To attest to the truthfulness of this document, we have not only each individually affixed our signatures, but also have fulfilled our duties without prejudice as befits our offices and have attached our seals hereto.

   So, it has been given and written on this 14th day of June 1818.

   (signatures/seals) T. Schultheiss, Mayor and Judge of Entringen, High-actuary Steinhofer, Witnesses: Mayer, Zeid, Wagner.

   Approved: Minister of Interior, V. Otto, Stuttgart, 22 June 1818 and

   Minister of External Affairs, Zeppelin, Stuttgart, 22 June 1818.

Birth Certificate

   Black Forest District, Principality of Herrenberg, on the 3rd day of May 1818 let it be known that of this place, these families, and baptismal registers:

   Johann Leonhard Kayser, citizen and farmer, was born in the year 1782 on the 29th of April. His parents who died here were: Johann Adam Kayser, citizen and farmer of Wankheim; Catherina born Walkerin.

   His wife, Maria Regina, was born in the year 1770 on the 24th of March. Her parents were: the late Johann Martin Kemmler, weaver at Immenhausen; Catharina Elizabetha born Grauerin.

   Johann Leonhard Kayser was married to Maria Regina on the 21st of May 1805. Children were born in this order:

   1. born dead, a girl, 17th of April 1806.

   2. Catherina Elizabeth, on the 27 of May 1807.

   3. Johann Adam, on the 17th of March 1809.

   4. Anna Maria, on the 5th of December 1810.

   5. Christina Regina, on the 16th of Sept. 1812.

   The correctness of this extract attested by High Councilman D. S. Roser; M. B. G. Bossert, Vicar in Entringen.

   Approved: Minister of Interior, V. Otto, Stuttgart, 22 June 1818 and

   Minister of External Affairs, Zeppelin, Stuttgart, 22 June 1818.

Parochial Certificate (appended)

   Kaiser Adam was born in Alexanderhilf on the 20th of July 1833. His second wife Elizabeth born Peter was born in Alexanderhilf on the 26th of August 1830. Children of the first marriage are:

   1. Johannes, born 8th of January 1858 in Alexanderhilf.

   2. Adam, born 28th of April in Neusatz, baptized the 1st of May 1860.

   3. Christine, born 2nd of December 1863 in Neusatz, baptized the 6th of December 1863.

   Children of this marriage:

   1. Heinrich, born 8th of June 1870 in Neusatz, baptized the 10th of June 1870.

   This is testified to be in word to word agreement with the churchbooks of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Neusatz which is a subsidiary of the vicarage Neusatz on the 30th of April 1873, the Pastor of the Lutheran Parish, Johannestal, U. Birnbach, Pastor

   End of translation_______________________________________________________

Figure 4. The ‘Familien Dokumente’, original copy in possession of Maralyn D. Tolman, Incline Village, NV 89451. Note the issue date of 1818. A more readable scan of this document is provided separately (1.5 MB) through a link at the upper left-hand corner of the webpage.

   The Parochialschein was added later—apparently by Elizabeth (Peter) Kayser, second wife of Adam Kayser (Friedrich’s brother). Adam Kayser b. 1833 was the oldest of seven children; Friedrich was the fourth. Implicit, but not stated in the document, is that the ‘Adam Kayser’ of the added-on document is a son of Adam Kayser, husband of Anna Maria Frey.

Identity of Johann Adam Kayser (b. 1809)

   Johann Adam Kayser is identified in the Familien Dokument (Figure 4, above) as the 3rd child of Johann Leonhardt, born at Entringen 17 Mar 1809; he married Anna Maria Frey. His family lived in Entringen, a village now a part of the administrative seat of Ammerbuch, about 6 miles NE of Tübingen. Herrenberg and Deckenpfronn are both on a line NE of Ammerbuch, abt 6 mi and 12 mi, respectively.

   Note that there is another Johann Adam Kayser of Deckenpfronn u. Entringen who married4‘Kayser’/Braitmajer marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985; Evangelische Kirche Entringen: Taufen, Heiraten u Tote 1766-1934, p. 52,53, image 346/866 (indexed as Johann Adam ‘Kugler’), Johann Adam son of Johann Adam; online at Ancestry. 2 May 1799 at Herrenberg, Württemberg Anna Catharina Braitmajer5Anna Catharina (Braitmaier) Kayser death: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,171, image 746/866, age 63 at death, lists parents, declares husband Joh. Adam Kayser d. 21 Aug 1806, Entringen; online at FamilySearch (b. 12 Jul 1775; d. 18 Mar 1839, age 63) in Entringen; they had a son6They had other children as well at Deckenpfronn u. Entringen: twins: Jacob Friedrich and Cunrad (both died young), chr. 21 Apr 1801, image 718/1316 and Jacob Friedrich death 1 Sep 1801 image 863/1316; Anna Katharina, chr. 2 Feb 1803 (died before 1 yr), (death) image 860/1316; Johann Georg, chr. 22 Jan 1804, image 725/1316; Anna Catharina, chr. 4 Mar 1807, image 733/1316; Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Entringen PR, online at FamilySearch FHL Film 1475,170. Johann Adam Kayser (b. 3 Jan 1800, d.7Johann Adam Kayser death: Württemberg, Germany Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Lutherische Kirchenbucher; online at Ancestry. 12 Apr 1851 at Entringen. He married8Kayser/Niethammer marriage: Württemberg, Germanty Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Evangelische Kirche Entringen OA Herrenberg, p. 96; from the Family Tables, two children Johann George and Josephine Catharine (cite FHL 1475,173); online at Ancestry. (1) 24 Aug 1831 at Entringen Christiana Niethammer (b. 11 Jul 1806, d. 18 Jun 1836). Adam married9Kayser/Kirner marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen PR, FHL Film 1457,393, image 863/1213, a marvelous citation that includes beside the names, origins, and birthdates of both bride and groom, the names and occupations of the parents; online at FamilySearch (2) 23 Apr 1837 at Tübingen, Württemberg Benedicte Friderika Kirner dau of Johann Adam and Benedikte Dorothea (Rittel) Kirner of Tübingen (b.10Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen Tauf Index, FHL Film 1457,388, image 466/836; online at FamilySearch ( 27 Oct 1808 at Tübingen). This family did not emigrate to the Odessa Region. This Johann Adam (b. 1800) is often confused with the Johann Adam (b. 1809) who married Anna Maria Frey—there is a lot of confusion and error about these gentlemen in FamilySearch Family Tree and Ancestry trees.

Figure 5. Kayser/Kirner marriage: Entringen Parish Register 1837 excerpt;11Kayser/Kirner marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen PR, FHL Film 1457,393, image 863/1213; online at FamilySearch note the groom’s birthdate on the right.

Parents and Origin of Anna Maria Frey, wife of Johann Adam Kayser (b. 1809)

   This is a tough problem because we don’t have much to go on. All of Adam and Anna Maria Kayser’s children’s baptisms identify their mother as Anna Maria geboren (born) Frey. The oldest in the birth records, was Johann Adam (b. 1833 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal colony), so we can assume Anna Maria Frey was married there before 1831 and was born (in Württemberg) somewhere in the year range of 1805 to 1815. Alexanderhilf was founded 1805; records of the colony are available from abt 1833. Many of the Kayser baptisms are witnessed by Jacob Frey, whom we presume is Anna Maria’s brother or cousin. Jacob Frey is having children in Alexanderhilf at the same time as Johann Adam/Anna Maria and Adam was often a witness at their christenings. Additionally there are two other Frey women in the Groβliebenthal colony who were having children in the early 1830’s and Jacob or Anna Maria were occasionally witnesses at their baptisms. Therefore, there are four Frey young people (born 1800-1815) in the Groβliebenthal colony (Jacob, Anna Maria, Magdalena, and Christina) who were sibs or 1st cousins.

