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The 19th Century Capeharts of Northern Philadelphia


Version: 8 Mar 2019


The 19th Century Capeharts of Northern Philadelphia


Richard L. Tolman, Ph. D.

    For more than two centuries the Gebhardt family were Swiss—living in Rheinfelden in Canton Aargau and then Basel.1Kephart I; See Kephart, Calvin I. Danish Royal Skioldung Genealogy of Zincke (Zinck, Zinke, Zink, Zingg) and certain Gebhardt (Kephart, Capehart) Families {FHL: Fiche 6018,394, Library of Congress CS71 K384 1950) and NEHGS}; pages relevant to this essay: pp. 13-16 (1950); Note: the LC and NEHGS copies have an appended lineage of the Gebhardts descent from Charlemagne, the FHL copy does not.  This 1950 monograph corrects a number of the errors in the American genealogy of the Gebhardts which were published in an earlier version: Kephart, Calvin National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 31: 53-64 (1942).  Early in the 18th century Heinrich Gebhardt (b. 1699; hereafter Heinrich1699) and his wife Maria Catharina Andreas of Solothurn left Basel to go up the Rhine valley with a second cousin named Strub; the family settled in Hessen east of Frankfurt am Main in the independent state Hanau-Münzenberg and raised children there; he died there abt 1770.  Heinrich1699 purportedly had six sons2Norman; ‘Toni Norman’s Web Site’: (accessed 23 Jul 2013); both Kephart I and Kephart II have Heinrich1699 with 4 immigrating sons (omitting Johann Georg and Johann Adam). that came to America; the sons each took a wife if they hadn’t brought one with them and went in their own direction—the oldest Johann Georg (b. 1720) to Berks County, Pennsylvania; the next Johann Adam (b. abt 1724) to Philadelphia Co. (now Montgomery County), Pennsylvania; the third Heinrich (hereafter Heinrich1725) to northern Philadelphia County; the fourth (Hans) Jacob (b. 1727) to the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia; the 5 and 6th David Andreas (b. 1729) and Nicholas3An excellent manuscript addition to the Walter Downing Kephart history vide supra exists describing descendants of Nicholas Gebhardt of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania:  Pester, Lucille Kephart and Nelson, Leola Kephart  Addendum: Nicholas Gebhardt (1733-1829); manuscript at FHL US/CAN 929,273 K441k supp (1992); these authors also indicate Heinrich1699 had 6 immigrating sons. (b. 1733) to Carroll Co., Maryland and Cumberland Co. (now Clearfield County), Pennsylvania, respectively.  Most of these sons and their children adopted the less-German-sounding name ‘Kephart’.

    The ‘Capehart’ name, a further derivation of ‘Kephart’, was used by a certain few members of the immigrating Gebhardt family—only by Heinrich1725’s younger children and their children (i. e. the children of Andrew and Henry).  In the 19th century they lived nearly exclusively in the Philadelphia area (per census) and their genealogy is complicated and confused by the fact that they used a very short list of masculine (and feminine) given names.  The primary objective of this essay is to trace all the holders of the name ‘Capehart’ in the Philadelphia area.  All place names in the essay are in Pennsylvania unless otherwise specified.
    The descent of the Kephart I)4See reference 1. and the second by a distant relative Walter D. Kephart in 1976 (hereafter Kephart II).5See reference 1.  Calvin Ira Kephart (CIK, 1883-1969) was president of the National Genealogical Society (1928-30 and 1938-1940).  He did the bulk of the work in identifying the Gebhardt descendants and possessed voluminous papers and notes at the time of his death.  All of these papers were inherited by his close friend and fellow genealogist Milton Rubincam, who apparently did nothing with them.  When Rubincam died in 1997 the Kephart papers went to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP).  HSP went through them and made them available to patrons in 2008; this author has been through them as much as one can in two days and made copies of Capehart-relevant material (hereafter Kephart III).6Kephart III; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Collection GSP 001, 13 boxes, 5 linear feet of paper.  Capehart-relevant-material included personal notes, sometimes with markedly different and conflicting versions of the same matter, letters and other correspondence, interviews of living Capeharts (mostly in the Kensington district) made by Mr. Kephart’s hired researcher, Mrs. Gertrude Fryburg of Philadelphia (GF).
    In 1752 Heinrich1699’s sons three and four, (Hans) Jacob and Heinrich Gebhardt (b. 1725), immigrated7Strassburger, Ralph Beaver Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 (Norristown, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934) Vol. 1, p. 485.,8Egle, William Henry Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Archives, ser. 2, vol. 17 (Harrisburg, PA: E. K. Meyers, 1890), p. 359. to America arriving in Philadelphia on the St. Andrew on the 23 September.  Heinrich1725 settled in Frankford, north of Philadelphia where he and his sons worked at a gristmill.  Heinrich1725 and his wife (identity unknown) had three children before they left Germany and nine more once they were settled in Frankford.  When British troops occupied Philadelphia in 1777 and took over the mill in Frankford, most of the family retreated to Cumberland County, where sons Andrew and Henry ‘Capehart’ enlisted9Dickens, Jane Index to Associators and Militia of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania {Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. VI} (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1998), p. 15. in the Cumberland militia.
    American descendants of Heinrich Gebhardt (b. 1699) are described by Toni Norman in the downloadable database on her website10Norman. (hereafter Norman, no updates since 2002).  Although well researched, there are no sources and she has no descendants of Heinrich1725’ sons Andrew and Henry.

Generation A

    1.  HeinrichA Gebhardt/Kephart (HeinrichB),11CIK in Kephart III consistently maintains Heinrich1725 used the name Capehart, but this author does not concur.  Through most of the correspondence CIK denies the existence of Heinrich’s son Henry b. 1756; in the latest documents however, I believe CIK acknowledged that there must have been a son Henry who went by the name Capehart. was born in 1725 in Northern Baden near the Odenwald, Germany which bridges the border between Baden and Hessen.  He immigrated to Philadelphia 30 Sep 1754 on the St. Andrew with his wife12In the available genealogical literature (family trees) Heinrich’s wife is often listed as ‘Barbara’, but this author can find no source to support this; it may be a transposition error from the fact that Heinrich1725’s gmother was a ‘Barbara’. and three children.  The wife’s name remains unknown.  The family were millers and lived on the Widow Sawyer’s farm in Bristol Township, Philadelphia County until seizure of the gristmill (location still unknown) in 1777 by British troops.13Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.  In 1777 they retreated to Cumberland County (James Wright was in the group that left).14Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.  In 1790 he was living in Pine Grove Township, Berks (now Schuylkill Co.; ‘Henry Gebhart’, household of 9; same township as brother Adam).15United States Census Office, 1st Census, 1790 U. S. Census of Pennsylvania (Spartenburg, SC: Reprint Co. Publishers, 1964), FHL US/CAN 974.8 X2, p. 38.  He died before 24 Sep 179316Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1312; she is referred to as ‘Widow Gebhardt’ indicating he had already passed. (date his wife died) with many of his family in the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia that killed 5000 in August or early September, 1793 and was buried in St. Michael’s Cemetery (Zion’s Lutheran), Philadelphia, then twice reinterred—now resting in a mass grave in the Philadelphia Memorial Park at Frazer, Chester County.

    Of Heinrich’s male children who had proven issue, the only ones to use the name ‘Capehart’ were Andrew and Henry.

    Known children of Heinrich and Mrs. Gebhardt, were as follows:17See Kephart I; interestingly, Kephart II omits Heinrich1725’s son Henry (b. 1756) altogether and lists his (Henry’s) dau Elizabeth as offspring of Heinrich1725.  This may satisfy Occam’s razor, but it is clearly not in line with the evidence: (1) ‘Henry Capehart’ was in the Cumberland militia with his older brother Andrew (Heinrich1725 never used the name Capehart); (2) Kephart II has Elizabeth born 1772, but this is an estimated b’date for which there is no hard evidence—in the 1800 census, Elizabeth is newly married but her husband James Merkins does not appear in the census so they were probably living with her father (Henry Capehart household was 10), but only two persons were older than 25 in that household leading one to conclude Elizabeth was younger than 25; Kephart I has her b’date 1778 which would make her mother (Heinrich1725’s wife) abt 51 at the birth; (3) Elizabeth was raised in Bristol, Bucks and married a fellow from the neighborhood (1778 is a better b’year for her)—a Henry Capehart (her father) appears in the 1790 and 1800 censuses of northern Philadelphia County, Heinrich1725 (his father, ‘Henry Gebhart’, was living in Berks County in 1790); he died in 1793 in Philadelphia.

     2.       i.   RACHEL KEPHART,18Kephart III; Report of Edward W. Hocker, genealogical researcher at Germantown, to CIK: 3 typewritten pages of wildly contradictory data concerning the Stroup family in Philadelphia; good data, but Mr. Hocker makes no attempt to sort out inconsistencies. born 1749 in Germany and died of yellow fever 20 Sep 179319Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1311, she is called ‘a dau. of widow Gebhardt’; see also Kephart I; her death of yellow fever also omitted by Kephart II; claims issue, without evidence. in Philadelphia and buried with her parents in Frazer, Chester County.  She married John Strupe20Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series: Vol. II, p. 165 (license), married same day—Vol. 9, p. 735 at German Reformed Church.,21 Kephart I ,II and III, also ‘McDaneld_Aycock Family Tree’, owner: p_mcdaneld42, 43531283 (accessed 22 Jul 2013). (later Stroup) 11 Apr 1768 in Philadelphia, a tailor with a shop on Water Street.  He was born abt 1746 and died 11 Aug 1825 at Philadelphia.  John Stroup married abt 1794 (2) Margaret Bair; he had eight children; four by each wife.22Family Data Collection-Marriages database on-line at; accessed 23 Jul 2013.,23Will of John Stroup, probated 17 Aug 1825:  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1916, Book 8, no. 101, p. 466; FHL Film 21,734; the will was written 9 Sep 1803 when four of the eight children (Margaret’s) mentioned were under 15; eight children are mentioned by name and presumably descending age.  The oldest son John was executor and an adult at the time of the writing of the will.  Household size was 9 in 1790.241790 U. S. Census of Water Street, East Side, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M637_9, p. 81 (household of 9).

     3.       ii.   JOHANNES (Rev. John) KEPHART, born 13 Feb 1751 in Germany; married 1779 Elizabeth Fretz daughter of Jacob and Magdalena Catherine (Nash) Fretz; died 31 Aug 1822 Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania; buried Doylestown Mennonite Church cemetery, Doylestown, Bucks.  For more than 15 years (1806-1821) he was the Pastor of the Doylestown Mennonite Church.25‘John Kephert’, 1810 U. S. Census of New Britain Township, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 46, p. 872; household of 8.  Nine children.26See Kephart I, Kephart II, and Norman.

      4.       iii.   HANS JACOB KEPHART, born abt 1752 probably in Germany; married Susanna Boern abt 1781 and lived in Northumberland (now Union) County and subsequently moved to Warren County, Ohio.27Kephart III; a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).  Issue.

+    5.    iv.   ANDREW KEPHART/CAPEHART, born 1754 in Frankford, Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania; died 26 Sep 1809, buried Baptist Church grounds, Frankford.28Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes (Andrew is handwritten-in); Box 2/2.

+    6.     v.   HENRY CAPEHART, born abt 1756 in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died after 1820, Bensalem Township, Bucks.29Kephart III; Henry is included (written-in) in a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).

     7.       vi.   CHRISTINA CAPEHART, born abt 1758 in Frankford, Philadelphia, married30Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. 19 May 1776 in Philadelphia (Lieutenant) Jacob Whitehead.31Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data (typewritten)’, Box 2/2.  Issue.

     8.     vii.   WILLIAM KEPHART, born 1758 in Frankford, Philadelphia.   In 1780-2 he was taxed for the Widow Sawyer’s property.32Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.  He may have married the ‘widow (Mary) Sawyer’.33Kephart III; CIK thought so, but cites no source.  Probable issue.34‘William Caphart’; 1790 U. S. Census of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M637_9, p. 315; household of 5.,35‘Wm Kaphart’, 1810 U. S. Census of Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 46, p. 950; household of 4.

     9.    viii.   GEORGE KEPHART/CAPEHART, born abt 1761, Frankford, Philadelphia; died 1793 in Philadelphia of yellow fever.36Kephart III; from letter (19 Nov 1957) B. Hoff Knight to CIK: cites Mathew Carey’s work on the 1793 yellow fever epidemic and enumerates Capehart/Gebhardt dead including George Capehart tobacconist, George Capehart and child, Frederick Capehart, cooper, Frederick Capehart, apprentice, Widow Gebhard and dau Rachel Gebhart.  He served in the Pennsylvania (German) militia in Capt. Caleb Armitage’s company (May 24, 1779) and in Capt. George Forepaugh’s Company (Aug 4 and 10, 1780).37Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data (typewritten)’, Box 2/2.,38‘Colonial Records of Pennsylvania: Vol. X, Minutes of the Council of Safety of the Province of Pennsylvania’, p. 700, online at (accessed 1 Mar 2010); ‘George Capehart for 7 days flat hire’ (carting).  Probably one son, died young.39Both Kephart I and Kephart II state he was ‘probably’ married (no source) and Kephart II claims issue, but this author cannot find any evidence.  Both claim he died in the 1793 epidemic, but record (which admittedly has holes) is silent on the subject.  Kephart III also indicates (w/o sources) he was married and had children, one of whom died with George in the yellow fever epidemic; chief reason for believing he was married seems to be the fact that George paid taxes on land in Northern Liberties in 1781-1782 that was owned by a ‘Beckley and Flower’ (from letter 7 Dec 1930, CIK to researcher GF).

     10.     ix.   KATHERINE KEPHARDT, born abt 1763, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died 1848.  She married40‘Katherine Keppard’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 98; First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. (Corporal) John Organ 17 Jul 1783 in Philadelphia; he served in the 4th Pennsylvania Colonial Regiment, 1777-1781.  They settled in Unity Township, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania.  Issue.41Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.

     11.     x.   BARBARA CAPEHART, born abt 1767, Frankford, Philadelphia; married42‘Barbary Capehart’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. Robert McCall 3 Sep 1791 in Philadelphia.  He acquired 200 acres in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania 31 Mar 1804.43Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.  Issue.

     12.    xi.   MARY CAPEHART, born abt 1769, Frankford, Philadelphia; married44Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. Benjamin Pike 29 May 1792 in Philadelphia.  Probably resided in Philadelphia.45Kephart III; a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).  Issue.

     13.   xii.   (JOHANN) FREDERICK CAPEHART, born abt 1774, Frankford, Philadelphia, cooper’s apprentice; died 24 Sep 1793 Philadelphia of yellow fever.46Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’ (earlier version), typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.,47Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1311, he is listed as ‘Johann Gebhardt’ indicating he has a second forename (a ‘Rufname’), otherwise he would have been called ‘Johannes’; also Kephart I, p. 15; he is omitted in Kephart II.  Never married, no issue.


