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About the essays…

PDF VERSION Version: 6 Aug 2018 About the Essays… Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.      The essays on this website are ‘living’ essays, that is—as new information and sources become available or are discovered, the essays are updated to expand or correct information in them. For this reason informative comments are particularly welcome. A …

DNA Discussion

PDF VERSION Version: 6 Aug 2018 What you want or may need to know about DNA and Y-DNA Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.1      Since most of what is available to read about Y-DNA is largely unintelligible to someone familiar with the science or so watered down so as to be totally useless, I …

The Dead have no Rights

PDF VERSION Version: 6 Aug 2018 The Dead have no Rights Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.      Lots of people have said it, ‘The dead have no rights’,,, —except the right to be silent and to vote in Chicago. And it’s generally true—what people now dead have done or accomplished (physical things) can be …

‘Just Trust Me On This’

PDF VERSION Version: 6 May 2024 ‘Just Trust Me On This’ Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.1      The search for the Truth in genealogy depends upon Proofs and Evidence.  Proofs and Evidence depend on Sources that can be checked, investigated and verified.  A source that cannot be checked, investigated and verified is NOT a …


  1. Dick – Received an email from a woman who says her brother and I match near perfectly on our Y-DNA results. His name is Lovett, and they hail from Bucks county. Their ancestor, Edmund Lovett and the 1653 Thomas Terry owned quite a bit of land next to each other. She says the Terry’s and Lovett’s were also near neighbors in England. She thinks it’s possible that the 1653 Thomas is the son of Thomas Terry b. 1624 in Chesham, Buckingham, England. She attached a sketch of the 1700 property lines which I assume is near Penn Manor in Bristol, PA.


    1. Patrick – this is terrific news! Maybe you are making some progress with your own lineage…I’ll be very interested to know more details. And about the Thomas Terry, b. 1624 in Chesham, I’ll get onto that right away. I have more information about the Terry’s English origins that I have written up yet as the work is incomplete, but I’m hoping to finish it this year.

  2. I want to thank you for helping me to conect the dots with proof of Henry Capehart as a descendant of Henrich Gebhart. I am also a decendent of Aaron Hamilton and Elizabeth Merkins. I did see something that is not a correct reference for Aaron and Elizabeth. On the Merkins essay, a reference of an 1880 census
    (71. 1880 census: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MXVD-4DY.)
    Aaron and Elizabeth moved to Great Bend, Cottonwood, Minnesota. The 1880 census , page 14 Lines 32-36 shows Aaron, Elizabeth, their sons Paul and Charlie and a grandson Samuel J.
    My great -great grandfather, John F. Hamilton and Wife Emily (Russel) Hamilton are also listed on Lines 6-11, also listing my great grandfather, Frank and brothers Henry, John and Milton.
    Emily Russel’s parents are on line 19 and 20 with their nephew and boarders.
    They were in Henry, Marshall, Illinois in 1850, 1860 and then in 1870 were in Great Bend, Cottonwood, Minnesota .

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, Debbie Hamilton Alexander

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