Frey Family Outlines:

   Jacob Frey (b.12Black Sea German Research, online at (search Luithle, Katharina). 31 Oct 1803, b.13Stumpp, p. 554, there are two Beihingens in Württemberg: OA Ludwigsburg and OA Nagold. Beihingen, Calw-Württemberg, d.14Evangelische Kirche Teplitz (Bessarabien), Kirchenbuch 1817-1935, widower; his second wife, Dorothea Schmidt died 21 Jul 1866 (4 days earlier); online at FamilySearch, Film 1768.347 i1, frame 101/347, not indexed; also, Jacob b. ‘Besingen, Wue’ (no such place). 25 Jul 1866 (age 62y 8m 24d), Tepitz, Bessarabia) m. Katharina Luithle (b.15Ibid. 27 Jan 1816, Alexanderhilf); they lived in Teplitz. Jacob and Katharina had children: (1) Jacob, b. 18 Dec 1833, chr.16Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24, Adam Kayser was a witness; online at FamilySearch 21 Dec 1833, d.17Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 49, FHL Film 1792,290, image 23/24; online at FamilySearch 30 Dec 1833; (2) Christina, b. 28 Feb 1835, chr.18Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24; online at FamilySearch 3 Mar 1835; (3) Katherine, b. 4 Jan 1837, chr.19Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 3, FHL Film 1882,647, image 3/29; online at FamilySearch 6 Jan 1837; (4) Gottlieb, b. 25 Nov 1838, chr.20Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 357, FHL Film 1882,648, image 15/27; online at FamilySearch 8 Dec 1838, d.21Grossliebenthal Death Records 184x, online at 16 Nov 1841 (age 3); (5) Luisa, b. 6 Oct 1840.

   Anna Maria Frey (see Johann Adam Kayser in the SUMMARY)

   Jacob Friedrich Eippert (from22Stumpp, p. 253. Beutesbach/Waiblingen, Württemberg to Alexanderhilf in 1819) and Christina Frey. Jacob and Christina had children:23Black Sea German Research, online at (search Eippert). (1) Jacob, b. abt 1830, m. Elizabetha Haugk; (2) Vincenz, b. 1832, m. Christina Kreis; (3) son, b.24Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24; online at FamilySearch dead 12 Dec 1833; (4) Dorothea, b. 18 Dec 1834, chr.25Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 93, FHL Film 1882,643, image 12/30, Anna Maria geb. Frey were witnesses; online at FamilySearch 21 Dec 1834; (5) Ludwig, b. 20 Jan 1837, chr.26Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 4, FHL Film 1882,647, image 4/29; online at FamilySearch 24 Jan 1837,; (6) Christine, b. 1839; (7) Barbara, b. 1840.

   Georg Peter (from27Black Sea German Research, online at (search Peter). Volsburg, Elsass to Kloestitz, Bessarabia; b. 21 Apr 1808, d. 28 Jul 1858, age 50) m. Magdalena Frey b.28Black Sea German Research, online at (search Magdalena Frey). B/Chr in Besigheim not confirmed by parish record search in FamilySearch or Ancestry…but a Magdalena was born & bap this date in Bösingen. 15 Apr 1813 at ‘Besigheim’ (should be Bösingen, Württemberg, m.29Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 42, FHL Film 1792,290, image 16/24, no other data; online at FamilySearch 26 Oct 1833 at Groβliebenthal. Georg and Magdalena had children, early children born at Alexanderhilf, later at Kloestitz:30Black Sea German Research, online at (search Peter). (1) Christian, b. 21 Mar 1834, chr.31Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 92, FHL Film 1882,643, image 11/30, Adam Kayser and Catharina (Luitle) Frey were witnesses; online at FamilySearch 1 Apr 1834; (2) Jakob, b. 30 Dec 1835, chr.32Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1882,646, image 2/38; online at FamilySearch 2 Jan 1836, m. Ottilie Koch;33Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at (3) Dorothea, b. 1837; m. Friedrich Bodamer34Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at (4) Christina, b. 29 Dec 1838, chr.35Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 358, FHL Film 1882,648, image 16/27, Jacob Eippert was a witness; online at FamilySearch 1 Jan 1839; (5) Katharina, b. 1841; (6) Sophia, b. 1843; (7) Christian, b. 1845; (8) Adam, b. 1847; (9) Philipp, b. 1849, d. 1855; (10) Louisa, b. 1852; (11) Ludwig, b. 1856, d. 1860. Magdalena m.36Black Sea German Research, online at (search Magdalena Frey). (2) Jul 1861, Johann Bohländer.

   The Black Sea German website has family group sheets with some data, often a birthdate or birthplace, but few sources; Magdalena (Frey) Peter was reported to be born 15 Apr 1813 at Besigheim (birthplace could not be confirmed from Parish Registers). The immigrant Frey origins (roughly 30) listed in Stumpp were examined for the 4 Freys without success. Following up on the Black Sea German lead, permutations/corruptions of Besigheim were examined: 4 Bissingens, 1 Bisingen, and 2 Bösingens. Bösingen OA Nagold turned out to be the big winner: an exact match to Magdalena’s birth and christening was found!! Her sister Anna Maria was also found in the same parish register—both were daus of Johann Adam and Anna Maria (Kläger) Frey of Berneck, Bösingen, kreis: Nagold, Württemberg. The parents were married37Frey/Kläger marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1201,991, image 853/1114; online at FamilySearch 1 Feb 1803 at Haiterbach, Nagold, Württemberg; Adam Frey was the son of Peter Frey and Anna Maria was the dau of Jacob Kläger, both of Bösingen.

   Jacob Frey was reported38Stumpp, p. 554. in Stumpp to have emigrated from Beihingen/Calw-Wue. There are two Beihingens in Württemberg: Jacob could not be found in Beihingen OA Ludwigsburg registers and the records of Beihingen OA Nagold only go back to 1808 and Jacob was born 1803. Before 1808 both Beihingen and Bösingen were part of the Haiterbach Evangelisch Church. Beihingen OA Nagold is a village directly adjacent to Bösingen and in fact the two villages today share the same Lutheran church. It is therefore likely that Jacob was a cousin of Anna Maria/Magdalena. There is also a Jacob Frey, son of Georg and Gertraud (Ochsin) Frey, with the desired birthdate born in Mannheim, Baden to further confuse us. This information deserves further research effort, but is beyond the scope of this essay.

Parents of Johann Leonhard Kayser (b. 1782)

   The parents of Johann Leonhard are Johann Adam Kayser (b. 1744) and Anna Catharina Walker. Johann Adam and Anna Catharina (Walker) Kayser had ten children (Johann Leonhardt was #9). Unfortunately, there are two Anna Catharina Walkers christened in Wankheim, both in 1744—one 1 Nov 1744 (dau of Georg and Anna Barbara Walker) and then also 11 Dec 1744 (dau of Johann Friedrich and Anna Maria Walker)—but if one examines the baptism record of Anna Catharina Kaiser (child #5 of Johann Adam and Anna Catharina), one notes that a witness was ‘Joh. Fridr. Walker’ (the baby’s grandfather!), therefore it is the Anna Catharina chr. 11 Dec 1744 that was married to Johann Adam Kayser.

Parents of Johann Adam Kayser (b. 1744)

   All records agree that the father of Johann Adam (b. 1744) was Johann Georg Kayser, who was married to a Regina. Unfortunately, this is not a simple problem since there are three Kayser families in the area headed by Georg/Regina indicating three different Georges or perhaps the family moved from one location to another. FamilySearch Family Tree has 13 children for Joh. Georg and Maria Regina Kayser with the children born in three different locations; this can’t be correct.

   The Wankheim family: Let us examine what we know for certain: Johann Adam and his brothers Johann Jacob and Johann Georg were born 1744, 1747 and 1751, respectively, in Wankheim. Johann Adam’s death record in 181439Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,170, image 828/1316, clearly the correct Adam Kayser (b. 1744, m. Catharina Walker), parents Johann Georg and Regina Kemmler; online at FamilySearch in Entringen identifies him as the husband of Catherina Walker and the son of Johann Georg, Bürger of Wankheim and Regina (Kemmler) Kayser. This may mean that Georg did not move his family from Wankheim.

   Examination of the other two families:

    (1) Georg/Regina of Unterjesingen, Herrenberg, Württemberg had at least two children (1) Anna Regina chr.40Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,435, image 152/978; online at FamilySearch 4 Aug 1740 and (2) Maria Madgalena chr.41Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,435, image 166/978; online at FamilySearch 29 May 1744. This cannot be the family of Johann Adam as Maria Magdalena Kaiser was born 3 mos after Joh. Adam (chr. 6 Feb 1744) and therefore cannot be his sister.

    (2) Georg42Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971, FHL Film 1195,628, image 402/1150; online at FamilySearch /Regina of Welzheim, Welzheim, Württemberg; the couple were married43Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971, FHL Film 1195,628, image 691/1150; online at FamilySearch 17 Feb 1749 at Welzheim, Welzheim, Württemberg (his father was Johannes). The bride was Maria Regina Metzger dau of Johann Georg Metzger (this is unlikely to be the mother of Johann Adam)—this potential mom married 5 years after Adam was born. Their children were (1) Catharina Rosina, chr.44Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 515/1150; online at FamilySearch 2 Oct 1749; (2) Maria Rosina, chr.45Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 524/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 1 Jan 1751; (3) Johann Georg, chr.46Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 550/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 5 Sep 1754; (4) Gottfried, chr.47Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 560/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 26 Apr 1756; (5) Samuel, chr.48Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 969/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 30 Oct 1757; (6) Johann Samuel, chr.49Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 989/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 26 Jun 1759. The 1774 marriage record of Adam’s brother Johann Georg ‘of Wankheim’, where his birthdate in 1751 is reported, further eliminates the possibility that the Welzheim Georg is Adam’s father.