Generation One

    5. Andrew1 Kephart/Capehart (HeinrichA)48‘Andrew Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘Andrew (1754-1809) wrote name Kephart; building contractor, Phila.’ Am. Rev.; m 1788 Elizabeth Wright; online at’ was born about 1754 in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and died 26 Sep 1809; buried in the Second Baptist Church grounds, Frankford, Philadelphia County.  He married49‘Andrew Keephart’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 530; Third Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. 4 Dec 1788 Elizabeth Wright, daughter of James50‘Cossart and Corbett Family Tree’, owner: RCossart, 28145729 (accessed 25 Jul 2013) also Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF. and _____ Wright, in the Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.  Elizabeth married after his death (2) Johann Philip Hager of Bucks County.51Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.  In 1800 the family was living in West Northern Liberties Township, Philadelphia County (household of 5).521800 U. S. Census of (West) Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 42, p. 391, household of 5.

    Children of Andrew and Elizabeth (Wright) Capehart were:

+    14.      i.   JOHN2 CAPEHART, born 14 Jan 1790, Philadelphia County;  died 21 Aug 1875 Martin’s Ferry, Belmont, Ohio; buried Washington, Washington.

+    15.     ii.   JAMES2 CAPEHART, born 1793, Philadelphia County; died 23 Mar 1844 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; buried Cedar Hill cemetery,  Frankford, Philadelphia.

+    16.    iii.   WILLIAM2 CAPEHART, born 1795, Philadelphia County; died abt 1835 Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.

+    17.    iv.   HENRY2 CAPEHART, born 1801, Philadelphia County; died 4 Oct 1871 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia; buried 7 Oct 1871 Cedar Hill cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia.531840 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 488, p. 141; household of 9.

     6.  Henry1 Capehart (HeinrichA) of Byberry Township, Philadelphia was born about 1756; he died after 1815.  He married Elizabeth Fretz about 1777 (she was born 1761 and died 25 Apr 1836 at age 75; buried St. John’s M. E. Burying Ground (Roy St. N. E., Germantown), Philadelphia, Philadelphia).54Elizabeth Capehart death: Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St. Philadelphia, Death Records; St. John’s Methodist Episcopal Burying Ground no longer exists, bodies were removed to the Oakland Cemetery, Philadelphia in 1904 to 5 mass graves (unmarked) in the ‘singles section’.  In 1790 Henry and family were living in Manor of Moreland Township, Philadelphia County (household of 6)55United States Census Office, 1st Census, 1790 U. S. Census of Pennsylvania (Spartenburg, SC: Reprint Co. Publishers, 1964), FHL US/CAN 974.8 X2, p. 198. and by 1800 he was in Byberry Township, Philadelphia County (household of 10). 561800 U. S. Census of Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 42, p. 145.,571820 U. S. Census of Bensalem, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_99, p. 270; household of 3 (son- and grandson-in-law James Merkins and Thomas Terry are neighbors).

    Known children of Henry and Elizabeth Capehart were:

      18.      i.   SARAH2  CAPEHART/COPART, born abt 1777 of Bucks and died and is interred in the Dutch Lutheran Churchyard at Frankford.58Summers, G. Byron A History of George Summers of Douglass and Lower Dublin Townships, Montgomery County, unpublished ms (34 pp) at Bucks County Historical Society, filmed 1958 by Genealogical Society of Utah, FHL Film 173013, pp. 10-11; hereafter Summers. She married59Ibid.; Robert McDowell Lukens, M. D., U. S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications #75099, May 1, 1952; online at (accessed 17 Jun 2017). abt 1793 Martin Summers; son of George and Ann Summers.60Summers, p. 33-4. He was born abt 1772 of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. His father George was a drummer in the Revolutionary War.61Summers, p. 10-11. Ten children.

+    19.      i.   ELIZABETH2  CAPEHART, born 1778 in Bristol, Bucks County and died 19 Sep 1829 in Byberry Township, Philadelphia.

+    20.     ii.   JOHN2  KEPHART/CAPEHART, born 29 Dec 1783 in Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania and died 21 Aug 1858 in Bucks County.

     21.   iii.   EDWARD2  CAPEHART, born 1790-1800 in Pennsylvania.62‘Esearl Capehart’; 1840 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 488, p. 141; household of 4, he was 40-50 yrs old, 2 daughters.

     22.   iv.   LEWIS2  CAPEHART, born 1800-1810 Pennsylvania.63Ibid., ‘Lewis Capehart’, p. 154; household of 2—he was 30-40 yrs.


Generation Two

    14.   John2 Capehart (Andrew Kephart/Capehart1,HeinrichA ),64‘John Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘John (1790-1875) wrote name Capehart; constrn. engr. on river locks, canals, rys., etc., in western Pa. and Ohio; corpl. and artificer  U. S. Arty. Corps, 1812-1817; m Sophia Stackhouse (d 1859)’ ; online at was born 14 Jan 1790 in Philadelphia County  and died 21 Aug 1875, Martin’s Ferry, Belmont, Ohio and was buried in Washington, Washington County.65Kephart III; ‘John Capehart obituary’—a wonderful single-spaced typewritten page detailing every aspect of the man’s life; father of 10; oldest of 4 sons of Andrew Capehart (James, William, Henry).  He married abt 1817 Sophia Stackhouse of Staten Island (she married  (1) McDonald or McDonnell); she died 1859 in Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio.  In 1830 the family was in Cambria County.66‘John Capehart’, 1830 U. S. Census of Conemaugh, Cambria, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_161, p. 179; household of 7.

     The children of John and Sophia (Stackhouse) Capehart were:67Kephart III; typewritten worksheet (2 pages): ‘Capehart—4th generation: descendants of John and Sophia (Stackhouse) Capehart’ on dark yellow paper with blanks some of which are filled in; all the children in the family are listed with known information typewritten; sheets are covered with notes and scrawled messages.,68Kephart III; Letter CIK to Mrs. J. Calvin Gray, Martin’s Ferry, Ohio of Sept 23, 1923 summarizing current understanding of Capehart genealogy, but only listing children of John and Sophia (Stackhouse) Capehart.

23.    i.   JOHN3 CAPEHART, Jr., born 1818; died in Texas.69John Capehart, 1890 Texas Census of Clarendon, Donley, Texas, TX Veteran’s Schedule and 1880 U. S. Non-population Schedule of Freestone County, Texas, T1134_24, p. 2 line 4; online at (accessed 7 May 2010).

24.   ii.   WILLIAM HENRY3 CAPEHART, born 1820 and died in infancy.


              Figure 1.  Northern Philadelphia County Townships70Philadelphia Maps, 1682-1982: Townships-Districts-Wards, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Special Pub’n 6 (Genealogical Soc. Of Penna.: Philadelphia, 1996), p. 13.


25.  iii.   WILLIAM3 CAPEHART, born 1821.

26.  iv.   Maj-General HENRY3 CAPEHART, 71‘Henry Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘Henry (1823-1895) Bridgeport and Martin’s Ferry, O. and Fargo, N. D.; surgeon, Bridgeport, O.; surgeon and col. of cav. In Civil War; promoted to bvt. maj. gen. at time of Lee’s surrender; repeatedly cited for gallantry in action; m 2d 1856 Elizabeth Adelaide Kinsey’; online at,72Henry Capehart, U. S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, of 1st W. Va. Cavalry and American Civil War General Officers; online at born 18 Mar 1825 Cambria County; he died 15 Apr 1895 in Fargo, Cass, North Dakota.  He married 22 Feb 1850 (1) Charlotte Sweeney in Washington, Washington, Pennsylvania (she died 29 Sep 1854).73Kephart III; see above.  He married 22 May 1856 (2) Elizabeth Adelaide Kinsey in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio.  She was born 1828, Ohio daughter of John and Mary (Balderson) Kinsey74‘Elizabeth A. Kinsey’; 1850 U. S. Census of Colerain, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M432_661, p. 493; household of 7; appears as dau (age 22). and died 7 Mar 1908 Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio.  Issue.75‘Henry Capehart, physician’: 1860 U. S. Census of Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M653_937, p. 248; household of 7, four children (probably two by  Elizabeth).,76‘Henry Capehart, physician’; 1870 U. S. Census of Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M593_1173, p. 135, Family 404, household of 9, four children and father as well as father-in-law John Kinsey, both 81 yrs.

27.   v.   MARTIN3 CAPEHART, born 1826 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania and died 1845 in Washington, Washington County.   Never married.

28.  vi.   ANDREW3 CAPEHART, born 1829 in Cambria County and died 1867 in Washington, Washington.   Never married.

29. vii.   CHARLES ELLSWORTH3 CAPEHART, born Nov 1830 in Pennsylvania;  married abt 1865 Louise Lasuer (she was born in 1851 in Missouri), and died after 1923 in Washington, District of Columbia.  Issue.

30. viii.   JULIA3 CAPEHART, born 1835 in Pennsylvania; married abt 1850 Samuel Donley of Pittsburgh; died 1895.  Issue.

31.  ix.   ELIZABETH3 CAPEHART, born 1837 in Pennsylvania; died young, when the family house burned.

32.   x.   CAROLINE3 CAPEHART,77Kephart III; a letter from CIK to Wm S. Vance, Washington, Pa. dated Sept. 10, 1923 requests him to find ‘the old man Henry Brown’ (husband of Caroline Capehart, dau of John, Andrew1) and ask him the name of John Capehart’s father—William or Andrew?  –and to ascertain whether he is ABSOLUTELY SURE!  He was then to return this letter to CIK with the answer written on the bottom.  At the bottom of the letter is underlined ‘Andrew Capehart’, with Mr. Brown’s current address and description of his well-being, signed by Mr. Vance. born 21 May 1839 in Johnstown, Cambria County; died 6 Jun 1917 Washington, Washington County.  She married 23 Jul 1857 Henry Brown of Pittsburgh, a saddler-harnessmaker; he was a corporal in Co. E of the 1st Pennsylvania Valley Infantry.  He was born 25 Sep 1827 and died after 1923.

    15.  James2 Capehart (Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ), was born 1793 in Pennsylvania and died78James Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 50 years, buried ‘Philadelphia Alms House’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Interments at Philadelphia Alms House, Mar 1844. 23 Mar 1844 in Philadelphia; buried in the Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He married 17 Jul 1813 Barbara Sophia Einwechter (she was born 23 Mar 1797 daughter of George and Catharina Elizabeth (Kubelhaus) Einwechter and died 23 Mar 1873 in Philadelphia); buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia County.    In 1820 and 1850 the family was in Northern Liberties Township, Philadelphia.79‘James Capeart’; 1820 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_110, p. 47; household of 6.,80‘Sophia Capehart’; 1850 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_811, p. 338; household of 2 (with son Charles).  After James’ death, Sophia lived with her son Charles.  James served in the War of 1812 in Capt. James Reed’s Company of Pennsylvania Militia.  His widow obtained bounty land after the war (1850).81‘War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application File`s, National Archives, database online at (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

    The children of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart were:82Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray, 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren as well with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart.,83‘RWatson01-11-11 Family Tree’, owner: rwatson7242, (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

     33.    i.   ELIZABETH3 CAPEHART, born 1813 in Pennsylvania; married 1828 John F. Cossart (he was born 2 May 1811 in Philadelphia and died 1903); she died 7 Jul 1881 in Pennsylvania.  Issue.84David P. Cossart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ mother: ‘Elizabeth Caphart’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

     34.   ii.   LOUISA3 CAPEHART, born 1817 in Pennsylvania; married abt 1830 Leonard Foster (born 1814 in Pennsylvania) and died after 1850.  Issue.85‘Louisa Foster’; 1850 U. S. Census of Spring Garden Ward 3 Precinct 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_818, p. 493B; household of 5.

+    35.  iii.   HENRY3 CAPEHART, born 1820 in Philadelphia and died 6 Mar 1891 in Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin.

     36.   iv.   SAMUEL3 CAPEHART, born Jun 1822 in Pennsylvania and died86Samuel Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 1 yr. 7 mos. 21 Jan 1824; buried (Northern Liberties) Con. Sabbath Schools Burial Ground.

     37.   v.   SARAH3 CAPEHART, born 1825 in Pennsylvania; married abt 1850 William Keen (born 1826 in Pennsylvania) and died after 1880.  Issue.87‘Sarah Keen’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1161, p. 1075; household of 4.,88‘Sarah Keen’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 16 District 49, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1401, p. 406B; household of 3.,89‘Sarah Keene’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1174, Enum. Dist. 245, p. 586; household of 3.

     38.  vi.   WILLIAM3 CAPEHART, born Feb 1829 in Pennsylvania and died90William Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 3 yrs. 8 Feb 1832 of inflammation of the brain; buried Union Harmony Co. of Kensington.

+   39. vii.   CHARLES THEODORE3 CAPEHART, born 2 Feb 1834 in Philadelphia County, and died 20 Jan 1890 in Lincoln, Sussex, Delaware, buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia County.

    16. William2 Capehart (Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ), was born 1795, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; died about 1835 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.  He married abt 1821 Elizabeth Miller (born abt 1792 in Pennsylvania and died abt 1871).  She married abt 1836 (2) Abraham Llewellyn, born 1806 in Pennsylvania (and died after 1880) and had three more children.91‘Elizabeth Llewellyn’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; household of 7, living with two sons by William Capehart plus three more children with Abraham Llewellyn and a married daughter(?) by Abraham’s first wife (Harriet McKinley; she and two children are still with them in the 1860 and then for at least 20 more years).

     The children of William and Elizabeth (Miller) Capehart were:92Kephart III; Summary notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; an outline of the children of Wm and Sarah (Farley) Capehart.

+   40.    i.   DANIEL3 CAPEHART, born 7 Mar 1822 in Philadelphia and died93‘Daniel Capehart’ death: ‘U. S. Veterans Gravesites 1775-2006’, buried ‘Hampton National Cemetery’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010). 22 Mar 1903 in Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Virginia.

+   41.   ii.   WILLIAM3 CAPEHART, born 1825 in Philadelphia and died 3 Feb 1865 in Philadelphia of pneumonia; buried 6 Feb 1865 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.

     42.  iii.   ELIZABETH A.3 CAPEHART, born Aug 182994‘Elizabeth A. Ulery, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1473, Enum. Dist. 787, p. 3A; household of 3; 6 of 12 children alive; she is living with her daughter Amanda Glaesser and her husband. in Philadelphia County; married95‘Ulney’/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 25 Jun 1845 at Kensington, Philadelphia John Ulery (born 1818 of Philadelphia); she died after 1910.  Issue.96‘Elizabeth Uhlery’, 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 District 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 525B, family 1446; household  of 9 and ‘Eliz Ulrey’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1190, p. 501, family 86; household of 4; two children.

+   43.  iv.   JOHN3 CAPEHART, born 1830 in Philadelphia and died 3 Jun 1862 of dysentery; buried 5 Jun 1862 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.

