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Kayser History

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PDF VERSION Version: 18 Nov 2020 at-DNA and the two Adam Kaysers Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.    On the manifest of the ship Mosel which lists among the passengers the Adam Kayser family emigrating from Odessa to South Dakota (left Bremen arriving New York 9 Nov 1878), a son Adam (age 18) is listed. …

Kayser Family

FamilienDokumente PDF VERSION Version: 22 Nov 2020 The Württembergian Kayser Family (Black Sea Russians) from the Odessa Region of Russia Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.    Friedrich Kayser was born 21 Apr 1840 at the Groβliebenthal colony (the village of Alexanderhilf), near Odessa, administrative center Kherson, Russia, the son of Johann Adam Kayser and Anna …