Generation One

1. Johann/Hans Georg Kayser was christened abt 1720 of Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg probable son of Hans Adam and Maria Kaiser (dau Christina chr.50Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,503, image 854/1023, incorrectly indexed as ‘Kennler‘; online at FamilySearch 1725 at Wankheim). He married abt 1740 Regina Kemmler probable dau of Georg and Anna Barbara Kemmler (son Michael chr.51Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,503, image 854/1023, indexed as ‘Kennler‘; online at FamilySearch 16 Nov 1724 at Wankheim).

   Johann Georg and Maria Regina (Kemmler) Kayser had seven children:

    2 i. JOHANNES KAYSER was christened52Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 19/1153, notation of death on christening record; online at FamilySearch, not indexed. 1741/2 and died 17 Oct 1742 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

  + 3 ii. JOHANN ADAM KAYSER was christened 6 Feb 1744 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg. He married Anna Catharina Walker.

  + 4 iii. JOHANN JACOB KAYSER was christened 5 Sep 1747 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg. He married abt 1772 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg Maria Barbara Wandler.

    5 iv. JOHANN FRIDERICK KAYSER was christened53Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 31/1153; online at FamilySearch and FHL Film 1457,503, image 1008/1023, 3 Apr 1750 and died 1750 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

  + 6 v. JOHANN GEORG KAYSER was christened 2 Jun 1751 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg and died 14 Jan 1792. He married 7 Jun 1774 at Derendingen, Herrenberg, Württemberg Anna Maria Mozer dau of Johann Georg and Maria (Hold) Mozer.

    7 vi. SIGMUND KAYSER was christened54Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 37/1153; online at FamilySearch 28 Aug 1755 and died 24 Sep 1757 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

    8 vii. MAGDALENA KAYSER was christened55Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 41/1153; online at FamilySearch 6 Apr 1758 and died 1758 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

Generation Two

3. Johann Adam Kayser was christened56Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 20/1153, ‘confirmed 1758’; online at FamilySearch; incorrectly indexed as ‘Baiser’. 6 Feb 1744 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg, son of Georg and Regina (Kemmler) Kaiser and died/was buried57Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,170, image 828/1316, clearly the correct Adam Kayser (b. 1744, m. Catharina Walker), parents Johann Georg and Regina Kemmler; online at FamilySearch 3 Aug 1814 (age 70) at Entringen (Ammerbuch), Herrenberg, Württemberg. He married58Kayser/Walker marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 98/1153; online at FamilySearch 1 Oct 1765 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg Anna Catharina Walker. She was christened59Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 23/1153, ‘confirmed 1758’; online at FamilySearch 11 Dec 1744 at Wankheim dau of Johann Friedrich and Anna Maria Walker. They farmed in Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg until abt 1791, when they moved to Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg.60Note in son Johann Adam’s christening record (1777) that he was confirmed in Entringen in 1791.

   Johann Adam and Anna Catherina (Walker) Kayser had ten children:

  + 9 i. JOHANN GEORG KAYSER was christened 4 Oct 1766 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg and died 26 Jan and buried 28 Jan 1847 at Gluckstal, Bessarabia, Russia. He married 3 Mar 1791 at Wankheim Anna Maria Kemmler. He emigrated to Glückstal, Bessarabia, Russia.

   10 ii. REGINA KAYSER was christened61Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 49/1153, ‘confirmed 1783’; online at FamilySearch 22 Sep 1768 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg and was buried62Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 780/1153; online at FamilySearch 24 Jun 1810 at Wankheim. She married63Kaiser/Kaiser marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch Note that the groom’s name is Kaiser, not Raiser as has been indexed. 9 Nov 1790 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg Johann Jacob Kaiser (b. 4 Jan 1766), son of Johann Jacob and Maria Barbara (Wandler) Kaiser, her first cousin.64Familien Register, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 315/1074; online at FamilySearch

   11 iii. MARIA BARBARA KAYSER was christened65Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 52/1153, ‘confirmed 1784’; online at FamilySearch 19 Mar 1770 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   12 iv. ANNA MARIA KAYSER was christened66Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, ‘confirmed 1786’; online at FamilySearch 10 Aug 1772 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg. She married67Maurer/Kaiser marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch 1795 at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg Gottfried Maurer, son of Johannes Maurer.

   13 v. ANNA CATHARINA KAYSER was christened68Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 56/1153, ‘confirmed 1788’; online at FamilySearch 26 Feb 1774 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   14 vi. ANNA CHRISTINA KAYSER was christened69Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 58/1153, ‘confirmed 1790’; online at FamilySearch 27 Feb 1776 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg. She married70Treβz/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1184,912, image 998/1376; online at FamilySearch; Kaiser incorrectly indexed as ‘Caspar’. 27 Jul 1813 at Hessigheim, Besigheim (Neckarkreis), Württemberg Gottfried Treβz son of Gottfried and Magdalena (Belmann) Treβz.

   15 vii. JOHANN ADAM KAYSER was christened71Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 60/1153, ‘confirmed 1791 at Entringen’; online at FamilySearch 4 Sep 1777 at at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   16 viii. FRIEDRICH DANIEL KAYSER was christened 1780 and died (11th)/was buried72Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 131/1153, age 1yr 6mo 2days; online at FamilySearch 13 Dec 1781 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

 + 17 ix. JOHANN LEONHARD KAYSER was christened 29 Apr 1782 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   18 x. DANIEL KAYSER was christened73Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 72/1153, note of death added to christening record; online at FamilySearch 16 Apr 1786 and died 5 Jul 1786 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

4. Johann Jacob Kayser was christened74Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 28/1153, confirmed 1761; online at FamilySearch 5 Sep 1747 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg. He married abt 1772 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg Maria Barbara Wandler.75Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, baptism of their son Johann Georg Kayser; online at FamilySearch

   Johann Jacob and Maria Barbara (Wandler) Kayser had three children:

   19 i. JOHANN JACOB KAYSER was born 4 Jan 1766 and at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg. He married (1) 9 Nov 1790 at Wankheim Regina Kayser, dau of Johann Adam and Catharina (Walker) Kayser. He married (2) 11 Jun 1811 Ana Maria Grauer, dau of Michael Grauer; she died 8 Jul 1812 and (3) 2 Feb 1813 Maria Agnes Grauer, dau of Michael Grauer. Ana Maria was born 15 Mar 1780 and Maria Agnes 9 Feb 1786.76Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 315/1074, children are named; online at FamilySearch Children: Johann Jacob, b. 1796, m.77Kaiser/Kimmler marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 569/1153; online at FamilySearch Anna Maria Kimmler. Eight children by Regina including a Johann Adam chr.78Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 82/1153; online at FamilySearch 16 Jan 1796.

   20 ii. JOHANN GEORG KAYSER was christened79Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, ‘confirmed 1787’; online at FamilySearch 2 Jan 1773 and died 20 Oct 1822 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg. He married 12 Apr 1790 (1) Anna Maria Kuttler, dau of Johann Georg and Elisabeth (Gutkroe) Kuttler of Immenhausen (1st wife); Anna Maria died 2 Mar 1804. He married (2) 22 Nov 1804 Anna Maria Kuttler dau of Johann George and (2nd wife) Anna Maria (Grauer) Kuttler. The first Anna Maria was born 22 Jun 1767 and the second Anna Maria was born 29 Nov 1768 and died 19 Dec 1835.80Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 483/1074; online at FamilySearch, no archival citation available. Children: Johann Georg, b. 1797, m.81Kaiser/Frezin marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 567/1153; online at FamilySearch Margareta Frezin; Johann Jacob, b. 1800, m.82Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 486/1074, children are named; online at FamilySearch, no archival citation available. Anna Barbara Horb; Anna Maria Barbara, b. 1802, m.83Scheitle/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 571/1153; online at FamilySearch Jakob Friederich Scheitle.