   17.  Henry2 Capehart (Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ), was born Apr 1801, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; died97Henry Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1870; age 71 yrs. 6 mos. and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, gentleman living at 944 E. Morris St., Ward 19; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) of gastric cancer 4 Oct 1871 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County; buried 7 Oct 1871 Cedar Hill cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia County.98‘Henry Capehart’, cordwainer: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_806, p. 263; household of 9, children’s names mostly misspelled.,99‘Henry Copehart’, cordwainer: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 332; household of 5.,100‘Henry Caphart’, retired: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 District 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 450; Henry’s a widower living with three daus Sallie (unmd), Miriam Carse, and Emma Platt and children.   He married abt 1823 Sarah Walters (born 1805 in Pennsylvania died101Sarah Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1866; 61 year and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 60 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 14 May 1866 in Philadelphia, buried 20 May 1866 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia).

    The children of Henry and Sarah (Walters) Capehart were: 102Will of Sarah Capehart (registered 16 June 1866), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 57, p.576, no.320, FHL Film 21753 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039); everything to husband Henry so long as he is single and unmarried; otherwise estate is to be divided among children, each child to have a share, viz.: John Capehart, Amanda Bennett, Walter Capehart, Emma Platt, Miriam Julia Carse, Sarah Capehart, and one share to be divided between the two children, Amanda and George, of deceased son George.,103Kephart III; a letter from Walter C. Turner (grandson of Henry Capehart (1801-1871, Andrew1) to CIK, dated April 16, 1923, handwritten—3 pages:  he describes his own genealogy and that of his sisters, as well as naming his grandparents Henry and Sara (Walters) Capehart, his mother’s (Sarah Ellen Capehart Turner) sibs, their spouses and many dates; he outlines his father’s life (Nathaniel Turner).  This letter is followed by a 2-page handwritten summary by CIK of pertinent genealogical names and dates, extracted from the letter and includes considerable information not included in the Walter C. Turner letter.

+   44.    i.   JOHN3 CAPEHART, born 1824 in Philadelphia and died 1 Dec 1898 in Philadelphia County, buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia County.

+   45.   ii.   GEORGE3 CAPEHART, born 1827 in Philadelphia and died 9 Nov 1854 in Philadelphia County and buried in Old Kensington.

     46.  iii.   ELIZABETH3 CAPEHART, born Jun 1828 in Philadelphia and died104Elizabeth Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1828, age 2 wks. 8 Jul 1828 of spasms in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; buried in (Northern Liberties) Con. Sabbath Schools Burial Ground.

    47.  iv.   AMANDA M.3 CAPEHART, born 1834 in Philadelphia; married105Bennett/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Jun. 6, 1854. 4 Jun 1854 in Kensington, Philadelphia George Bennett (born 1832); she died106Amanda Bennett death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1828, age 30 yrs. 30 Dec 1861 of phthisis pulmonalis  in Philadelphia, buried 2 Jan 1862 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.  Issue.

    48.   v.   WALTER3 CAPEHART, born 1835 in Philadelphia and died 1902 in Harrisonburg, Rockingham, Virginia; buried 19 Dec 1902. Never married.

    49.  vi.   EMMA3 CAPEHART, born 13 Mar 1839 in Philadelphia and died after 1920 in Philadelphia County; she married107Platt/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Apr. 23, 1857. 12 Apr 1857 at Kensington, Philadelphia William Platt (born 1834 in Pennsylvania; died before 1900 Philadelphia).  Issue.

    50. vii.   DAUGHTER3 CAPEHART, born Apr 1841 in Philadelphia and died108Daughter Capehart, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 mos.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) 10 Sep 1841 in Philadelphia and buried in Palmer Ground (Kensington).

    51. viii.  MIRIAM JULIA3 CAPEHART, born 1842 in Philadelphia and died109Miriam Julia Capehart Carse death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 12 Jul 1919 in Smithfield, Stroudsburg, Monroe, Pennsylvania; buried 15 Jul 1919 in North Cedar Hill, Frankford, Philadelphia County.  She married110Carse/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 61 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1863. 30 Jul 1863 George Bulkley Carse (born 1840, New Jersey and died111George Carse death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 45 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) 28 Nov 1883, Philadelphia and buried Laurel Hill cemetery).  He fought in the Civil War, 40th New York Volunteers, discharged as Captain for wounds sustained.112American Civil War Soldiers, Historical Data Systems, online at (accessed 16 Feb 2010).  Issue.113Miriam J. Carse, 1880 U. S. Census of Camden, Camden, New Jersey, National Archives Roll T9_774, Enum. Dist. 54, p. 345; she is living with her in-laws.

    52.  ix.   WILLIAM HENRY3 CAPEHART, born Aug 1844 in Philadelphia County and died114William Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 4 yrs. 2 mos.; ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Monday, Apr. 23, 1849. 21 Apr 1849 of scarlatina in Philadelphia, Philadelphia and buried in Francis Villa.

    53.   x.   SARAH ELLEN3 CAPEHART, born 1846 in Philadelphia and died115Sarah Ellen Capehart Turner death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 25 Jun 1918 in Philadelphia.   She married 25 Feb 1875 (Rev.) Nathaniel Turner (he was born 29 Nov 1846 Philadelphia and died 9 Apr 1923).  Issue.

   19.  Elizabeth2 Capehart (Henry Capehart1, HeinrichA ), born abt 1778 in Bristol, Bucks County; married abt 1797 James Merkins116Frequently ‘Murkins’ in the unsourced genealogical record, but all the children of James Merkins were ‘Merkins’ in Pennsylvania records—the spelling ‘Murkins’ apparently originated with the grandchildren of Mary Ann. of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, (he was born 15 Jun 1771 in England117Kephart III; letter (26 Jun 1945) from Mrs. David H. Wood (gggdau of Thomas Sirls Terry b. 1789) to CIK with Merkins information gleaned from ‘grandfather’s record’.,118See Tacy Street (dau of James and Elizabeth Merkins) census: 1880 U. S. Census of Evans, Marshall, Illinois, Family no. 98, Roll 235, FHL Film 1254,235, Page 346D, E. D. 146, father born England; online at (accessed 17 Jun 2017).; died 8 Feb 1831); she died 19 Sep 1829 in Byberry Township, Philadelphia.  They lived in Byberry Township, Philadelphia until after 1810 when they moved to Bensalem, Bucks.1191810 U. S. Census of Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 56, p. 51.  Twelve children.

    For more information on this couple, see the essay ‘Who was Henry Capehart (1756-1820) and who was his wife?’ on this website.

    20. John1 Capehart (Henry Capehart1, HeinrichA ), was born 29 Dec 1783 in Bucks County and died 21 Aug 1858 in Bucks County.  He married 2 Oct 1805 in Byberry Township, Philadelphia Rachel Ott (born 10 Jan 1782 in Germany daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Hendricks) Ott; died 5 Jul 1874 Athens, Athens, Ohio).  In 1810-1830 the family was still living in Byberry Township (household of 4).120‘Jno Caphart’, 1810 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 56, p. 49 (household of 4; son John appears to have taken over father Henry’s farm—same neighbors as Henry).,1211820 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_109, p. 71B; household of 6.,122‘John Capart’, 1830 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_158, p. 7; household of 4.

     The children of John and Rachel (Ott) Capehart were:123‘John Mason Family Tree’, owner: BethValentine, (accessed 21 Aug 2013).

   54.    i.   ANDREW3 CAPEHART, born 26 Jul 1807 in Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and died 20 Nov 1890 in Iowa; he married 1835 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, Lucretia ‘Leita’ Briggs.  In 1830 he was in Moreland Township, Philadelphia.1241830 U. S. Census of Moreland Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_158, p. 12; household of 2.  All of their five children except their first child Mary were born in Belmont County, Ohio.

   55.   ii.   MARY3 CAPEHART, born 12 Dec 1809 in Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;  married  19 Mar 1829 in Northampton County, Pennsylvania Benjamin B. Briggs (he was born 1813 in Lower Dublin and died in 1866); she died 14 Apr 1896 in Alexander, Athens, Ohio.  Issue.

   56.  iii.   SARAH3 CAPEHART, born 11 Sep 1812 in Pennsylvania and died125Sarah Capehart death, Bunting, K. R. Notices of marriages & deaths in Poulsen’s American Daily Advertiser, 1791-1839 (Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 1899-1907), Vol. 3, 1822; dau of John Capehart. 17 Nov 1822 in Pennsylvania.

   57.  iv.   WILLIAM3 CAPEHART, born 7 Nov 1816 in Pennsylvania; married Sarah Ransom and died 1875 in Missouri City, Fort Bend, Texas.  Their children were raised in Ohio and Benton, Crawford, Missouri.

   58.   v.   ELIZABETH3 CAPEHART, born 4 Dec 1820 in Pennsylvania and died 30 Aug 1886 in Peas, Belmont, Ohio; married 11 Sep 1839 Alexander Hood (born 1813 in Belmont County, Ohio; died 1902).  Issue.

   59.  vi.   NANCY ANN3 CAPEHART, born 4 Jul 1821 in Pennsylvania and died 12 Dec 1904 in Hillsboro, Henry, Iowa; she married 20 Apr 1843 in Belmont County, Ohio Eli Oxley (born 19 Dec 1816 Belmont County, Ohio and died 1878 Trenton, Henry, Iowa.  Issue.



Figure 2.  All Capeharts (and spelling variants) in the Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania censuses 1850-1880 and their interrelationships.


Generation Three

    35. Henry3 Capehart (James2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ), was born 1820, Philadelphia County; died 6 Mar 1891 in Elkhorn, McDowell, West Virginia; he left Philadelphia for Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin before 1870.126‘Henry Capart’, 1850 U. S. Census of Moyamensing Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_809, p. 479, Family 470; household of 11; they are living with their in-laws who are all working in the brickyard.,127‘Henry Capehart’, foreman at brickyard; 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1157, p. 623, Family 1012, household of 6 (four children).,128‘Henry Capehart’, farmer; 1870 U. S. Census of Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll M593_1741, p. 244B, Family 29, household of 9 (seven children) and 1880 U. S. Census of Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 216; household of 6 (four unmarried children at home).  He married abt 1848 Elizabeth Patterson, daughter of William and Mary Patterson; she was born 1823 in Philadelphia County; died 1901 Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin.129‘Elizabeth Capheart, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Hudson, Douglas, Minnesota, National Archives Roll T623_762, Enum. Dist. 36, p. 1A; household of 4; 7 of 7 children living (she didn’t count the two that died as infants); she is living with her sons Charles and Jack (Joseph).

     The children of Henry and Elizabeth (Patterson) Capehart, all born in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania were:

    60.    i.   SOPHIA4 CAPEHART, born 24 Mar 1849 and died130‘Sophia Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 14 months, buried ‘Machpelah Burial Ground’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, June 15, 1850. 16 Jul 1850 in Philadelphia County of convulsions; buried in Machpelas Burial Ground.

   61.   ii.   WILLIAM4 CAPEHART, born Jan 1851 and died 1916 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri; married in 1874 Ida May ____ (she was born May 1851 in Wisconsin and died131‘Ida May Capehart’, Missouri Death Records 1834-1910, Missouri State Archives, database online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 20 Jan 1904 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri);  five children all born in Wisconsin or Missouri.132‘William Capehart’: 1880 U. S. Census of Troy, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 231, family 182; household of 5; lives next door to his brother Henry.

   62.  iii.   MARY4 CAPEHART, born 10 Oct 1852 and died133‘Mary Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 7 months, buried ‘O. Fellows Burial Ground’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010); Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 7 mos. and and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Saturday, May 28, 1852. 27 May 1853 in Philadelphia County of pneumonia; buried 3 Jun 1853 in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Philadelphia.

   63.  iv.   HENRY4 CAPEHART Jr., born Jun 1854 and died 1926 in Findlay, Hancock, Ohio; married in 1879 Leafy Amelia Welch,134Birth certificates of two unnamed children: a boy (Frank W., 20 May 1878) and a girl (Myra, 19 Apr 1887), Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin (copies in possession of the author); father: Henry Capehart, b. Penna.; mother: Leafy Amelia Welch, b. Wisconsin. born Feb 1856 Wisconsin.  They had five children all born Wisconsin.135‘Henry Capehart’: 1880 U. S. Census of Troy, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 231, family 183; household of 5; lives next door to his brother William.

   64.   v.   GEORGE4 CAPEHART, born 1857 and died in 1918 in Wisconsin.  Single in 1905.136‘George Capehart’, single boarder; Wisconsin State Census of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1905, Wisconsin Historical Society, database online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

   65.  vi.   CHARLES4 CAPEHART, born 1859 and died in 1929 in Springfield, Delaware, Pennsylvania.  He married137Capehart/Landon marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). in 1903 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mary Emma Landon dau of Mary J. Landon; she was born 1871 in Pennsylvania, died after 1920.  Issue.138‘Charles Capehart’; 1910 U. S. Census of Upper Darby, Delaware, Pennsylvanina, National Archives Roll T624_1340, Enum. Dist. 165, p. 27A; household of 4; includes a son and mother-in-law, Mary J. Landon.

   66. vii.   JOSEPH4 CAPEHART, born 1861 of Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin and died in 1944 in Greenwood, Crawford, Pennsylvania; he married 11 May 1892 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois Ida E. McDaniel (she was born 20 Oct 1860 in New Brighton, Beaver, Pennsylvania and died 17 Nov 1946 in Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania).  Issue.139‘Halteman Family Tree’, owner: joyscape, (accessed 20 Aug 2013) and references therein.,140‘RWatson01-11-11 Family Tree’, owner: rwatson7242, (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

   67. viii.   JOHN4 CAPEHART, born 1863 and died 1947(ref?).

   68.  ix.   WALTER4 CAPEHART, born Mar 1866 and died 1929 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri; married 1891 Viola Collins daughter of James R. and Margaret Collins, born Oct 1866 in Blue Island, Cook, Illinois.141‘Viola Collins’: 1880 U. S. Census of Blue Island, Cook, Illinois, National Archives Roll T9_200, Enum. Dist. 207, p. 554; household of 10, age 12.  Issue.

    39. Charles Theodore3 Capehart (James2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ),142Will of Charles Capehart (written 2 Mar 1889), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 151, p.119, no.351, FHL Film 21799 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039); everything to wife Emma Jane Capehart. was born 2 Feb 1834 in Philadelphia County and died143‘Charles Caphart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 56 years, buried ‘Cedar Hill Cemetery’; address 1424 Emerick St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 20 Jan 1890 in Lincoln, Sussex, Delaware; buried 23 Jan 1890 in Cedar Hill cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia.144‘Charles Capehart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1161, p. 1000; household of 5 (two children and mother Sophia).,145‘Charles Capehart’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 16 Dist. 50, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1401, p. 489A; household of 7 (five children and mother Sophia).,146‘Charles Capehart, bricklayer’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1176, Enum. Dist. 310, p. 253; household of 8 (three unmarried children at home and dau Elizabeth Wray, husband and infant son; 1225 Hancock St.).  He married 15 Apr 1856 Emma Jane Zelner, daughter of Levi and Eliza (Wenzell) Zelner, born 9 Jan 1835 in Pennsylvania and died 5 Nov 1917 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia also buried in Cedar Hill cemetery.147‘Emma J. Capehart, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 14A; household of 6; living with her son Henry and his family.