   21 iii. LUDWIG KAYSER was born 2 Aug 1779 and died 4 May 1826 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg. He married 26 Jan 1803 Anna Maria Fauser dau of Johann Jakob and Anna Maria (Kaupher)84Kaiser/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 619/1153, marriage of Ludwig/Anna Maria’s son Johann Adam in 1856; online at FamilySearch Fauser. She was born 22 Oct 1780 and died 24 Dec 1836. Five children named.85Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 484/1074; online at Ancestry.

6. Johann Georg Kayser was christened86Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, Johan Georg birth: 2 Jun 1751 in Wankheim, death 14 Jan 1792, marriage 7 Jun 1774, parents Johann Georg and Regina Kaiser; online at Ancestry. 2 Jun 1751 at Wankheim, Herrenberg, Württemberg and died 14 Jan 1792.87Birth and death years are written in the marriage record; online at Ancestry. He was a weaver of Wankheim. He married88Kaiser/Mozer marriage: Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 642,643, great, detailed record stating ‘Johann Georg of Wankheim’, son of ‘Johann Georg of Wankheim’; online at Ancestry also FHL Film 1457,422, image 351/1312 online at FamilySearch 7 Jun 1774 at Derendingen, Herrenberg, Württemberg Anna Maria Mozer dau of Johann Georg and Maria (Hold/Held) Mozer. She was born Oct 1751 and died 22 Dec 1792.89Johann Georg Kaiser family: Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, image 323/1070, Johan Georg birth: 2 Jun 1751 in Wankheim, death 14 Jan 1792, marriage 7 Jun 1774, parents Johann Georg and Regina Kaiser, includes children; online at Ancestry.

   Johann Georg and Anna Maria (Mozer) Kayser had four children:

   22 i. ROSINA KAYSER was born 16 Oct 1776 at Derendingen, Tübingen, Württemberg. She married Johann Georg Friesch son of Johann Georg and Catharina (Kraz) Friesch. He was born 5 Feb 1776 and died 9 Jan 1862.90Rosina (Kaiser) Friesch family: Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, Derendingen u Tübingen; online at Ancestry. Seven children.

   23 ii. JACOB FRIEDERICH KAISER was born abt 1778 and married91Kaiser/Stammer marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,171 Entringen, image 346/866 , Johann Georg and Anna Marie’s son Jakob Friederich; online at FamilySearch 6 Feb 1799 at Entringen, Tübingen, Württemberg Anna Maria Stammer, dau of Johann Georg Stammer.

   24 iii. JOHANN GEORG KAYSER was christened92Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 129, image 177/1312; online at Ancestry. 1 May 1779 at Derendingen, Tübingen, Württemberg and died93Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, p. 33, image 930/1312; online at Ancestry. 14 Nov 1830 (age 51) at Derendingen, Tübingen, Württemberg. He married94Kaiser/Mozer marriage: Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 1, image 647/1312; online at Ancestry. 10 Jul 1808 at Derendingen, Tübingen, Württemberg Regina Barbara Mozer.

   25 iv. MARIA REGINA KAYSER was christened 10 Nov 1781 at Derendingen, Tübingen, Württemberg.

Generation Three

9. Johann Georg Kayser was christened95Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 47/1153, ‘confirmed 1780’; online at FamilySearch 4 Oct 1766 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg and died96Russia, Select Deaths and Burials, 1815-1917, FHL Film 1882,639, p. 285-13, birthplace Wankheim, birthyear 1767; online at Ancestry. 26 Jan 1847; buried 28 Jan 1847 at Glückstal, Bessarabia, Russia. He moved first to Entringen97Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry. abt 1810 and then emigrated to Glückstal, Bessarabia, Russia after 1821. He married98Kaiser/Kemmler marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch ,99Some say {‘Morgan Burger Family Tree’, owner Morgan Burger,, good sources (accessed 4 Nov 2020)} that Maria Catharina Müller was Johann Georg’s wife. But the marriage took place in Böblingen, a significant distance from Wankheim. Add to that the fact that the name ‘Johann Georg Kayser’ is very common and also even more convincing is the fact that the Müller woman was not mentioned in the Entringen Family Table on Ancestry cited vide infra. 3 Mar 1791 at Wankheim Anna Maria Kemmler100There are several other marriages for Johann Georg Kayser, but they are in several different places. Given this very common name, these cannot be the same Johann Georg. dau of Jakob and Anna Maria (Grauer) Kemmler, farmers of Wankheim. She was born 15 Aug 1772 of Wankheim.101Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry.

   Johann Georg and Anna Maria (Kemmler) Kayser had ten children:102Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry. Several entries are repeated. This outline omits son Christian, b. abt 1805, but there is a gap in births at that time and we have a solid marriage record naming his parents.

   26 i. CATHARINA KAYSER was born 19 Jun 1792 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   27 ii. MARIA BARBARA KAYSER was born 16 Jun 1794 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   28 iii. JOHANN ADAM KAYSER was born/christened103Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 82/1153; online at FamilySearch 1 May 1796 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   29 iv. JOHANN GEORG KAYSER was born 1798 and died 1799 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   30 v. ANNA MARIA KAYSER was born 27 Aug 1800 and died May 1803 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   31 vi. SIGMUND KAYSER was born 17 Apr 1803 and died 13 Oct 1810 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   32 vii. ANNA MARIA KAYSER was born 27 Dec 1804 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   33 viii. CHRISTIAN KAYSER was born abt 1805 and married104Kaiser/Walker marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 606/1153, Johann Georg and Anna Marie’s son Christian; online at FamilySearch 11 Feb 1847 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg Regina Walker dau Johannes and Maria Barbara (Dacheher) Walker.

   34 ix. MARIA AGNES KAYSER was born 11 Dec 1807 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

   35 x. JOHANN JACOB KAYSER was born 28 Dec 1810 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg.

17. Johann Leonhard Kayser was born 20 Apr 1782 at Wankheim, and christened105Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1457,504, image 65/1153; online at FamilySearch, son of Adam Kayser and his wife, Catherine born Walkerin. 29 Apr 1782 at Wankheim, Tübingen, Württemberg, the son of Johann Adam and Catharina (Walker) Kayser. He died106Grossliebenthal Death Records 184x, online at 29 Mar 1842 (age 59 yrs. 11 mos) at Groβliebenthal. He married107Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971, FHL Digital Film 101897369, image 154/1254; ‘Johann Leonhard Kayser, Adam Kayser, Bürger and farmer of Entringen’s legitimate son and Maria Regina, w(idow?) of Johann Martin Kemmler Bürger and weaver from here, Julia Catherine’s legitimate single daughter’; online at FamilySearch 21 May 1805 at Jettenburg (Immenhausen), Tübingen, Württemberg Maria Regina Kimmler/Kemmler of Immenhausen dau of Johann Martin Kimmler, a weaver and Catharina Elizabetha born Grauer. She was christened108Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971, FHL Digital Film 101897368, image 994/1057;; online at FamilySearch 24 Mar 1770 at Jettenburg (Immenhausen), Tübingen, Württemberg and died/was buried109Маря Регина Кеммлир Кейссир death, Russia, Deaths and Burials, 1815-1917, FHL Film 1883,190, mother: Maria Regina geb. Kemmlerin; online at FamilySearch 11 Feb 1840 (age 70) at Groβliebenthal colony, Odessa, Kherson, Russia. After marriage the family lived in Entringen and then left Entringen for Bessarabia abt 1818.

   Johann Leonhard and Maria Regina (Kimmler) Kayser had five children:

   36 i. dau KAYSER was born/christened110Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170; online at FamilySearch and Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, FHL Film 101897424, image 731/1316; 17 Apr 1806 and died 1806 (may have been born dead) at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

   37 ii. CATHARINA ELIZABETHA KAYSER was christened111Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 734/1316, mother: Maria Regina geb. Kemmlerin; online at FamilySearch, indexed as ‘Ruser’. 27 May 1807 at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

 + 38 iii. JOHANN ADAM KAYSER was born 17 Mar 1809 at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg.

   39 iv. ANNA MARIA KAYSER (Анна Маря Хауßир) was born 5 Dec 1810 and christened112Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 749/1316; online at FamilySearch 7 Dec 1810 at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg. She married abt 1834 at Glückstal, Russia Karl Maier (Карл Маиир); they had a son Johann Christian christened113Russia, Births and Baptism 1755-1917, FHL Film 1882,645; online at FamilySearch 5 Nov 1835.

   40 v. CHRISTINA REGINA KAISER was born 16 Sep 1812 and christened114Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 759/1316; online at FamilySearch 17 Sep 1812 at Entringen, Herrenberg and died115Online at, search Kaiser, Regina, also cites the Peterstal Church Book 1841-1860. 21 Mar 1869 at Peterstal, Odessa. She married abt 1836 at Odessa, Kherson, Russia Heinrich Lautenschläger. They had children at Freudental, Odessa, Kherson; (1) Heinrich christened116Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 325, FHL Film 1882,648; online at FamilySearch 18 Dec 1838 and (2) Christina Barbara christened117Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/31, p. 546, FHL Film 1883,193; online at FamilySearch 10 Aug 1841.

Generation Four

38. Johann Adam Kayser was christened118Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 740/1316; online at FamilySearch, indexed as ‘Kuehn’. 17 Mar 1809 at Entringen, Herrenberg, Württemberg and died after 1856 in Bessarabia. He married abt 1830 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia Anna Marie Frey,119Anna Marie geboren Frey is identified as mother on all baptism records for her children. dau of Johann Adam and Anna Maria (Kläger) Frey of Berneck, Bösingen, kreis: Nagold, Württemberg (directly west of Tübingen). She was born and christened120Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriage, and Burials 1500-1985, Berneck, Bösingen,OA Nagold, Württemberg, p. 14; online at Ancestry. 12 Mar 1811 at the Evangelische Kirche Berneck, Bösingen (OA Nagold) and died abt 1856121Black Sea German Research, online at (search Kaiser, Adam and the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census, S12). in Bessarabia. She had a sister Magdalena.

   Johann Adam and Anna Marie (Frey) Kayser had twelve children:122As Alexanderhilf records began in 1833, Johann Adam is the oldest child from birth records, but the 1858 Alexanderhilf census identifies two other older children in the household (

   41 i. JOHANNES (Leonard) KAYSER was born123Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes, cites the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census which has him 26 yrs old; two children are listed. There is no other birth record as the earliest records from Alexanderhilf are from 1833. 1831/2 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia and died124Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes Leonard, cites the St. Petersburg records, FHL Film 1884,100 i2 p. 116. 1866. He married125Kaiser/Schabel (Peter) marriage: Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 116, FHL Film 1884,100, image 901; online at FamilySearch 5 Apr 1856 at Groβliebenthal Elizabeth (Peter) Schabel as her second husband.

   Elizabeth Peter had married126Schabel/Peter marriage: online at, search Schabel, Johannes, also FamilySearch Film 1882,639; online at Ancestry. (1) 14 Sep 1847 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia Johannes Schabel; he was born 26 Mar 1826, christened127Ludwigshafen (am Rhine), Germany, Select Births and Baptisms 1558-1898; online at Ancestry. 1 Apr 1827 at Oggersheim Rhineland-Pfalz, son of Adam and Appolonia (Sermuth) Schabel and died128Online at (search Johannes Schabel), cites FHL Film 1884,075 i1 229 66. 26 Jun 1855.

   Elizabeth was born 26 Aug 1830 at Alexanderhilf, Odessa, Russia and died 4 Mar 1900 at Parkston, Hutchinson, South Dakota; buried129Findagrave #17619067. at Rosenfeld Cemetery. Elizabeth and her first husband Johannes Schabel had five children,130Online at (search Johannes Schabel), cites St. Petersburg Archive Extractions at FamilySearch. all died before age 3: (1) Johannes, b. abt 1849; (2) Elisabetha, b. 29 Oct 1850, d. 16 Nov 1850; (3) Louisa, b. 10 Dec 1851, d. 24 Jun 1855; (4) Philipp, b. 19 Jan 1854, D. 22 Jun 1855; (5) Karoline, b.131Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885; online at FamilySearch 23 Jan 1856, d. 19 Feb 1856.

   Johannes (Leonard) Kayser and Elizabeth had six children: (1) Adam George, b. 29 Mar 1857 at Neuburg, Odessa, d.132Findagrave #88521369, wife Katherine Reich, #88521561; 10 children named. 1 Apr 1931, m. Katherine Reich, 10 children; (2) Katherine, b. 12 Aug 1859 at Alexanderhilf, Odessa, d. 24 Dec 1903 (age 44) at Liberty Twp, Hutchinson, South Dakota; (3) Louise, b.133Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes Leonard. 14 Jan 1861, m. 1881 Adam Kayser134Adam and Louise Kayser, 1900 U. S. Census of German, Hutchinson, South Dakota, E. D. 190, Page 3 FHL Film 1241, 550, Adam b. 1860 Russia, emigrated 1878. (a 1C); (4) Maria, b. 16 Dec 1862,135 d.136Findagrave #144642770. 1920 (age 57) at Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, m. 1881 John Schamber; (5) Elizabeth,137Adam Kayser Jr. family: 1880 U. S. Census of Hutchinson County, South Dakota, Roll 112, E. D. 031, Page 105A; Adam (age 23) and wife Catharina (age 20) with sisters Louisa (age 19), Maria (age 18), Elizabeth (age 16), Carolina (age 13) and Catharina (age 21) ‘sister’?; online at Ancestry. b. Jan 1865 , m. 1882 Christian Wacker,1381900 U. S. Census of Township 99, Hutchinson, South Dakota, E. D. 192, Page 6 FHL Film 1241,550, Elizabeth b. 1866 Russia, emigrated 1878. d. 2 Feb 1935;139Findagrave #19576996. and (6) Emeline/Carolina,140‘arthur carl schamber family tree’, owner CindaSchamber52,, and sources therein (accessed 4 Nov 2020). b. Oct 1866, m. 1884 J. George Schamber, d. 18 May 1943.

   42 ii. ADAM KAYSER was born 20 Jul 1833141United States Passport Applications, #11759, South Dakota, beside his birthdate, it also states he emigrated from Bremen on the Mosel in 1878; online at FamilySearch and christened142Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 36, FHL Film 1792,290, witness Jakob Frey; online at FamilySearch 23 Jul 1833 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia and died 4 Jul 1917 (age 84) at Parkston, Hutchinson, South Dakota, buried143Findagrave #86388581; his birth date in 1833 has been misread as 1838 and his age at death has been miscalculated as 79 instead of 84 years. at Parkston Cemetery, Hutchinson County.144Adam Kayser family: 1880 U. S. Census of Hutchinson County, South Dakota, Roll 112, E. D. 031, Page 104D; Adam (age 47) and Elizabeth (age 50) with children John (age 23), Adam (age 22), Christina (age 16), and Heinrich (age 10), parents b. ‘Württemberg’; online at Ancestry. He married145Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at (1) 22 Sep 1855 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia Christine Ehli/Ehly, dau of Heinrich Ehly of Niederhochstadt, Pfalz. She was born146Black Sea German Research, online at (search Ehly). 8 Nov 1835 at Freudental, Kherson, Ukraine and died abt 1863. Children from Christine:147Parochialschein,148Mosel,149Online at, search Kaiser, Johann Adam. Note that their database has some of Johann Adam’s children with a different father: Johann Leonard Kayser, b. 1831 Russia; this author can find no evidence to support the existence of this individual in Ancestry or FamilySearch. (1) Elizabeth, b.150Russia, Lutheran church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 127, FHL Film 1884,100 image 911;online at FamilySearch 20 Jun 1856, d. 15 Aug 1856; (2) Johannes,151‘Lippert Family Tree’, owner Tim Lippert,, and sources therein (accessed 4 Nov 2020). chr. 8 Jan 1858 at Alexanderhilf, m. 1879 Barbara Kayser, d.152Findagrave #86387969. 21 Sep 1925 at Parkston, Hutchinson, South Dakota; (3) Adam, b.153Adam Kayser, United States Passport Applications 1795-1925, Roll 199, 1913 cert #18762, states—born 28 Mar 1857 in Russia, immigrated on the Mosel from Bremen, parents born Russia; online at Ancestry. 28 Apr 1860, chr.154Parochialschein 1 May 1860 at Neusatz, Odessa, Russia, m. Louisa Kayser (a 1C) (4) Christine, chr. 2 Dec 1863 at Neusatz, m. William Dewald, d.155Findagrave #81551101. 25 Aug 1950 at Hutchinson County, South Dakota.

   Adam married (2) before 1869 at Pidhirne, Tarutyne, Odessa Elizabeth Peter (Schabel Kayser). This was Elizabeth’s third husband.156Parochialschein,157Online at (search Elizabeth Peter) no sources cited. Johann Leonhardt is listed as the husband of Elizabeth Peter (no source); the Parochialschein has Elizabeth married to Johann Adam Kayser (second husband?). Adam had one child with Elizabeth: Heinrich, chr.158Parochialschein 8 Jun 1870 at Neusatz. Adam and his family immigrated to South Dakota Nov 1878 on the Mosel159New York, Passenger and Crew Lists 1820-1957, Ship Mosel, arrived New York 9 Nov 1878; family listed—Adam, age 45; Elizabeth age 48; Heinrich, age 5; Johannes, age 20; Adam, age 18 (therefore b. 1860); Louise, age 17; Maria, age 16; Christine, age 15; Elizabeth, age 12; Caroline, age 11; online at Ancestry; hereafter Mosel. with eight children (survivors from three different families).