     The children of Charles T. and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart, all born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County were:148Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray (widow), 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart.

   69.    i.   GEORGE WASHINGTON4 CAPEHART, born 30 Dec 1856 and died149Geo. W Capehart  or Capart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 4 years 8 months, buried ‘Odd Fellows Cemetery’, address: back of 709 St. John St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1861. of scarletina 7 Aug 1861 in Philadelphia County; buried 9 Aug 1861 in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.

   70.   ii.   HENRY CLAY4 CAPEHART, born 8 Oct 1859 and died 5 Feb 1923 in Lincoln, Sussex, Delaware; buried in Milford, Sussex, Delaware.  He married150Capehart/Warren marriage, Delaware Marriage Records, 11744-1912, online at (accessed 22 Aug 2013). 20 Apr 1886 in Delaware Josephine Warren (born Feb 1863, Delaware); three children all born in Delaware.151‘Henry Capehart, farmer’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 14A; household of 6; three children and his mother.,152‘Henry C. Capehart’; 1910 U. S. Census of Representative Dist. 1, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T624_148, Enum. Dist. 101, p. 6B; household of 6; three children and mother.

   71.  iii.   ELIZABETH4 CAPEHART,153Kephart III; typewritten notation by CIK concerning Elizabeth Capehart Wray’s possession of an old Bible: inside the Bible are recorded birthdays of 4 Einwachters and a Kubelhaus (all 1790’s)—these are Elizabeth’s maternal grandparents.,154Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray (widow), 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart. born 8 Dec 1861 and died155Elizabeth Capehart Wray death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 27 Apr 1934 in Philadelphia County; married156Wray/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 124. 25 Oct 1878 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Benjamin Hevlin Wray, son of Matthew and Hannah Ann (Hevlin) Wray, born 10 Dec 1859 in Pennsylvania; died 2 May 1917 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.  Issue.157‘Benjamin Wray’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1176, Enum. Dist. 310, p. 253; Charles Capehart household of 8 (with Elizabeth’s parents and infant son; 1225 Hancock St.).

   72.  iv.   EMMA JANE4 CAPEHART, born 6 Sep 1867 and died 27 Mar 1911 in Milford, Sussex, Delaware; married in 1888 Frank E. Swain of Lincoln, Sussex, Delaware.  Issue.158‘Emma J. Swain’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 1B; household of 3, married 12 years.

   73.   v.   ADALINE4 CAPEHART, born 8 Apr 1870 and died ___; married159Adeline Capehart; Delaware Marriage Records 1744-1912, database online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010). Warner D. Townsend 12 Jun 1895 in Sussex County, Delaware.  Issue.160‘Adaline Townsend’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 37, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1478, Enum. Dist. 947, p. 5B; household of 3 at 85 Delhi St; married 5 years.

   74.  vi.   SOPHIA4 CAPEHART, born 5 Jun 1865 and died161Sophia Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 3-2/3 years; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1869. of typhoid pneumonia 10 Feb 1869 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County; buried 14 Feb 1869 St. Johns Vault, Philadelphia County.

   75. vii.   LAURA4 CAPEHART, born 16 Mar 1874 and died in 5 Apr 1876 in Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania.

   76. viii.   CHARLES4 CAPEHART Jr., born 12 Sep 1876 and died162Charles Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 2 years 10 months, buried ‘Cedar Hill Cemetery’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 15 Jul 1879 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County buried 17 Jul in Cedar Hill, Frankford, Philadelphia.

    40. Daniel3 Capehart, (William2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ) born 7 Mar 1822 in Philadelphia and died163Daniel Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 23 Mar 1903 in Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Virginia,164Daniel Capehart: 1900 U. S. Census of Chesapeake, Elizabeth City, Virginia, National Archives Roll T623_1707, Enum. Dist. 8, p. 17B; National Home for Disabled Soldiers, age 78, b. Mar 1822; buried in Pennsylvania.  He married165Capehart/Henderson marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 6 Jul 1850 at Kensington, Philadelphia Mary Ann Henderson, daughter of ___  and Maria Henderson, born abt 1834 and died166‘Mary Ann Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, 48 yrs. buried in ‘Palmer B. Ground’; address 629 Moyer St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1881. 28 Mar 1881 of typhoid pneumonia Philadelphia Co. buried 31 Mar 1881 in Palmer Ground, Philadelphia.167‘Daniel Ceaphart, ropemaker’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; living with his brother John in the household of his mother and her second husband Abraham Llewellyn.,168‘Daniel Capehart, ropemaker’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 South West Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 350; household of 6 (four children).,169‘Daniel Capehart’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 Dist. 55 (2nd Enum.), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1431, p. 445A; household of 7.,170‘Daniel Capehart’, ropemaker: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1177, Enum. Dist. 338, p. 175; household of 7, Harriet’s husband (Edward Baur) has joined them at 629 Moyer St.; son Daniel and wife Louise and their two children are next door at 625 Moyer St.

     The children of Daniel and Mary Ann (Henderson) Capehart, all born in Philadelphia County were:171Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mr. John Capehart, 2232 Sepviva St. on Mar. 29, 1923—he outlined his grandparent’s descendants (William Capehart/Elizabeth Miller).

   77.    i.   DANIEL4 CAPEHART, born Dec 1847 and died aft 1910 in Philadelphia County; married 1876 Louisa Burton, born Jul 1851 in England and died 28 Jan 1923 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.  Issue.172Daniel Elwood Capehart, ‘World War I Draft Registration Cards 1917-1918’, mother Louisa Capehart, online at (accessed 2 Mar 2010).,173Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mr. Daniel Capehart Jr., 623 Moyer St. on Mar. 26, 1923—he outlined his parent’s descendants (Daniel Capehart/Louise Burton) and told of his grandfather Daniel Capehart.

   78.   ii.   BOY4 CAPEHART, born May 1851 and died174‘Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, male child, father Daniel Capehart; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 2 mos. 17 Jul 1851 of asphixia.  No issue.

   79.  iii.   JOHN4 CAPEHART, born 19 Mar 1853 and died 1932 and buried175John Capehart burial, ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; North Cedar Hill cemetery. 22 Feb 1932 in Philadelphia County.  He married176Capehart/Simon marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 3 Jan 1885 Kate E. Simon, daughter of George and Anna J. Simon.177‘Kate E. Simon’, 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1182, Enum. Dist. 481, p. 278A; household of 5; Kate E. Simon is 18.  She was born Aug 1859/1862178‘John Caphart, bricklayer’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1460, Enum. Dist. 354, p. 5B; household of 5; ‘Kate Caphart’, 1 of 1 child alive; John and Kate and their son William plus Addie Cornell (age 28, probably Kate’s sister) and her son Wm (4 yrs); see Wm J’s baptism: ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; 6 Jul 1895, Norris Square Methodist Episcopal Church, son of George H. and Addie Cornell (accessed 20 Aug 2013)– see 1910 and 1920 census for John Capehart.If Wm R. Cornell is a nephew of John/Kate Capehart, then Addie must be a sister to John or Kate.  The ‘Quinn/Woods Family Tree’, owner: RobertAloysiusQuinn, (accessed 20 Aug 2013) has her ‘Addie Capehart, b. 1871’, which is late for her to be sib of John, but it is possible.  However in the 1880 Daniel/Mary Ann Capehart family group there is no child of eight by any name.  There is an 8 yr old in Kate E. Simon’s 1880 family group named Georgianna.  Possibly this is ‘Addie’. There is no Addie/Adeline Capehart or Simon (b. 1872) in the 1880 census other than Adeline Capehart (no. 74), daughter of Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart, but we know she married Warner D. Townsend vide supra. in Pennsylvania, died before 1930 and buried with husband John in North Cedar Hill Cemetery.179Ibid.,180‘John Capehart’: 1910 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T624_1393, Enum. Dist. 293, p. 1A; household of 3, John and Kate and William Cornell, ‘adopted son’, age 14 (must be a great-nephew); 1920 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T625_1635, Enum. Dist. 1038, p. 1A; household of 8, John and Kate plus ‘nephew’ Wm Cornell, his wife and 3 children.  John had no issue but raised ‘the son of his wife’,181Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK.  This came from an interview with Mr. John Capehart, 2232 Sepviva St. on Mar. 29, 1923. William H. Capehart, presumably illegitimate.

   80.  iv.   CHARLES4 CAPEHART born 1855 and died before 1860.  No issue.

   81.   v.   WILLIAM4 CAPEHART, born 4 Feb 1857 (twin) and died 30 Mar 1896 in Philadelphia Co.; buried in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.  Never married, no issue.

   82  vi.   JAMES4 CAPEHART, born 4 Feb 1857 (twin) and died182‘James Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, age 43 yrs; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 14 Jul 1900 in Philadelphia Co.; buried in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Never married, no issue.

   83. vii.   Child4 CAPEHART, born 1858 and died183‘Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’,  male child age 1 yr, father Dan Capehart, buried at ‘Union Harmony Cemetery’; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010). 8 Dec 1859; buried in Union Harmony, Philadelphia.

   84. viii.   AMANDA4 CAPEHART, born 1859 and died young.  No issue.

   85.  ix.   ELIZABETH4 CAPEHART, born 20 Sep 1860 and died184‘Elisabeth’ Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862. of convulsions 29 Sep 1861 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County; buried 1 Oct 1861 Mutual Ground, Philadelphia.

   86.   x.   HARRIET4 CAPEHART, born 4 Aug 1862 and died185‘Wm Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 40, buried ‘Palmers Ground’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010). 19 Aug 1906 in Philadelphia and buried 22 Aug 1906 at Greenmount Cemetery.  She married 1881 Edwin Bauer of Philadelphia; he died before 1900.  Issue.186‘Harriet Bauer, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1475, Enum. Dist. 632, p. 1A; household of 3, two children; 2 of 6 children alive.

   87.  xi.   REBECCA4 CAPEHART, born Nov 1864 and died187‘Rebecca Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’,  age 13 months; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1865. of pertussis 27 Oct 1865 in Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania; buried 29 Oct 1865 Frankford Road Ground, Frankford, Philadelphia.

  88. xii.   MARY EMMA4 CAPEHART, born Dec 1870 and died188‘Mary Emma Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 months; address 1313 Hewson St.; online at (accessed 6 May 2010). 13 May 1872 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, buried 14 May 1872 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.

    41. William3 Capehart, (William2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ) born 1825 in Philadelphia and died189William Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 40 years, buried ‘Palmer Ground’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1865. of pneumonia 3 Feb 1865 in Philadelphia; buried 6 Feb 1865 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia County.190‘William Capehart, bricklayer’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_806, p. 298A; household of 4 (two little ones).,191‘William Kapart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 276; household of 8 (six children).  He married192Capehart/Farley marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 5 Oct 1846 at Kensington, Philadelphia Sarah Farley193‘Sarah Lewis’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1188, Enum. Dist. 639, p. 389; household of 7, Sarah (widow?), dau Harriet Lewis, three Capehart children {Daniel, Amanda, Sallie (Sarah)} and a nephew Philip Farley (also a dau Mamie, age 10 called ‘Capehart’, but must be a Lewis). who was born abt 1827, dau of Frank and Sarah Farley194Sarah Farley, 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 422A; household of 8. of Kensington, Philadelphia.  She married abt 1867 (2) Hezekiah Lewis in Philadelphia County (he died before 1900 making her a widow again).  Issue.195‘Hezekiah Lewis’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 28 Dist. 66, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1407, p. 511A; household of 9, Sarah with her second husband, 4 Capehart children (oldest Wm, age 20, a butcher), 2 Lewises from his first wife and one of theirs (Harriet).

     The children of William and Sarah (Farley) Capehart, all born in Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania were:

  89.    i.   DANIEL4 CAPEHART, born Jul 1848 and died before 1920 in New Jersey; married Wilhelmina ____ who died bef 1900.196‘Daniel (read incorrectly as David) Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1471, Enum. Dist. 733, p. 10A; household of 4; he and his son Harry B. are living with brother William.  Issue.

  90.   ii.   WILLIAM4 CAPEHART, born Jan 1850 and died aft 1920 in Pennsauken, Camden, New Jersey; married197Capehart/Chatterson marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 24. 28 May 1876 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County Amelia J. Chatterson, born 1860 in England, died after 1920 in Pennsauken, Camden, New Jersey.198‘William Capehart’, butcher: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1188, Enum. Dist. 639, p. 376; household of 2.  Issue.199‘William Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1471, Enum. Dist. 733, p. 10A; household of 4, Amelia J. Capehart, md 24 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive; brother Daniel (widower) and his son Harry B. Capehart are living with them.

  91.  iii.   ELIZABETH LOUISE4 CAPEHART, born abt 1852 and died200Elizabeth Louise Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 20 years, single; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) 9 Mar 1872 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, buried 10 Mar 1872 in American Mechanics cemetery, Philadelphia.  Never married, no issue.

  92.  iv.   AMANDA4 CAPEHART born Aug 1856 and died after 1920 Philadelphia; married201Bitting/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 100. 11 Nov 1880 in Philadelphia County John A. Bitting, born Nov 1854 in Pennsylvania and died after 1910.  Issue.202‘Amanda Bitting’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1475, Enum. Dist. 859, p. 7B; household of 3; husband John A. (policeman) and dau Sallie; md 20 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive.

  93.   v.   SARAH4 CAPEHART, born 1857 and died ____ in Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania; married ____ William McAnally ____.  Issue??

  94.   v.   ANNA MARIE4 CAPEHART, born Apr 1860 and died203Anna Marie Capehart, 1860 U. S. Mortality Schedule of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M1838_1, p. 1. 9 Dec 1860 of membranous croup at Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  95.  vi.   FRANCIS4 CAPEHART, born204Francis Capehart birth, ‘Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings 1709-1950’, online at FamilySearch (accessed 24 Aug 2013). Apr 1861 and died205Francis Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862 and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 mos.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 23 Jul 1862 in Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania; buried 24 Jul 1862 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.  No issue.

  96. vii.   JOHN4 CAPEHART, born206John Capehart birth, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Births 1860-1906’, online at FamilySearch (accessed 24 Aug 2013). 19 Nov 1863 and died young.207Does not show up with his mother in the 1870 and 1880 censuses.  Never married; no issue.

    43.  John3 Capehart, (William2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ) born 1830 in Philadelphia and died208John Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862; 32 years and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 3 Jun 1862 of dysentery; buried 5 Jun 1862 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.209‘John Ceaphart, ship carpenter’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; living with his brother Daniel in the household of his mother and her second husband Abraham Llewellyn.,210‘John Kapart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 225; household of 5: John and wife Hannah and two children plus an 11 yr old girl, Hannah Wilunt; see also 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 South West Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 416; household of 5: Mary Ann Capehart, age 8 (John and Hannah’s daughter?) with the Groves family: Mary Ann Groves age 75 born Germany, and three younger Groves, ages 24, 24, and 22.  ‘Groves’ is probably a name-change from a German name which may explain why no other census records can be found for this family.  He married211Capehart/Groves marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 23 Apr 1854 at Kensington, Philadelphia Magdalena Hannah Groves, born 1834 in Pennsylvania.  Hannah married after 1862 (2) Isaac Donnelly.212‘Hannah Donnelly’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 Dist. 56, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1403, p. 449A (taken 21 Jul 1870); household of 5, Hannah and her husband Isaac Donnelly and Mary A. and Benjamin Capehart, ages 18 and 13 plus Christian Shoemaker, age 5.

     Known children of John and Hannah (Groves) Capehart were:

  97.    i.   MARY ANN4 CAPEHART,213Mary Ann may not be a child of John and Hannah as she was born significantly before their marriage and appears with the Grove family in the 1860 census. born 1852 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County and died ____.

  98.   ii.   BENJAMIN4 CAPEHART, born 1857 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County and died ____.

  99. iii.   HESTER ANN4 CAPEHART, born Jan 1860 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County and died214Hester Ann Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1861; parents: John/Hannah Capehart and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; address, Fullertale Court, online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 24 Mar 1861 of variola in Philadelphia County; buried 25 Mar 1861 in Palmer Ground (Kensington), Philadelphia.

    44. John3 Capehart, (Henry2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ) born 1824 in Philadelphia and died215John Capehart death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; 74 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 1 Dec 1898 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, buried 4 Dec 1898 in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia County.  He married216Capehart/Hymas marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 6 Oct 1850 at Kensington, Philadelphia Isabella ‘Bella’ Hymas, daughter of Isabella.217‘Isabella Hymes’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 367B; household of 5; Isabella (mother) is 61 living with her son John and his family.  She was born Dec 1828 in Pennsylvania and died218Isabella Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 25 Oct 1906 in Philadelphia; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford, Philadelphia.

     The children of John and Isabella (Hymas) Capehart, all born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County were:219‘Jonathan Capehart’, 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 335, household of 4 (1 child), mother-in-law Isabella Hymas is staying with them.,220John Capehart: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1190, Enum. Dist. 671, p. 403; household of 5 (3 children) and 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 496, household of 5.

   100.  i.   SARAH EMMA4 CAPEHART, born Jan 1851 and died221Sarah Capehart death: Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985, Historical Society of Pennsylvania,  age 4 yrs. 11 mos.; online at (accessed 26 Aug 2013). 5 Apr 1856 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County; buried in the Mechanics Cemetery.  No issue.

   101.  ii. ISABELLA (BELLE) H.4 CAPEHART, born Oct 1859 and died after 1910.  She married222‘Scheerer Family Tree’, owner: alliescheerer; (accessed 26 Aug 2013). in 1882 James Carson.  Five children.223Bella Carson, 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1473, Enum. Dist. 789, p. 2B; household of 5; married 18 yrs., 2 of 5 children alive.

   102. iii. SARAH4 CAPEHART, born 23 Oct 1860 and died224Sarah Wagner death, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915 database on line at (accessed 24 Aug 2013). 21 Aug 1908 in Philadelphia.  She married in 1882 David Wagner.225Sarah Wagner, 1900 U. S. Census of West Pennsboro, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1401, Enum. Dist. 31, p. 8A; household of 3; married 18 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive.  One son.

   103. iv. WALTER4 CAPEHART born Apr 1865 and died aft 1930; married226Capehart/Neidhamer marriage: ‘Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marriage Index 1885-1951’, online at (accessed 22 Aug 2013) and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 1889 (1) Emma Neidhamer, daughter of Christian and Elizabeth (Tuerk) Neithamer,227Emma Capehart, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).,228‘Emma Neithammer’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 460B, household of 8, age 3. born 9 Dec 1866 in Pennsylvania and died229Emma (Neidhamer) Capehart death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; age 45 yrs., 11 mos. 23 days; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 2 Dec 1914 in Philadelphia, buried 6 Dec 1914 in Cedar Hill cemetery, Frankford.  Issue.230Walter Capehart, weaver, 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 25, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1467, Enum. Dist. 602, p. 3B; household of 5; Walter and his 1st wife Emma (1 of 1 child alive; she should have said 1 of 3 children alive), a son John R., and his mother Isabella (3 of 4 children alive) and ‘Walter Caphart’, 1910 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 25, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T624_1399, Enum. Dist. 565, p. 6A; household of 4 (2 sons). Walter married231Capehart/Simcox marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010). 1918 in Philadelphia (2) Margaret Simcox, born 1869 Ireland and died after 1930.232Walter Capehart, 1920 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 31109_4385121, Enum. Dist. 1127, p. 6A; household of 3 and ‘Walter Cophart’, 1930 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 2118, Enum. Dist. 973, p. 10A; household of 2.  No issue.

    45. George3 Capehart, (Henry2, Andrew Kephart/Capehart1, HeinrichA ) born 1828 in Philadelphia and died233George Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Interrments in the Olde Kensington Burial Ground; age 27 yrs.; ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010); and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Thursday, November 9, 1854. of acute hepatitis 7 Nov 1854 in Philadelphia County and buried in Old Kensington.  He married234Capehart/’Weipert’ marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4. 18 Aug 1850 at Kensington, Philadelphia Catherine Wiperd and had two children.  Catherine was a daughter of Susan ____ (she was born 1812 in Maryland235‘Susan Wiperd’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 27; household of 2: with son Joseph. and died236‘Susanna Weipperd’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, age 71 yrs.; address 834 Hewson; buried at ‘Palmer’; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010). 12 May 1881 in Philadelphia).  Catherine was born 1833 in Pennsylvania and died after 1900.237‘Cathrine Branschett’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 36, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1477, Enum. Dist. 929, p. 15B; household of 5, widowed 4 of 6 children alive, living with her son Daniel Willingmyre and his wife and son; called ‘mother-in –law’.

     Catherine married238Willingmyer/Capehart marriage, Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Nov. 4, 1857. 1 Nov 1857 (2) Daniel Webster Willingmyre son of John and Maryan (Fenimore) Willingmyre239‘Daniel Willingner’: 1850 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_811, p. 558B; household of 9. and had two more children:240‘Wright Family Tree’, owner: trish555555, (accessed 10 Aug 2013). John Albert (b. 11 Jul 1858) and Daniel Webster Willingmyre, Jr. (b. 27 Jun 1863).241‘Cath Willinger’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 215; household of 5: husband Daniel ‘Willinger’ and three ‘Willinger’ children—Amanda age 10, George age 7, and John ‘Willinger’ age 2.  The older two must be Capeharts, children of 1st  husband George—see below in the 1870 and 1880 censuses.  Daniel Sr.242‘David W. Willingmyre, boot fitter’ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory 1863, Clearfield at Frankford Av.; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013). was born 1832 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania enlisted 8 Sep 1862 in Company A of the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry,243‘Daniel Willingmeyer’, U. S. Civil War Records and Profiles, 1861-1865, History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, The Union Casualties at Gettysburg, online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013). fought in the Civil War and was killed at Gettysburg 2 Jul 1863 (buried244‘Pvt. Daniel W. Willingmyre’ burial: ‘son of John, husband of Katherine (Capehart?)’; memorial #77449992 at (accessed 10 Aug 2013). 19 Jul 1863 in the Lawnview Cemetery, Rockledge, Montgomery County).245Daniel W. Willingmyre: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, soldier, age 35; buried at ‘O. F.’; online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013); note: burial place was corrected by G. T. Willingmyre.,246‘Daniel Willingmyre, Sr.’, U. S. Civil War Pension Index, ‘widow: Catherine Willingmyre’; online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013).  Catherine then married247Branchett/Willingmyre marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, First Independent Christian Church; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013). 13 Apr 1869 at First Independent Christian Church in Philadelphia (3) Silas A. Branchett248‘Silas A. Branchett, painter’ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory, 1876, 810 Sergeant St. online at Ancestry. com (accessed 10 Aug 2013). (he was born 1849 in Pennsylvania) and had two more children: Edmond A. (b. 1869) and Joseph Wiperd Branchett (b. 1871) all children born Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.249‘Catherine Brenchett’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 555A (taken 21 Jul 1870); household of 10, Catherine and her third husband Silas ‘Brenchett’ and their son Edward, age 1.  Also in the household were Catherine’s two Capehart children (Amanda, age 19 and George, age 17) and her two Willingmeyer children (John, age 12 and Daniel, age 7) as well as her mother Susan Wiperd, her brother Joseph Wiperd, and another woman Elizabeth Brousel (relationship undetermined). (2nd Enumeration): 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1433, p. 346B (taken 11 Nov 1870); still household of 10, Catherine and her husband are there, but it looks like ‘Charles’ Branchett; Elizabeth Brousel, Susan Wiperd (Catherine’s mom), and a child Bessie (age 1) and FIVE Capeharts: Amanda (age 20), Thomas (age 22), George (age 17), Daniel (age 8), Eddie (age 1).  Thomas is Thomas McLaughlin, Amanda’s husband of one month; Daniel is not a Capehart, but a Willingmeyer and Eddie is also not a Capehart, but a Branchett (John Willingmeyer was omitted).,250‘Catherine Brandshett’: 1880 U. S. Census of Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1105, Enum. Dist. 130, p. 44B; household of 8, Catherine and her husband Silas and their two children: Edmond L., age 11 and Joseph W., age 9; also mother-in-law Susan ‘Brandschett’ (should be Wiperd) and Joseph ‘Wyford’ (Catherine’s brother, should be Wiperd).  John and Daniel Willingmyre (called here ‘Brandschett’) are also in the household.

     The children of George and Catherine (Wiperd) Capehart were:

   116. i.   AMANDA MELINA4 CAPEHART, born 1851 in Philadelphia County;251‘Amanda Melina Capehart adult baptism’: Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985, Historical Society of Pennsylvania,  ‘Kensington Methodist Episcopal Church, daughter of George and Catherine Capehart’; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013). married252McLaughlin/Capehart marriage, Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Oct. 17, 1870 3 Oct 1870 in Philadelphia Thomas McLaughlin, born 1848 in Pennsylvania.  Issue.253‘Amanda McLaughlin’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1177, Enum. Dist. 341, p. 210A; household of 3; Thomas, Amanda, dau Ella, age 8.

   117. ii.   GEORGE W.4 CAPEHART,254Will of George W. Capehart (written 13 Aug 1898), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 204, p.119, no.1436, FHL Film 21826 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039)); everything to wife Margret E. Capehart, 1826 Memphis St.; witnessed by George T. Willingmyre, son of George’s half-brother Daniel. born 1853 and died255George W. Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives. 8 Sep 1898 in Philadelphia; buried in Palmer Ground, Kensington.  He married Margaret E. Willingmyre, born Oct 1853256‘Maggie Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1460, Enum. Dist. 0362, p. 4B; a widow born Pennsylvania, parents Ireland, no children. in Pennsylvania from parents born in Ireland and died in Philadelphia, buried257Margret Capehart burial, ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; Palmer Ground. 4 Jan 1925 in Palmer Ground, Kensington.  No issue.



Figure 3.  Palmer Ground258Keels, Thomas H. Philadelphia Graveyards and Cemeteries (Arcadia Press: Great Britain, 2003), p. 75.,259Kensington Cemetery, ‘Cemetery records, 1859-1976’, Palmer Cemetery deed, book of interments, 1859-1887 and Kensington Burial Ground Interments 1887-1978’, FHL Film 1723,693 items 1 and 2, respectively. (also known as Kensington Burial Ground), where so many Capeharts are buried.  It is located in ‘Fishtown’ (Kensington), the center of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia (it is close to the harbor where ships carrying Flavivirus-infected mosquitoes arrived).  Established as a free public burial ground in 1765 by Kensington founder Capt. Anthony Palmer, to this day a free burial plot is available to all who die within a triangle bounded by the Delaware River, Frankford Ave. and York St. so long as they can find a plot where a pole stuck in the ground meets no obstruction.



    A.  HAUNAS (JOHANNES?) CAPEHART2601790 U. S. Census of Fannet, Hamilton, Letterkenny, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, National Archives, Roll 9, p. 309; household of 5. of Montgomery County.

    B.  GEORGE CABERT (b.1820),2611860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 2 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1152, p. 524; household of 3. wife EMMA (b.1825), son GEORGE (b. 1853) {possible Capeharts?}

    C.  JACOB CAPEHART/KEPHART(b. 1807)2621850 U. S. Census of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives M432_824, p. 240B, Family 122; household of 8; Jacob was born 1807; and Jacob Kephart death 18 Apr 1874, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915, Jacob b. 1807; database on line at (accessed 26 Jul 2013). of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania(wife Hannah and children Emaline, Josiah, Jacob, Harrison, and Caroline).

    D.  JOSEPH CAPEHART(b. 1858)2631910 U. S. Census of Cowanshannock, Armstrong, Pennsylvanina, National Archives Roll T624_1309, Enum. Dist. 10, p. 1B; household of 4, parents b. PA. of Cowanshannock, Armstrong, Pennsylvania (sons Samuel and Harry).



    This work would not have been possible without the tremendous support and assistance of my dear friend Marcia Case Field of North Wales, Pa.




1. Kephart I; See Kephart, Calvin I. Danish Royal Skioldung Genealogy of Zincke (Zinck, Zinke, Zink, Zingg) and certain Gebhardt (Kephart, Capehart) Families {FHL: Fiche 6018,394, Library of Congress CS71 K384 1950) and NEHGS}; pages relevant to this essay: pp. 13-16 (1950); Note: the LC and NEHGS copies have an appended lineage of the Gebhardts descent from Charlemagne, the FHL copy does not.  This 1950 monograph corrects a number of the errors in the American genealogy of the Gebhardts which were published in an earlier version: Kephart, Calvin National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 31: 53-64 (1942).

Kephart II; There is a more recent, edited edition:  Kephart de Skioldung-Erlach, Baron Walter Downing House of Kephart von Skioldung-Erlach (copies in all three above repositories) which has expanded information on the Gebhardt family, pp. 16-23 (1976).

2. Norman; ‘Toni Norman’s Web Site’: (accessed 23 Jul 2013); both Kephart I and Kephart II have Heinrich1699 with 4 immigrating sons (omitting Johann Georg and Johann Adam).

3. An excellent manuscript addition to the Walter Downing Kephart history vide supra exists describing descendants of Nicholas Gebhardt of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania:  Pester, Lucille Kephart and Nelson, Leola Kephart  Addendum: Nicholas Gebhardt (1733-1829); manuscript at FHL US/CAN 929,273 K441k supp (1992); these authors also indicate Heinrich1699 had 6 immigrating sons.

4. See reference 1.

5. See reference 1.

6. Kephart III; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Collection GSP 001, 13 boxes, 5 linear feet of paper.  Capehart-relevant-material included personal notes, sometimes with markedly different and conflicting versions of the same matter, letters and other correspondence, interviews of living Capeharts (mostly in the Kensington district) made by Mr. Kephart’s hired researcher, Mrs. Gertrude Fryburg of Philadelphia (GF).