   There are problems with the son Adam Kayser which will require further study and investigation (see‘DNA and the Two Adam Kaysers’ on the www.29deadpeople website). This complicated family structure is consistent with the Parochialschein and all primary birth, marriage, and death data.

   43 iii. JAKOB KAISER was born 29 Oct 1835 and christened160Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/10, p. 21, FHL Film 1882,645; online at FamilySearch 3 Nov 1835 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia and died161South Dakota Cemetery Index; buried Friedensthal Lutheran Church; online at Ancestry. 17 Oct 1892 at Scotland, Bon Homme, South Dakota. He married162Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at 24 Sep 1858 Sophia Jose dau of Emanuel and Friederika (Benignus) Jose;163Online at, search Jose, Sophia, cites the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census with her oldest dau Katherina. she was born 23 Aug 1838 at Russia and died/was buried164Findagrave #24681114. 13 Feb 1924 at Friedensthal Cemetery, Bon Homme County, South Dakota. Four children born in Russia:165‘Kaser’ Household: 1880 U. S. Census of Bon Homme, Dakota Territory, ED 97, p. 124, FHL Film 1254,111; online at FamilySearch (1) Catherine, b. 1859; (2) Magdalena, b. 1861, d.166Grossliebenthal Death Records 186x, online at 19 Jul 1861 (6 mos, 27 days); (3) Sophia,167Bauder Household: 1900 U. S. Census of Lincoln, Bon Homme, South Dakota, ED 28, p. 8, FHL Film 1241,546, immigrated 1877, mother Sophia (b. 1838) is living with them; online at Ancestry. b. 13 Feb 1862, m. Bauder; (4) Heinrich, b. 1862.

    44 iv. LUDWIG KAISSER was born 7 Jan 1838 and christened168Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 346, FHL Film 1883,190; online at FamilySearch 9 Jan 1838 at Groβliebenthal, Akkerman (adjacent to and southwest of Odessa), Bessarabia, Russia. He died169Online at 1 Jun 1839 at Alexanderhilf.

   Figure 6. Friedrich and Magdalena (Kreis) Kayser, abt 1890; original in possession of Leslie Hettman Watson, Logan, UT

   45 v. FRIEDRICH KAYSER was born 16 Apr 1840 and christened170Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/24, p. 386, FHL Film 1883,190, image 6/24; online at FamilySearch 21 Apr 1840 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia and died171Oregon Death Index 1903-1998, Cert. #1619; online at FamilySearch 20 Jun 1924 at Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married172Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/99, FHL Digital 4280477, Film 1884077-1, image 577/1026; online at FamilySearch, not indexed.,173Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at (1) 7 Dec 1859 at Groβliebenthal Christina Weissenburger dau of Georg Weissenburger.174Black Sea German Research, online at (search Weissenburger). He married175Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 186x, online at (2) 17 Nov 1860 Magdalena Margaretha Kreis dau of Peter and Friedrika (Beutelspacher) Kreis. She was christened176Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/37, p. 308, FHL Digital 4280474, image 6/27; online at FamilySearch 9 May 1843 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia. Fourteen children:177FamilySearch Family Tree and sources cited therein; online at FamilySearch. (1) Magdalena, b. 1861, m. Ludwig König; (2) Carolene, b. 1863, m. Edward Lauer; (3) Friedrich, b. 1864, m. Christine Heimbuch; (4) Adam, b. 1865, m. Magdalena Deutscher; (5) Katherine, b. 1868, m. Louis Joseph Gentner; (6) Jacob, b. 1869, m. Johanna Villwock; (7) Ludwig, b. 1871, m. Augusta Ophelia Villwock; (8) Maria, b. 1873, m. Herman Seadshlag; (9) John, b. 1875, m. Anna Ernestine Gunther; (10) Emil, b. 1878, m. Emma Wilhelmina Gunther; (11) Mathilda, b. 1879, m. William Francis Scott McGeorge; (12) Karl, b. 1881, d. 1883; (13) Henry, b. 1883, d. 1886; (14) Emilie, b. 1884, m. Edward Christ Hettmann.

   46 vi. GOTTFRIED KAISER was born 26 Aug 1842, christened178Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/32, p. 10, FHL Film 1883,193; online at FamilySearch 30 Aug 1842 and died179Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/63, p. 127, FHL Film 1883,181; online at FamilySearch 26 Aug 1851 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.

   47 vii. HEINRICH KAISER was born 1845 and died 1851 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.180Online at (search Heinrich Kaiser), cites 1858 Alexanderhilf Census.

   48 viii. MARIA KAYSER was born 22 Feb 1847, christened181Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/50, p. 82, FHL Film 1882,639; online at FamilySearch 2 Mar 1847 and died182Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 142, FHL Film 1884,100; online at FamilySearch 6 Jun 1856 (9 yrs) at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.

   49 ix. KATHERINE KAISER was born 1850 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.183Online at (search Katherine Kaiser), cites 1858 Alexanderhilf Census.

   50 x. GOTTFRIED KAYSER was born 1 Feb 1852 and christened184Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/71, p. 112, FHL Film 1883,185; online at FamilySearch 10 Feb 1852 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia. He may have immigrated to San Francisco in 1882.185New York, Passenger and Crew Lists, 2 Mar 1882 St. Germain, Gottfried Kaisser, age 30 carpenter; online at Ancestry.

   51 xi. KAROLINA KAYSER was born186Online at, search Kaiser, Karolina, cites FamilySearch Film 1884,075 i1 218 201 also 1858 Alexanderhilf Census (age 2). 13 Dec 1855 at Alexanderhilf, Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.

   52 xii. ELIZABETH KAYSER was born Jun 1856 and died187Grossliebenthal Death Records 185x, online at 15 Aug 1856 at Groβliebenthal, Odessa, Russia.


1. Stumpp, Karl The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 (Tubingen: Christian Gulde, 1973) p. 23; hereafter Stumpp.

2. Ibid., p. 100.

3. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/24, p. 386, FHL Film 1883,190; online at FamilySearch Россия, дубликаты Лютеранских метрических книг

4. ‘Kayser’/Braitmajer marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985; Evangelische Kirche Entringen: Taufen, Heiraten u Tote 1766-1934, p. 52,53, image 346/866 (indexed as Johann Adam ‘Kugler’), Johann Adam son of Johann Adam; online at Ancestry.

5. Anna Catharina (Braitmaier) Kayser death: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,171, image 746/866, age 63 at death, lists parents, declares husband Joh. Adam Kayser d. 21 Aug 1806, Entringen; online at FamilySearch

6. They had other children as well at Deckenpfronn u. Entringen: twins: Jacob Friedrich and Cunrad (both died young), chr. 21 Apr 1801, image 718/1316 and Jacob Friedrich death 1 Sep 1801 image 863/1316; Anna Katharina, chr. 2 Feb 1803 (died before 1 yr), (death) image 860/1316; Johann Georg, chr. 22 Jan 1804, image 725/1316; Anna Catharina, chr. 4 Mar 1807, image 733/1316; Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Entringen PR, online at FamilySearch FHL Film 1475,170.

7. Johann Adam Kayser death: Württemberg, Germany Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Lutherische Kirchenbucher; online at Ancestry.

8. Kayser/Niethammer marriage: Württemberg, Germanty Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Evangelische Kirche Entringen OA Herrenberg, p. 96; from the Family Tables, two children Johann George and Josephine Catharine (cite FHL 1475,173); online at Ancestry.

9. Kayser/Kirner marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen PR, FHL Film 1457,393, image 863/1213, a marvelous citation that includes beside the names, origins, and birthdates of both bride and groom, the names and occupations of the parents; online at FamilySearch

10. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen Tauf Index, FHL Film 1457,388, image 466/836; online at FamilySearch (

11. Kayser/Kirner marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971; Tübingen PR, FHL Film 1457,393, image 863/1213; online at FamilySearch

12. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Luithle, Katharina).

13. Stumpp, p. 554, there are two Beihingens in Württemberg: OA Ludwigsburg and OA Nagold.

14. Evangelische Kirche Teplitz (Bessarabien), Kirchenbuch 1817-1935, widower; his second wife, Dorothea Schmidt died 21 Jul 1866 (4 days earlier); online at FamilySearch, Film 1768.347 i1, frame 101/347, not indexed; also, Jacob b. ‘Besingen, Wue’ (no such place).