7. Strassburger, Ralph Beaver Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 (Norristown, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934) Vol. 1, p. 485.

8. Egle, William Henry Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Archives, ser. 2, vol. 17 (Harrisburg, PA: E. K. Meyers, 1890), p. 359.

9. Dickens, Jane Index to Associators and Militia of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania {Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. VI} (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1998), p. 15.

10. Norman.

11. CIK in Kephart III consistently maintains Heinrich1725 used the name Capehart, but this author does not concur.  Through most of the correspondence CIK denies the existence of Heinrich’s son Henry b. 1756; in the latest documents however, I believe CIK acknowledged that there must have been a son Henry who went by the name Capehart.

12. In the available genealogical literature (family trees) Heinrich’s wife is often listed as ‘Barbara’, but this author can find no source to support this; it may be a transposition error from the fact that Heinrich1725’s gmother was a ‘Barbara’.

13. Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.

14. Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.

15. United States Census Office, 1st Census, 1790 U. S. Census of Pennsylvania (Spartenburg, SC: Reprint Co. Publishers, 1964), FHL US/CAN 974.8 X2, p. 38.

16. Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1312; she is referred to as ‘Widow Gebhardt’ indicating he had already passed.

17. See Kephart I; interestingly, Kephart II omits Heinrich1725’s son Henry (b. 1756) altogether and lists his (Henry’s) dau Elizabeth as offspring of Heinrich1725.  This may satisfy Occam’s razor, but it is clearly not in line with the evidence: (1) ‘Henry Capehart’ was in the Cumberland militia with his older brother Andrew (Heinrich1725 never used the name Capehart); (2) Kephart II has Elizabeth born 1772, but this is an estimated b’date for which there is no hard evidence—in the 1800 census, Elizabeth is newly married but her husband James Merkins does not appear in the census so they were probably living with her father (Henry Capehart household was 10), but only two persons were older than 25 in that household leading one to conclude Elizabeth was younger than 25; Kephart I has her b’date 1778 which would make her mother (Heinrich1725’s wife) abt 51 at the birth; (3) Elizabeth was raised in Bristol, Bucks and married a fellow from the neighborhood (1778 is a better b’year for her)—a Henry Capehart (her father) appears in the 1790 and 1800 censuses of northern Philadelphia County, Heinrich1725 (his father, ‘Henry Gebhart’, was living in Berks County in 1790); he died in 1793 in Philadelphia.

18. Kephart III; Report of Edward W. Hocker, genealogical researcher at Germantown, to CIK: 3 typewritten pages of wildly contradictory data concerning the Stroup family in Philadelphia; good data, but Mr. Hocker makes no attempt to sort out inconsistencies.

19. Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1311, she is called ‘a dau. of widow Gebhardt’; see also Kephart I; her death of yellow fever also omitted by Kephart II; claims issue, without evidence.

20. Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series: Vol. II, p. 165 (license), married same day—Vol. 9, p. 735 at German Reformed Church.

21. Kephart I ,II and III, also ‘McDaneld_Aycock Family Tree’, owner: p_mcdaneld42, 43531283 (accessed 22 Jul 2013).

22. Family Data Collection-Marriages database on-line at; accessed 23 Jul 2013.

23. Will of John Stroup, probated 17 Aug 1825:  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1916, Book 8, no. 101, p. 466; FHL Film 21,734; the will was written 9 Sep 1803 when four of the eight children (Margaret’s) mentioned were under 15; eight children are mentioned by name and presumably descending age.  The oldest son John was executor and an adult at the time of the writing of the will.

24. 1790 U. S. Census of Water Street, East Side, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M637_9, p. 81 (household of 9).

25. ‘John Kephert’, 1810 U. S. Census of New Britain Township, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 46, p. 872; household of 8.

26. See Kephart I, Kephart II, and Norman.

27. Kephart III; a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).

28. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes (Andrew is handwritten-in); Box 2/2.

29. Kephart III; Henry is included (written-in) in a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).

30. Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

31. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data (typewritten)’, Box 2/2.

32. Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.

33. Kephart III; CIK thought so, but cites no source.

34. ‘William Caphart’; 1790 U. S. Census of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M637_9, p. 315; household of 5.

35. ‘Wm Kaphart’, 1810 U. S. Census of Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 46, p. 950; household of 4.

36. Kephart III; from letter (19 Nov 1957) B. Hoff Knight to CIK: cites Mathew Carey’s work on the 1793 yellow fever epidemic and enumerates Capehart/Gebhardt dead including George Capehart tobacconist, George Capehart and child, Frederick Capehart, cooper, Frederick Capehart, apprentice, Widow Gebhard and dau Rachel Gebhart.

37. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data (typewritten)’, Box 2/2.

38. ‘Colonial Records of Pennsylvania: Vol. X, Minutes of the Council of Safety of the Province of Pennsylvania’, p. 700, online at (accessed 1 Mar 2010); ‘George Capehart for 7 days flat hire’ (carting).

39. Both Kephart I and Kephart II state he was ‘probably’ married (no source) and Kephart II claims issue, but this author cannot find any evidence.  Both claim he died in the 1793 epidemic, but record (which admittedly has holes) is silent on the subject.  Kephart III also indicates (w/o sources) he was married and had children, one of whom died with George in the yellow fever epidemic; chief reason for believing he was married seems to be the fact that George paid taxes on land in Northern Liberties in 1781-1782 that was owned by a ‘Beckley and Flower’ (from letter 7 Dec 1930, CIK to researcher GF).

40. ‘Katherine Keppard’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 98; First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

41. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.

42. ‘Barbary Capehart’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

43. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.

44. Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 561; Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

45. Kephart III; a later, but less-detailed iteration of ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten; (no sources).

46. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’ (earlier version), typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.

47. Hess, Robert L. and Wright, F. Edward 18th Century Records of the German Lutheran Church of Philadelphia (St. Michaels and Zion), Vol. 5: Burials (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2004-2006), p. 1311, he is listed as ‘Johann Gebhardt’ indicating he has a second forename (a ‘Rufname’), otherwise he would have been called ‘Johannes’; also Kephart I, p. 15; he is omitted in Kephart II.

48. ‘Andrew Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘Andrew (1754-1809) wrote name Kephart; building contractor, Phila.’ Am. Rev.; m 1788 Elizabeth Wright; online at’

49. ‘Andrew Keephart’: Pennsylvania Marriage Records, 1700-1821, database on line at; printed version Harrisburg, PA; Pennsylvania Archives, 1876, Series 2, Series 6, p. 530; Third Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

50. ‘Cossart and Corbett Family Tree’, owner: RCossart, 28145729 (accessed 25 Jul 2013) also Kephart III; from letter (7 Dec 1930) CIK to researcher GF.

51. Kephart III; ‘Kephart-Capehart Data’, typewritten with overwritten notes; Box 2/2.

52. 1800 U. S. Census of (West) Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 42, p. 391, household of 5.

53. 1840 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 488, p. 141; household of 9.

54. Elizabeth Capehart death: Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St. Philadelphia, Death Records; St. John’s Methodist Episcopal Burying Ground no longer exists, bodies were removed to the Oakland Cemetery, Philadelphia in 1904 to 5 mass graves (unmarked) in the ‘singles section’.

55. United States Census Office, 1st Census, 1790 U. S. Census of Pennsylvania (Spartenburg, SC: Reprint Co. Publishers, 1964), FHL US/CAN 974.8 X2, p. 198.

56. 1800 U. S. Census of Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 42, p. 145.

57. 1820 U. S. Census of Bensalem, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_99, p. 270; household of 3 (son- and grandson-in-law James Merkins and Thomas Terry are neighbors).

58. Summers, G. Byron A History of George Summers of Douglass and Lower Dublin Townships, Montgomery County, unpublished ms (34 pp) at Bucks County Historical Society, filmed 1958 by Genealogical Society of Utah, FHL Film 173013, pp. 10-11; hereafter Summers.

59. Ibid.; Robert McDowell Lukens, M. D., U. S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications #75099, May 1, 1952; online at (accessed 17 Jun 2017).

60. Summers,p. 33-4.

61. Summers,p. 10-11.

62. ‘Esearl Capehart’; 1840 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 488, p. 141; household of 4, he was 40-50 yrs old, 2 daughters.

63. Ibid., ‘Lewis Capehart’, p. 154; household of 2—he was 30-40 yrs.

64. ‘John Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘John (1790-1875) wrote name Capehart; constrn. engr. on river locks, canals, rys., etc., in western Pa. and Ohio; corpl. and artificer  U. S. Arty. Corps, 1812-1817; m Sophia Stackhouse (d 1859)’ ; online at

65. Kephart III; ‘John Capehart obituary’—a wonderful single-spaced typewritten page detailing every aspect of the man’s life; father of 10; oldest of 4 sons of Andrew Capehart (James, William, Henry).

66. ‘John Capehart’, 1830 U. S. Census of Conemaugh, Cambria, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_161, p. 179; household of 7.

67. Kephart III; typewritten worksheet (2 pages): ‘Capehart—4th generation: descendants of John and Sophia (Stackhouse) Capehart’ on dark yellow paper with blanks some of which are filled in; all the children in the family are listed with known information typewritten; sheets are covered with notes and scrawled messages.

68. Kephart III; Letter CIK to Mrs. J. Calvin Gray, Martin’s Ferry, Ohio of Sept 23, 1923 summarizing current understanding of Capehart genealogy, but only listing children of John and Sophia (Stackhouse) Capehart.

69. John Capehart, 1890 Texas Census of Clarendon, Donley, Texas, TX Veteran’s Schedule and 1880 U. S. Non-population Schedule of Freestone County, Texas, T1134_24, p. 2 line 4; online at (accessed 7 May 2010).

70. Philadelphia Maps, 1682-1982: Townships-Districts-Wards, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Special Pub’n 6 (Genealogical Soc. Of Penna.: Philadelphia, 1996), p. 13.

71. ‘Henry Capehart’ in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, p. 86; ‘Henry (1823-1895) Bridgeport and Martin’s Ferry, O. and Fargo, N. D.; surgeon, Bridgeport, O.; surgeon and col. of cav. In Civil War; promoted to bvt. maj. gen. at time of Lee’s surrender; repeatedly cited for gallantry in action; m 2d 1856 Elizabeth Adelaide Kinsey’; online at

72. Henry Capehart, U. S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, of 1st W. Va. Cavalry and American Civil War General Officers; online at

73. Kephart III; see above.

74. ‘Elizabeth A. Kinsey’; 1850 U. S. Census of Colerain, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M432_661, p. 493; household of 7; appears as dau (age 22).

75. ‘Henry Capehart, physician’: 1860 U. S. Census of Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M653_937, p. 248; household of 7, four children (probably two by  Elizabeth).

76. ‘Henry Capehart, physician’; 1870 U. S. Census of Bridgeport, Belmont, Ohio, National Archives Roll M593_1173, p. 135, Family 404, household of 9, four children and father as well as father-in-law John Kinsey, both 81 yrs.

77. Kephart III; a letter from CIK to Wm S. Vance, Washington, Pa. dated Sept. 10, 1923 requests him to find ‘the old man Henry Brown’ (husband of Caroline Capehart, dau of John, Andrew1) and ask him the name of John Capehart’s father—William or Andrew?  –and to ascertain whether he is ABSOLUTELY SURE!  He was then to return this letter to CIK with the answer written on the bottom.  At the bottom of the letter is underlined ‘Andrew Capehart’, with Mr. Brown’s current address and description of his well-being, signed by Mr. Vance.

78. James Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 50 years, buried ‘Philadelphia Alms House’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Interments at Philadelphia Alms House, Mar 1844.

79. ‘James Capeart’; 1820 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_110, p. 47; household of 6.

80. ‘Sophia Capehart’; 1850 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_811, p. 338; household of 2 (with son Charles).

81. ‘War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application File’s, National Archives, database online at (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

82. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray, 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren as well with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart.

83. ‘RWatson01-11-11 Family Tree’, owner: rwatson7242, (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

84. David P. Cossart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ mother: ‘Elizabeth Caphart’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

85. ‘Louisa Foster’; 1850 U. S. Census of Spring Garden Ward 3 Precinct 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_818, p. 493B; household of 5.

86. Samuel Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 1 yr. 7 mos.

87. ‘Sarah Keen’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1161, p. 1075; household of 4.

88. ‘Sarah Keen’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 16 District 49, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1401, p. 406B; household of 3.

89. ‘Sarah Keene’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1174, Enum. Dist. 245, p. 586; household of 3.

90. William Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 3 yrs.

91. ‘Elizabeth Llewellyn’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; household of 7, living with two sons by William Capehart plus three more children with Abraham Llewellyn and a married daughter(?) by Abraham’s first wife (Harriet McKinley; she and two children are still with them in the 1860 and then for at least 20 more years).

92. Kephart III; Summary notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; an outline of the children of Wm and Sarah (Farley) Capehart.

93. ‘Daniel Capehart’ death: ‘U. S. Veterans Gravesites 1775-2006’, buried ‘Hampton National Cemetery’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010).

94. ‘Elizabeth A. Ulery, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1473, Enum. Dist. 787, p. 3A; household of 3; 6 of 12 children alive; she is living with her daughter Amanda Glaesser and her husband.

95. ‘Ulney’/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

96. ‘Elizabeth Uhlery’, 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 District 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 525B, family 1446; household  of 9 and ‘Eliz Ulrey’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1190, p. 501, family 86; household of 4; two children.

97. Henry Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1870; age 71 yrs. 6 mos. and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, gentleman living at 944 E. Morris St., Ward 19; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010)

98. ‘Henry Capehart’, cordwainer: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_806, p. 263; household of 9, children’s names mostly misspelled.

99. ‘Henry Copehart’, cordwainer: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 332; household of 5.

100. ‘Henry Caphart’, retired: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 District 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 450; Henry’s a widower living with three daus Sallie (unmd), Miriam Carse, and Emma Platt and children.

101. Sarah Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1866; 61 year and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 60 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

102. Will of Sarah Capehart (registered 16 June 1866), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 57, p.576, no.320, FHL Film 21753 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039); everything to husband Henry so long as he is single and unmarried; otherwise estate is to be divided among children, each child to have a share, viz.: John Capehart, Amanda Bennett, Walter Capehart, Emma Platt, Miriam Julia Carse, Sarah Capehart, and one share to be divided between the two children, Amanda and George, of deceased son George.

103. Kephart III; a letter from Walter C. Turner (grandson of Henry Capehart (1801-1871, Andrew1) to CIK, dated April 16, 1923, handwritten—3 pages:  he describes his own genealogy and that of his sisters, as well as naming his grandparents Henry and Sara (Walters) Capehart, his mother’s (Sarah Ellen Capehart Turner) sibs, their spouses and many dates; he outlines his father’s life (Nathaniel Turner).  This letter is followed by a 2-page handwritten summary by CIK of pertinent genealogical names and dates, extracted from the letter and includes considerable information not included in the Walter C. Turner letter.

104. Elizabeth Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1828, age 2 wks.

105. Bennett/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Jun. 6, 1854.

106. Amanda Bennett death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1828, age 30 yrs.

107. Platt/Capehart marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Apr. 23, 1857.

108. Daughter Capehart, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 mos.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010)

109. Miriam Julia Capehart Carse death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

110. Carse/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 61 and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1863.

111. George Carse death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 45 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010)

112. American Civil War Soldiers, Historical Data Systems, online at (accessed 16 Feb 2010).

113. Miriam J. Carse, 1880 U. S. Census of Camden, Camden, New Jersey, National Archives Roll T9_774, Enum. Dist. 54, p. 345; she is living with her in-laws.

114. William Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 4 yrs. 2 mos.; ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Monday, Apr. 23, 1849.

115. Sarah Ellen Capehart Turner death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

116. Frequently ‘Murkins’ in the unsourced genealogical record, but all the children of James Merkins were ‘Merkins’ in Pennsylvania records—the spelling ‘Murkins’ apparently originated with the grandchildren of Mary Ann.

117. Kephart III; letter (26 Jun 1945) from Mrs. David H. Wood (gggdau of Thomas Sirls Terry b. 1789) to CIK with Merkins information gleaned from ‘grandfather’s record’.

118. See Tacy Street (dau of James and Elizabeth Merkins) census: 1880 U. S. Census of Evans, Marshall, Illinois, Family no. 98, Roll 235, FHL Film 1254,235, Page 346D, E. D. 146, father born England; online at (accessed 17 Jun 2017).

119. 1810 U. S. Census of Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 56, p. 51.

120. ‘Jno Caphart’, 1810 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 56, p. 49 (household of 4; son John appears to have taken over father Henry’s farm—same neighbors as Henry).

121. 1820 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M33_109, p. 71B; household of 6.

122. ‘John Capart’, 1830 U. S. Census of Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_158, p. 7; household of 4.

123. ‘John Mason Family Tree’, owner: BethValentine, (accessed 21 Aug 2013).

124. 1830 U. S. Census of Moreland Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M19_158, p. 12; household of 2.

125. Sarah Capehart death, Bunting, K. R. Notices of marriages & deaths in Poulsen’s American Daily Advertiser, 1791-1839 (Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 1899-1907), Vol. 3, 1822; dau of John Capehart.

126. ‘Henry Capart’, 1850 U. S. Census of Moyamensing Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_809, p. 479, Family 470; household of 11; they are living with their in-laws who are all working in the brickyard.

127. ‘Henry Capehart’, foreman at brickyard; 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1157, p. 623, Family 1012, household of 6 (four children).

128. ‘Henry Capehart’, farmer; 1870 U. S. Census of Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll M593_1741, p. 244B, Family 29, household of 9 (seven children) and 1880 U. S. Census of Sugar Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 216; household of 6 (four unmarried children at home).

129. ‘Elizabeth Capheart, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Hudson, Douglas, Minnesota, National Archives Roll T623_762, Enum. Dist. 36, p. 1A; household of 4; 7 of 7 children living (she didn’t count the two that died as infants); she is living with her sons Charles and Jack (Joseph).

130. ‘Sophia Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 14 months, buried ‘Machpelah Burial Ground’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, June 15, 1850.

131. ‘Ida May Capehart’, Missouri Death Records 1834-1910, Missouri State Archives, database online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

132. ‘William Capehart’: 1880 U. S. Census of Troy, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 231, family 182; household of 5; lives next door to his brother Henry.

133. ‘Mary Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 7 months, buried ‘O. Fellows Burial Ground’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010); Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 7 mos. and and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Saturday, May 28, 1852.

134. Birth certificates of two unnamed children: a boy (Frank W., 20 May 1878) and a girl (Myra, 19 Apr 1887), Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin (copies in possession of the author); father: Henry Capehart, b. Penna.; mother: Leafy Amelia Welch, b. Wisconsin.

135. ‘Henry Capehart’: 1880 U. S. Census of Troy, Walworth, Wisconsin, National Archives Roll T9_1450, p. 231, family 183; household of 5; lives next door to his brother William.

136. ‘George Capehart’, single boarder; Wisconsin State Census of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1905, Wisconsin Historical Society, database online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

137. Capehart/Landon marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

138. ‘Charles Capehart’; 1910 U. S. Census of Upper Darby, Delaware, Pennsylvanina, National Archives Roll T624_1340, Enum. Dist. 165, p. 27A; household of 4; includes a son and mother-in-law, Mary J. Landon.

139. ‘Halteman Family Tree’, owner: joyscape, (accessed 20 Aug 2013) and references therein.

140. ‘RWatson01-11-11 Family Tree’, owner: rwatson7242, (accessed 20 Aug 2013).

141. ‘Viola Collins’: 1880 U. S. Census of Blue Island, Cook, Illinois, National Archives Roll T9_200, Enum. Dist. 207, p. 554; household of 10, age 12.

142. Will of Charles Capehart (written 2 Mar 1889), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 151, p.119, no.351, FHL Film 21799 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039); everything to wife Emma Jane Capehart.

143. ‘Charles Caphart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 56 years, buried ‘Cedar Hill Cemetery’; address 1424 Emerick St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

144. ‘Charles Capehart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1161, p. 1000; household of 5 (two children and mother Sophia).

145. ‘Charles Capehart’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 16 Dist. 50, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1401, p. 489A; household of 7 (five children and mother Sophia).

146. ‘Charles Capehart, bricklayer’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1176, Enum. Dist. 310, p. 253; household of 8 (three unmarried children at home and dau Elizabeth Wray, husband and infant son; 1225 Hancock St.).

147. ‘Emma J. Capehart, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 14A; household of 6; living with her son Henry and his family.

148. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray (widow), 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart.

149. Geo. W Capehart  or Capart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 4 years 8 months, buried ‘Odd Fellows Cemetery’, address: back of 709 St. John St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1861.

150. Capehart/Warren marriage, Delaware Marriage Records, 11744-1912, online at (accessed 22 Aug 2013).

151. ‘Henry Capehart, farmer’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 14A; household of 6; three children and his mother.

152. ‘Henry C. Capehart’; 1910 U. S. Census of Representative Dist. 1, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T624_148, Enum. Dist. 101, p. 6B; household of 6; three children and mother.

153. Kephart III; typewritten notation by CIK concerning Elizabeth Capehart Wray’s possession of an old Bible: inside the Bible are recorded birthdays of 4 Einwachters and a Kubelhaus (all 1790’s)—these are Elizabeth’s maternal grandparents.

154. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Capehart Wray (widow), 1424 Emerald St. on Jun. 16, 1923; she outlined the family of James and Sophia (Einwechter) Capehart and named all grandchildren with particular attention to her father’s family Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart.

155. Elizabeth Capehart Wray death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

156. Wray/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 124.

157. ‘Benjamin Wray’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1176, Enum. Dist. 310, p. 253; Charles Capehart household of 8 (with Elizabeth’s parents and infant son; 1225 Hancock St.).

158. ‘Emma J. Swain’: 1900 U. S. Census of Cedar Creek, Sussex, Delaware, National Archives Roll T623_157, Enum. Dist. 86, p. 1B; household of 3, married 12 years.

159. Adeline Capehart; Delaware Marriage Records 1744-1912, database online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010).

160. ‘Adaline Townsend’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 37, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1478, Enum. Dist. 947, p. 5B; household of 3 at 85 Delhi St; married 5 years.

161. Sophia Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 3-2/3 years; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1869.

162. Charles Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 2 years 10 months, buried ‘Cedar Hill Cemetery’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

163. Daniel Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

164. Daniel Capehart: 1900 U. S. Census of Chesapeake, Elizabeth City, Virginia, National Archives Roll T623_1707, Enum. Dist. 8, p. 17B; National Home for Disabled Soldiers, age 78, b. Mar 1822;

165. Capehart/Henderson marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

166. ‘Mary Ann Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, 48 yrs. buried in ‘Palmer B. Ground’; address 629 Moyer St.; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1881.

167. ‘Daniel Ceaphart, ropemaker’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; living with his brother John in the household of his mother and her second husband Abraham Llewellyn.

168. ‘Daniel Capehart, ropemaker’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 South West Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 350; household of 6 (four children).

169. ‘Daniel Capehart’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 Dist. 55 (2nd Enum.), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1431, p. 445A; household of 7.

170. ‘Daniel Capehart’, ropemaker: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1177, Enum. Dist. 338, p. 175; household of 7, Harriet’s husband (Edward Baur) has joined them at 629 Moyer St.; son Daniel and wife Louise and their two children are next door at 625 Moyer St.

171. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mr. John Capehart, 2232 Sepviva St. on Mar. 29, 1923—he outlined his grandparent’s descendants (William Capehart/Elizabeth Miller).

172. Daniel Elwood Capehart, ‘World War I Draft Registration Cards 1917-1918’, mother Louisa Capehart, online at (accessed 2 Mar 2010).

173. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK; this was an interview with Mr. Daniel Capehart Jr., 623 Moyer St. on Mar. 26, 1923—he outlined his parent’s descendants (Daniel Capehart/Louise Burton) and told of his grandfather Daniel Capehart.

174. ‘Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, male child, father Daniel Capehart; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cemetery returns 1803-1860, 1832, age 2 mos.

175. John Capehart burial, ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; North Cedar Hill cemetery.

176. Capehart/Simon marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

177. ‘Kate E. Simon’, 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1182, Enum. Dist. 481, p. 278A; household of 5; Kate E. Simon is 18.

178. ‘John Caphart, bricklayer’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1460, Enum. Dist. 354, p. 5B; household of 5; ‘Kate Caphart’, 1 of 1 child alive; John and Kate and their son William plus Addie Cornell (age 28, probably Kate’s sister) and her son Wm (4 yrs); see Wm J’s baptism: ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; 6 Jul 1895, Norris Square Methodist Episcopal Church, son of George H. and Addie Cornell (accessed 20 Aug 2013)– see 1910 and 1920 census for John Capehart.

If Wm R. Cornell is a nephew of John/Kate Capehart, then Addie must be a sister to John or Kate.  The ‘Quinn/Woods Family Tree’, owner: RobertAloysiusQuinn, (accessed 20 Aug 2013) has her ‘Addie Capehart, b. 1871’, which is late for her to be sib of John, but it is possible.  However in the 1880 Daniel/Mary Ann Capehart family group there is no child of eight by any name.  There is an 8 yr old in Kate E. Simon’s 1880 family group named Georgianna.  Possibly this is ‘Addie’.

There is no Addie/Adeline Capehart or Simon (b. 1872) in the 1880 census other than Adeline Capehart (no. 74), daughter of Charles and Emma Jane (Zelner) Capehart, but we know she married Warner D. Townsend vide supra.

179. Ibid.

180. ‘John Capehart’: 1910 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T624_1393, Enum. Dist. 293, p. 1A; household of 3, John and Kate and William Cornell, ‘adopted son’, age 14 (must be a great-nephew); 1920 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T625_1635, Enum. Dist. 1038, p. 1A; household of 8, John and Kate plus ‘nephew’ Wm Cornell, his wife and 3 children.

181. Kephart III; Notes from personal interviews with various Philadelphia Capeharts by researcher Gertrude Fryburg for and in behalf of CIK.  This came from an interview with Mr. John Capehart, 2232 Sepviva St. on Mar. 29, 1923.

182. ‘James Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, age 43 yrs; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

183. ‘Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’,  male child age 1 yr, father Dan Capehart, buried at ‘Union Harmony Cemetery’; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010).

184. ‘Elisabeth’ Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862.

185. ‘Wm Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 40, buried ‘Palmers Ground’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010).

186. ‘Harriet Bauer, widow’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1475, Enum. Dist. 632, p. 1A; household of 3, two children; 2 of 6 children alive.

187. ‘Rebecca Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’,  age 13 months; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1865.

188. ‘Mary Emma Capehart’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 months; address 1313 Hewson St.; online at (accessed 6 May 2010).

189. William Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 40 years, buried ‘Palmer Ground’; online at (accessed 6 May 2010) and Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1865.

190. ‘William Capehart, bricklayer’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_806, p. 298A; household of 4 (two little ones).

191. ‘William Kapart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 276; household of 8 (six children).

192. Capehart/Farley marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

193. ‘Sarah Lewis’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1188, Enum. Dist. 639, p. 389; household of 7, Sarah (widow?), dau Harriet Lewis, three Capehart children {Daniel, Amanda, Sallie (Sarah)} and a nephew Philip Farley (also a dau Mamie, age 10 called ‘Capehart’, but must be a Lewis).

194. Sarah Farley, 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 422A; household of 8.

195. ‘Hezekiah Lewis’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 28 Dist. 66, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1407, p. 511A; household of 9, Sarah with her second husband, 4 Capehart children (oldest Wm, age 20, a butcher), 2 Lewises from his first wife and one of theirs (Harriet).

196. ‘Daniel (read incorrectly as David) Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1471, Enum. Dist. 733, p. 10A; household of 4; he and his son Harry B. are living with brother William.

197. Capehart/Chatterson marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 24.

198. ‘William Capehart’, butcher: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1188, Enum. Dist. 639, p. 376; household of 2.

199. ‘William Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1471, Enum. Dist. 733, p. 10A; household of 4, Amelia J. Capehart, md 24 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive; brother Daniel (widower) and his son Harry B. Capehart are living with them.

200. Elizabeth Louise Capehart death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 20 years, single; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010)

201. Bitting/Capehart marriage, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Index of Marriages 1862-1880, no. 100.

202. ‘Amanda Bitting’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1475, Enum. Dist. 859, p. 7B; household of 3; husband John A. (policeman) and dau Sallie; md 20 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive.

203.Anna Marie Capehart, 1860 U. S. Mortality Schedule of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M1838_1, p. 1.

204. Francis Capehart birth, ‘Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings 1709-1950’, online at FamilySearch (accessed 24 Aug 2013).

205. Francis Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862 and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’ age 15 mos.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

206. John Capehart birth, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Births 1860-1906’, online at FamilySearch (accessed 24 Aug 2013).

207. Does not show up with his mother in the 1870 and 1880 censuses.

208. John Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1862; 32 years and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

209. ‘John Ceaphart, ship carpenter’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 401A; living with his brother Daniel in the household of his mother and her second husband Abraham Llewellyn.

210. ‘John Kapart, bricklayer’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 225; household of 5: John and wife Hannah and two children plus an 11 yr old girl, Hannah Wilunt; see also 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 South West Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 416; household of 5: Mary Ann Capehart, age 8 (John and Hannah’s daughter?) with the Groves family: Mary Ann Groves age 75 born Germany, and three younger Groves, ages 24, 24, and 22.  ‘Groves’ is probably a name-change from a German name which may explain why no other census records can be found for this family.

211. Capehart/Groves marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

212. ‘Hannah Donnelly’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 Dist. 56, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1403, p. 449A (taken 21 Jul 1870); household of 5, Hannah and her husband Isaac Donnelly and Mary A. and Benjamin Capehart, ages 18 and 13 plus Christian Shoemaker, age 5.