15. Ibid.

16. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24, Adam Kayser was a witness; online at FamilySearch

17. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 49, FHL Film 1792,290, image 23/24; online at FamilySearch

18. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24; online at FamilySearch

19. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 3, FHL Film 1882,647, image 3/29; online at FamilySearch

20. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 357, FHL Film 1882,648, image 15/27; online at FamilySearch

21. Grossliebenthal Death Records 184x, online at

22. Stumpp, p. 253.

23. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Eippert).

24. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1792,290, image 11/24; online at FamilySearch

25. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 93, FHL Film 1882,643, image 12/30, Anna Maria geb. Frey were witnesses; online at FamilySearch

26. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 4, FHL Film 1882,647, image 4/29; online at FamilySearch

27. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Peter).

28. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Magdalena Frey). B/Chr in Besigheim not confirmed by parish record search in FamilySearch or Ancestry…but a Magdalena was born & bap this date in Bösingen.

29. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 42, FHL Film 1792,290, image 16/24, no other data; online at FamilySearch

30. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Peter).

31. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/5A, p. 92, FHL Film 1882,643, image 11/30, Adam Kayser and Catharina (Luitle) Frey were witnesses; online at FamilySearch

32. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 37, FHL Film 1882,646, image 2/38; online at FamilySearch

33. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at

34. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at

35. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 358, FHL Film 1882,648, image 16/27, Jacob Eippert was a witness; online at FamilySearch

36. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Magdalena Frey).

37. Frey/Kläger marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1201,991, image 853/1114; online at FamilySearch

38. Stumpp, p. 554.

39. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,170, image 828/1316, clearly the correct Adam Kayser (b. 1744, m. Catharina Walker), parents Johann Georg and Regina Kemmler; online at FamilySearch

40. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,435, image 152/978; online at FamilySearch

41. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,435, image 166/978; online at FamilySearch

42. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971, FHL Film 1195,628, image 402/1150; online at FamilySearch

43. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971, FHL Film 1195,628, image 691/1150; online at FamilySearch

44. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 515/1150; online at FamilySearch

45. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 524/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

46. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 550/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

47. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 560/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

48. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 969/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

49. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1195,628, image 989/1150, death notation added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

50. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,503, image 854/1023, incorrectly indexed as ‘Kennler‘; online at FamilySearch

51. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,503, image 854/1023, indexed as ‘Kennler‘; online at FamilySearch

52. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 19/1153, notation of death on christening record; online at FamilySearch, not indexed.

53. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 31/1153; online at FamilySearch and FHL Film 1457,503, image 1008/1023,

54. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 37/1153; online at FamilySearch

55. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 41/1153; online at FamilySearch

56. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 20/1153, ‘confirmed 1758’; online at FamilySearch; incorrectly indexed as ‘Baiser’.

57. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,170, image 828/1316, clearly the correct Adam Kayser (b. 1744, m. Catharina Walker), parents Johann Georg and Regina Kemmler; online at FamilySearch

58. Kayser/Walker marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 98/1153; online at FamilySearch

59. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 23/1153, ‘confirmed 1758’; online at FamilySearch

60. Note in son Johann Adam’s christening record (1777) that he was confirmed in Entringen in 1791.

61. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 49/1153, ‘confirmed 1783’; online at FamilySearch

62. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 780/1153; online at FamilySearch

63. Kaiser/Kaiser marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch Note that the groom’s name is Kaiser, not Raiser as has been indexed.

64. Familien Register, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 315/1074; online at FamilySearch

65. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 52/1153, ‘confirmed 1784’; online at FamilySearch

66. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, ‘confirmed 1786’; online at FamilySearch

67. Maurer/Kaiser marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch

68. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 56/1153, ‘confirmed 1788’; online at FamilySearch

69. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 58/1153, ‘confirmed 1790’; online at FamilySearch

70. Treβz/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1184,912, image 998/1376; online at FamilySearch; Kaiser incorrectly indexed as ‘Caspar’.

71. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 60/1153, ‘confirmed 1791 at Entringen’; online at FamilySearch

72. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 131/1153, age 1yr 6mo 2days; online at FamilySearch

73. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 72/1153, note of death added to christening record; online at FamilySearch

74. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 28/1153, confirmed 1761; online at FamilySearch

75. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, baptism of their son Johann Georg Kayser; online at FamilySearch

76. Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 315/1074, children are named; online at FamilySearch

77. Kaiser/Kimmler marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 569/1153; online at FamilySearch

78. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 82/1153; online at FamilySearch

79. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 54/1153, ‘confirmed 1787’; online at FamilySearch

80. Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 483/1074; online at FamilySearch, no archival citation available.

81. Kaiser/Frezin marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 567/1153; online at FamilySearch

82. Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 486/1074, children are named; online at FamilySearch, no archival citation available.

83. Scheitle/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 571/1153; online at FamilySearch

84. Kaiser/Kaiser marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 619/1153, marriage of Ludwig/Anna Maria’s son Johann Adam in 1856; online at FamilySearch

85. Familienbücher, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,505, image 484/1074; online at Ancestry.

86. Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, Johan Georg birth: 2 Jun 1751 in Wankheim, death 14 Jan 1792, marriage 7 Jun 1774, parents Johann Georg and Regina Kaiser; online at Ancestry.

87. Birth and death years are written in the marriage record; online at Ancestry.

88. Kaiser/Mozer marriage: Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 642,643, great, detailed record stating ‘Johann Georg of Wankheim’, son of ‘Johann Georg of Wankheim’; online at Ancestry also FHL Film 1457,422, image 351/1312 online at FamilySearch

89. Johann Georg Kaiser family: Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, image 323/1070, Johan Georg birth: 2 Jun 1751 in Wankheim, death 14 Jan 1792, marriage 7 Jun 1774, parents Johann Georg and Regina Kaiser, includes children; online at Ancestry.

90. Rosina (Kaiser) Friesch family: Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, Familienbücher Tübingen, FHL Film 1457,423, Derendingen u Tübingen; online at Ancestry.

91. Kaiser/Stammer marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1475,171 Entringen, image 346/866 , Johann Georg and Anna Marie’s son Jakob Friederich; online at FamilySearch

92. Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 129, image 177/1312; online at Ancestry.

93. Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, p. 33, image 930/1312; online at Ancestry.

94. Kaiser/Mozer marriage: Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985, Derendingen u Tübingen, pp. 1, image 647/1312; online at Ancestry.

95. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 47/1153, ‘confirmed 1780’; online at FamilySearch

96. Russia, Select Deaths and Burials, 1815-1917, FHL Film 1882,639, p. 285-13, birthplace Wankheim, birthyear 1767; online at Ancestry.

97. Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry.

98. Kaiser/Kemmler marriage: Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1600-1971, FHL Film 1457,504, image 105/1153; online at FamilySearch

99. Some say {‘Morgan Burger Family Tree’, owner Morgan Burger,, good sources (accessed 4 Nov 2020)} that Maria Catharina Müller was Johann Georg’s wife. But the marriage took place in Böblingen, a significant distance from Wankheim. Add to that the fact that the name ‘Johann Georg Kayser’ is very common and also even more convincing is the fact that the Müller woman was not mentioned in the Entringen Family Table on Ancestry cited vide infra.

100. There are several other marriages for Johann Georg Kayser, but they are in several different places. Given this very common name, these cannot be the same Johann Georg.

101. Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry.

102. Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables 1550-1985, FHL Film 1475,173, online at Ancestry. Several entries are repeated. This outline omits son Christian, b. abt 1805, but there is a gap in births at that time and we have a solid marriage record naming his parents.

103. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504, image 82/1153; online at FamilySearch

104. Kaiser/Walker marriage: Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; FHL Film 1457,504 Wankheim, image 606/1153, Johann Georg and Anna Marie’s son Christian; online at FamilySearch

105. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1457,504, image 65/1153; online at FamilySearch, son of Adam Kayser and his wife, Catherine born Walkerin.

106. Grossliebenthal Death Records 184x, online at

107. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971, FHL Digital Film 101897369, image 154/1254; ‘Johann Leonhard Kayser, Adam Kayser, Bürger and farmer of Entringen’s legitimate son and Maria Regina, w(idow?) of Johann Martin Kemmler Bürger and weaver from here, Julia Catherine’s legitimate single daughter’; online at FamilySearch

108. Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971, FHL Digital Film 101897368, image 994/1057;; online at FamilySearch

109. Маря Регина Кеммлир Кейссир death, Russia, Deaths and Burials, 1815-1917, FHL Film 1883,190, mother: Maria Regina geb. Kemmlerin; online at FamilySearch

110. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170; online at FamilySearch and Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, FHL Film 101897424, image 731/1316;

111. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 734/1316, mother: Maria Regina geb. Kemmlerin; online at FamilySearch, indexed as ‘Ruser’.

112. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 749/1316; online at FamilySearch

113. Russia, Births and Baptism 1755-1917, FHL Film 1882,645; online at FamilySearch

114. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 759/1316; online at FamilySearch

115. Online at, search Kaiser, Regina, also cites the Peterstal Church Book 1841-1860.

116. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 325, FHL Film 1882,648; online at FamilySearch

117. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/31, p. 546, FHL Film 1883,193; online at FamilySearch

118. Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1971; Evangelisches Landeskirchenamt, Stuttgart, FHL Film 1475,170, image 740/1316; online at FamilySearch, indexed as ‘Kuehn’.

119. Anna Marie geboren Frey is identified as mother on all baptism records for her children.

120. Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriage, and Burials 1500-1985, Berneck, Bösingen,OA Nagold, Württemberg, p. 14; online at Ancestry.

121. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Kaiser, Adam and the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census, S12).

122. As Alexanderhilf records began in 1833, Johann Adam is the oldest child from birth records, but the 1858 Alexanderhilf census identifies two other older children in the household (

123. Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes, cites the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census which has him 26 yrs old; two children are listed. There is no other birth record as the earliest records from Alexanderhilf are from 1833.

124. Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes Leonard, cites the St. Petersburg records, FHL Film 1884,100 i2 p. 116.

125. Kaiser/Schabel (Peter) marriage: Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 116, FHL Film 1884,100, image 901; online at FamilySearch

126. Schabel/Peter marriage: online at, search Schabel, Johannes, also FamilySearch Film 1882,639; online at Ancestry.

127. Ludwigshafen (am Rhine), Germany, Select Births and Baptisms 1558-1898; online at Ancestry.

128. Online at (search Johannes Schabel), cites FHL Film 1884,075 i1 229 66.

129. Findagrave #17619067.

130. Online at (search Johannes Schabel), cites St. Petersburg Archive Extractions at FamilySearch.

131. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885; online at FamilySearch

132. Findagrave #88521369, wife Katherine Reich, #88521561; 10 children named.

133. Online at, search Kaiser, Johannes Leonard.

134. Adam and Louise Kayser, 1900 U. S. Census of German, Hutchinson, South Dakota, E. D. 190, Page 3 FHL Film 1241, 550, Adam b. 1860 Russia, emigrated 1878.

See also Adam G. and Katherine Kayser, 1900 U. S. Census of German, Hutchinson, South Dakota, E. D. 190, Page 2, Adam b. Apr 1857 Russia, emigrated 1878.

135 Maria Kayser: 1880 U. S. Census of Menno, Hutchinson, South Dakota, Roll 112, E. D. 031, Page 80C; age 17, single, servant; online at Ancestry.

136. Findagrave #144642770.

137. Adam Kayser Jr. family: 1880 U. S. Census of Hutchinson County, South Dakota, Roll 112, E. D. 031, Page 105A; Adam (age 23) and wife Catharina (age 20) with sisters Louisa (age 19), Maria (age 18), Elizabeth (age 16), Carolina (age 13) and Catharina (age 21) ‘sister’?; online at Ancestry.

138. 1900 U. S. Census of Township 99, Hutchinson, South Dakota, E. D. 192, Page 6 FHL Film 1241,550, Elizabeth b. 1866 Russia, emigrated 1878.

139. Findagrave #19576996.

140. ‘arthur carl schamber family tree’, owner CindaSchamber52,, and sources therein (accessed 4 Nov 2020).

141. United States Passport Applications, #11759, South Dakota, beside his birthdate, it also states he emigrated from Bremen on the Mosel in 1878; online at FamilySearch

142. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/2, p. 36, FHL Film 1792,290, witness Jakob Frey; online at FamilySearch

143. Findagrave #86388581; his birth date in 1833 has been misread as 1838 and his age at death has been miscalculated as 79 instead of 84 years.

144. Adam Kayser family: 1880 U. S. Census of Hutchinson County, South Dakota, Roll 112, E. D. 031, Page 104D; Adam (age 47) and Elizabeth (age 50) with children John (age 23), Adam (age 22), Christina (age 16), and Heinrich (age 10), parents b. ‘Württemberg’; online at Ancestry.

145. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at

146. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Ehly).

147. Parochialschein

148. Mosel

149. Online at, search Kaiser, Johann Adam. Note that their database has some of Johann Adam’s children with a different father: Johann Leonard Kayser, b. 1831 Russia; this author can find no evidence to support the existence of this individual in Ancestry or FamilySearch.

150. Russia, Lutheran church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 127, FHL Film 1884,100 image 911;online at FamilySearch

151. ‘Lippert Family Tree’, owner Tim Lippert,, and sources therein (accessed 4 Nov 2020).

152. Findagrave #86387969.

153. Adam Kayser, United States Passport Applications 1795-1925, Roll 199, 1913 cert #18762, states—born 28 Mar 1857 in Russia, immigrated on the Mosel from Bremen, parents born Russia; online at Ancestry.

154. Parochialschein

155. Findagrave #81551101.

156. Parochialschein

157. Online at (search Elizabeth Peter) no sources cited. Johann Leonhardt is listed as the husband of Elizabeth Peter (no source); the Parochialschein has Elizabeth married to Johann Adam Kayser (second husband?).

158. Parochialschein

159. New York, Passenger and Crew Lists 1820-1957, Ship Mosel, arrived New York 9 Nov 1878; family listed—Adam, age 45; Elizabeth age 48; Heinrich, age 5; Johannes, age 20; Adam, age 18 (therefore b. 1860); Louise, age 17; Maria, age 16; Christine, age 15; Elizabeth, age 12; Caroline, age 11; online at Ancestry; hereafter Mosel.

160. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/10, p. 21, FHL Film 1882,645; online at FamilySearch

161. South Dakota Cemetery Index; buried Friedensthal Lutheran Church; online at Ancestry.

162. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at

163. Online at, search Jose, Sophia, cites the 1858 Alexanderhilf Census with her oldest dau Katherina.

164. Findagrave #24681114.

165. ‘Kaser’ Household: 1880 U. S. Census of Bon Homme, Dakota Territory, ED 97, p. 124, FHL Film 1254,111; online at FamilySearch

166. Grossliebenthal Death Records 186x, online at

167. Bauder Household: 1900 U. S. Census of Lincoln, Bon Homme, South Dakota, ED 28, p. 8, FHL Film 1241,546, immigrated 1877, mother Sophia (b. 1838) is living with them; online at Ancestry.

168. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/17, p. 346, FHL Film 1883,190; online at FamilySearch

169. Online at

170. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/24, p. 386, FHL Film 1883,190, image 6/24; online at FamilySearch

171. Oregon Death Index 1903-1998, Cert. #1619; online at FamilySearch

172. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/99, FHL Digital 4280477, Film 1884077-1, image 577/1026; online at FamilySearch, not indexed.

173. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 185x, online at

174. Black Sea German Research, online at (search Weissenburger).

175. Grossliebenthal Marriage Records 186x, online at

176. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/37, p. 308, FHL Digital 4280474, image 6/27; online at FamilySearch

177. FamilySearch Family Tree and sources cited therein; online at FamilySearch.

178. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/32, p. 10, FHL Film 1883,193; online at FamilySearch

179. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/63, p. 127, FHL Film 1883,181; online at FamilySearch

180. Online at (search Heinrich Kaiser), cites 1858 Alexanderhilf Census.

181. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/50, p. 82, FHL Film 1882,639; online at FamilySearch

182. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/87, p. 142, FHL Film 1884,100; online at FamilySearch

183. Online at (search Katherine Kaiser), cites 1858 Alexanderhilf Census.

184. Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates 1833-1885, Vol. 828-14/71, p. 112, FHL Film 1883,185; online at FamilySearch

185. New York, Passenger and Crew Lists, 2 Mar 1882 St. Germain, Gottfried Kaisser, age 30 carpenter; online at Ancestry.

186. Online at, search Kaiser, Karolina, cites FamilySearch Film 1884,075 i1 218 201 also 1858 Alexanderhilf Census (age 2).

187. Grossliebenthal Death Records 185x, online at

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