213. Mary Ann may not be a child of John and Hannah as she was born significantly before their marriage and appears with the Grove family in the 1860 census.

214. Hester Ann Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Return of a Death, Physician’s certificate, 1861; parents: John/Hannah Capehart and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; address, Fullertale Court, online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

215. John Capehart death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; 74 yrs.; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

216. Capehart/Hymas marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

217. ‘Isabella Hymes’: 1850 U. S. Census of Kensington Ward 5, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_807, p. 367B; household of 5; Isabella (mother) is 61 living with her son John and his family.

218. Isabella Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

219. ‘Jonathan Capehart’, 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 335, household of 4 (1 child), mother-in-law Isabella Hymas is staying with them.

220. John Capehart: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1190, Enum. Dist. 671, p. 403; household of 5 (3 children) and 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 496, household of 5.

221. Sarah Capehart death: Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985, Historical Society of Pennsylvania,  age 4 yrs. 11 mos.; online at (accessed 26 Aug 2013).

222. ‘Scheerer Family Tree’, owner: alliescheerer; (accessed 26 Aug 2013).

223. Bella Carson, 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1473, Enum. Dist. 789, p. 2B; household of 5; married 18 yrs., 2 of 5 children alive.

224. Sarah Wagner death, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915 database on line at (accessed 24 Aug 2013).

225. Sarah Wagner, 1900 U. S. Census of West Pennsboro, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1401, Enum. Dist. 31, p. 8A; household of 3; married 18 yrs., 1 of 1 child alive.

226. Capehart/Neidhamer marriage: ‘Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marriage Index 1885-1951’, online at (accessed 22 Aug 2013) and ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

227. Emma Capehart, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

228. ‘Emma Neithammer’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 460B, household of 8, age 3.

229. Emma (Neidhamer) Capehart death, ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; age 45 yrs., 11 mos. 23 days; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010) and Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

230. Walter Capehart, weaver, 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 25, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1467, Enum. Dist. 602, p. 3B; household of 5; Walter and his 1st wife Emma (1 of 1 child alive; she should have said 1 of 3 children alive), a son John R., and his mother Isabella (3 of 4 children alive) and ‘Walter Caphart’, 1910 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 25, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T624_1399, Enum. Dist. 565, p. 6A; household of 4 (2 sons).

231. Capehart/Simcox marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010).

232. Walter Capehart, 1920 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 31109_4385121, Enum. Dist. 1127, p. 6A; household of 3 and ‘Walter Cophart’, 1930 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll 2118, Enum. Dist. 973, p. 10A; household of 2.

233. George Capehart death, Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Interrments in the Olde Kensington Burial Ground; age 27 yrs.; ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’; online at (accessed 15 Apr 2010); and Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Thursday, November 9, 1854.

234. Capehart/’Weipert’ marriage: First Presbyterian Church Records, Marriages (Kensington, Philadelphia), Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia MI 46 P498c (v.1-4), FHL Film 505,549, items 3,4.

235. ‘Susan Wiperd’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1169, p. 27; household of 2: with son Joseph.

236. ‘Susanna Weipperd’ death: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, age 71 yrs.; address 834 Hewson; buried at ‘Palmer’; online at (accessed 15 Apr  2010).

237. ‘Cathrine Branschett’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 36, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T623_1477, Enum. Dist. 929, p. 15B; household of 5, widowed 4 of 6 children alive, living with her son Daniel Willingmyre and his wife and son; called ‘mother-in –law’.

238. Willingmyer/Capehart marriage, Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Nov. 4, 1857.

239. ‘Daniel Willingner’: 1850 U. S. Census of Northern Liberties Ward 7, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M432_811, p. 558B; household of 9.

240. ‘Wright Family Tree’, owner: trish555555, (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

241. ‘Cath Willinger’: 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1168, p. 215; household of 5: husband Daniel ‘Willinger’ and three ‘Willinger’ children—Amanda age 10, George age 7, and John ‘Willinger’ age 2.  The older two must be Capeharts, children of 1st  husband George—see below in the 1870 and 1880 censuses.

242. ‘David W. Willingmyre, boot fitter’ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory 1863, Clearfield at Frankford Av.; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

243. ‘Daniel Willingmeyer’, U. S. Civil War Records and Profiles, 1861-1865, History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, The Union Casualties at Gettysburg, online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013).

244. ‘Pvt. Daniel W. Willingmyre’ burial: ‘son of John, husband of Katherine (Capehart?)’; memorial #77449992 at (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

245 . Daniel W. Willingmyre: ‘Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915’, soldier, age 35; buried at ‘O. F.’; online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013); note: burial place was corrected by G. T. Willingmyre.

246. ‘Daniel Willingmyre, Sr.’, U. S. Civil War Pension Index, ‘widow: Catherine Willingmyre’; online at (accessed 12 Aug 2013).

247. Branchett/Willingmyre marriage: ‘Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, First Independent Christian Church; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

248. ‘Silas A. Branchett, painter’ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory, 1876, 810 Sergeant St. online at Ancestry. com (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

249. ‘Catherine Brenchett’: 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1405, p. 555A (taken 21 Jul 1870); household of 10, Catherine and her third husband Silas ‘Brenchett’ and their son Edward, age 1.  Also in the household were Catherine’s two Capehart children (Amanda, age 19 and George, age 17) and her two Willingmeyer children (John, age 12 and Daniel, age 7) as well as her mother Susan Wiperd, her brother Joseph Wiperd, and another woman Elizabeth Brousel (relationship undetermined).

(2nd Enumeration): 1870 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 19 Dist. 61, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M593_1433, p. 346B (taken 11 Nov 1870); still household of 10, Catherine and her husband are there, but it looks like ‘Charles’ Branchett; Elizabeth Brousel, Susan Wiperd (Catherine’s mom), and a child Bessie (age 1) and FIVE Capeharts: Amanda (age 20), Thomas (age 22), George (age 17), Daniel (age 8), Eddie (age 1).  Thomas is Thomas McLaughlin, Amanda’s husband of one month; Daniel is not a Capehart, but a Willingmeyer and Eddie is also not a Capehart, but a Branchett (John Willingmeyer was omitted).

250. ‘Catherine Brandshett’: 1880 U. S. Census of Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1105, Enum. Dist. 130, p. 44B; household of 8, Catherine and her husband Silas and their two children: Edmond L., age 11 and Joseph W., age 9; also mother-in-law Susan ‘Brandschett’ (should be Wiperd) and Joseph ‘Wyford’ (Catherine’s brother, should be Wiperd).  John and Daniel Willingmyre (called here ‘Brandschett’) are also in the household.

251. ‘Amanda Melina Capehart adult baptism’: Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985, Historical Society of Pennsylvania,  ‘Kensington Methodist Episcopal Church, daughter of George and Catherine Capehart’; online at (accessed 10 Aug 2013).

252. McLaughlin/Capehart marriage, Public Ledger Newspapers, Philadelphia, Marriage and Death Index (FHL: 974.811 V4g, 1852-1878 8vols); originals from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Oct. 17, 1870

253. ‘Amanda McLaughlin’: 1880 U. S. Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1177, Enum. Dist. 341, p. 210A; household of 3; Thomas, Amanda, dau Ella, age 8.

254. Will of George W. Capehart (written 13 Aug 1898), ‘Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Register of Wills, 1682-1924’, Book 204, p.119, no.1436, FHL Film 21826 (Index to Wills: FHL Film 1311,039)); everything to wife Margret E. Capehart, 1826 Memphis St.; witnessed by George T. Willingmyre, son of George’s half-brother Daniel.

255. George W. Capehart death, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin archive, Temple University Urban archives.

256. ‘Maggie Capehart’: 1900 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 18, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll T9_1460, Enum. Dist. 0362, p. 4B; a widow born Pennsylvania, parents Ireland, no children.

257. Margret Capehart burial, ‘Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985’, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, online at; Palmer Ground.

258. Keels, Thomas H. Philadelphia Graveyards and Cemeteries (Arcadia Press: Great Britain, 2003), p. 75.

259. Kensington Cemetery, ‘Cemetery records, 1859-1976’, Palmer Cemetery deed, book of interments, 1859-1887 and Kensington Burial Ground Interments 1887-1978’, FHL Film 1723,693 items 1 and 2, respectively.

260. 1790 U. S. Census of Fannet, Hamilton, Letterkenny, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, National Archives, Roll 9, p. 309; household of 5.

261. 1860 U. S. Census of Philadelphia Ward 2 North East Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives Roll M653_1152, p. 524; household of 3.

262. 1850 U. S. Census of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, National Archives M432_824, p. 240B, Family 122; household of 8; Jacob was born 1807; and Jacob Kephart death 18 Apr 1874, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915, Jacob b. 1807; database on line at (accessed 26 Jul 2013).

263. 1910 U. S. Census of Cowanshannock, Armstrong, Pennsylvanina, National Archives Roll T624_1309, Enum. Dist. 10, p. 1B; household of 4, parents b. PA.

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  1. Congratulatioins on excellent research “The 19th Century Capeharts of Northern Philadelphia” My Ancestor is Daniel Webster Willingmyre reference 272. On September 29 2013 Palmer Cemetery dedicated a memorial to the 5 Willingmyre brothers who served in the Civil War. I am building a web site and have some questions about this paragraph: 106. ii. GEORGE W.4 CAPEHART,284 born 1853 and died285 8 Sep 1898 in Philadelphia; buried in Palmer Ground, Kensington. He married Margaret E. Willingmyre, born 1854 Ireland and died in Philadelphia, buried286 4 Jan 1925 in Palmer Ground, Kensington. No issue.
    This is a curious relationahip … A son of Catherine Wipert who later marries Daniel Willingmyre also marries a Willingmyre. I can find no source for the information Margaret E Willingmyre was born in Ireland and married George W Capehart. Also that she was born 1854. What are the sources? Thank You

    1. Thanks for your comment and question; I’m sorry I’ve been so tardy in responding—I’ve had a hard time getting back to the Capeharts with all that has been going on in my life.
      I don’t have a marriage record for Geo W. Capehart and Margaret E. (Willingmyre?) although I have spent a good deal of time looking. I do have his will (cf ref 284) where he identifies his wife ‘Margaret E. Capehart’ and names her his executrix and leaves her all his ‘Real Estate and Personal Property’. The couple is found in Philadelphia in the 1880 census Roll 1177, p. 205C, ED 340; both are 27. And she is found (after his death in 1898) in the 1900 census ‘Maggie Capehart’ in Philadelphia Ward 18; Roll 1460, p. 4B, ED 0362. She was b. Oct 1853 in Pennsylvania of parents born in Ireland (1900 census). I will fix the birthplace error in the next iteration of the essay. I gave her the maiden name ‘Willingmyre’ based on the fact that the witnesses on the GWCapehart will were George T. Willingmyre and Mary A. Miller, guessing that these were both relatives. The only Pennsylvania George T. Willingmyre in the 1900 census was b. 1883 and was therefore only 15 yrs old at the signing of the will further strengthening his identity as a relative. He was not one of George’s half-brothers so I presumed, perhaps incorrectly, that George T. was one of Margaret’s relatives. Perhaps I should make it a weaker connection the next iteration of the essay? Do you have any more information on George T. Willingmyre or on Margaret E.’s family?
      I’d be glad to provide you with a scan of the will if you wish.

  2. Forgot to mention: This sentence is incorrect: “(buried274 19 Jul 1863 in the Philadelphia National Cemetery).275,27” Daniel is buried at Lawnview cemetery in Philadelphia

    1. Yes, you are quite correct…sorry for my error. I will fix it in the next iteration of the essay. Thanks for your comment. RLT

  3. Hello … yes please do share the will … The witness George T Willingmyre is my grandfather … Mary Ann Miller was a relative by marriage gtw@gtwassociates.comm George Willignmyre

    1. Sorry it took so long for me to send this…it was missfiled.
      Enclosed is the Will of George Capehart, 1853-1898, husband of Margret E Capehart (maiden name unknown, born in Ireland).
      Witnesses are George T. Willingmyre [gson of Daniel Willingmyre (d.1863) and son of George’s half-brother Daniel Willingmyre (Jr.)] and
      Mary A. Miller (presumably a sister of Daniel Jr.s wife Sallie A (Sarah) Miller).
      The reference in Pennsylvania Wills (from the Family History Library in SLC) is printed on the side of the top portion.
      Best wishes, R. Tolman (Dick)

  4. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing this in-depth research. I am a researcher of the Sommer/Summers surname in early Philadelphia, and I am interested in your #44 entry for Josiah Merkins and Catherine Summers. Are you familiar with this book? See p. 33:

    I have spent a good deal of time unraveling the undocumented mish-mash in that book as I believe it represents a collection of two or more different Sommer families into one. See my blog post:

    Nevertheless, the book is full of clues, and indeed you will see there is reference to Catharine Summers and Joseph (Josiah) Merkins. What’s interesting is that I am researching her father, Martin Sommer of Oxford, and you will see that this reference states his wife was Sarah Copart. I am convinced the surname was Capehart, for indeed as you have noted, there was a Henry Capehart in Moreland and Byberry in early censuses, where also the Sommer family can be found. I have yet to find a genealogy, however, that tells us Henry Capehart had a daugther named Sara.

    Do you know anything of Henry’s religious practice? I don’t find much among Lutheran records and wonder if you have ideas of what other churches we might search for more information about Capehart/Kephart/Gebhardt.

    In any case, I don’t think the Catherine Summers who married Josiah Merkins was the daughter of Philip Summers and Susanna Schmidt. I have the genealogy of that Sommer family as well, and though I can’t say what happened to Sara Catharina Summers, I do know her family were living in downtown Philadelphia. Given the clues in the Summers book mentioned (clues only _underscore_, I think it’s more likely you’re looking for a Summers family in the area of Moreland/Byberry.

    Thanks, Mary Ann

  5. Thanks Mary Ann…what a great find! I had not seen the Summers ms in the Bucks County Historical Society; I found that it has been filmed too (FHL 173013), but I missed that one too. I think you are unquestionably correct that Copart is really Capehart and that you have discovered another dau of Henry Capehart. [Josiah married his first cousin]. Although few children are known, we know from the census that Henry had a large family. The Capeharts were German Lutheran, but Henry and his kids were not churchgoers as I have found virtually no church records from that generation. I will do some more looking and make changes to 44 Josiah Merkins in the next iteration of the essay. Thank you so much for your comment and this great Summers ms. Dick

  6. Made a username in order to contact the author. My name is Charles Capehart and have traced my ancestry though the works of Henry Kephart and have been attempting to do something similar to your work here. I had a few questions about your work including asking what made you want to compile this information for the Capeharts.

    I am trying to contact the Historical Society for Dr. Henry Kephart’s files and work. Wondering myself if you have any Points of Contact there?

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for this.

    1. No, sorry…I don’t have any contacts at the Pennsylvania Historical Society. You will have to go in person and talk to them. The collection is in 11 boxes and is not organized at all. The librarians were not very helpful when I was there and were reluctant to let me go through the boxes, but I was very careful not to disturb the contents any more than they were already disturbed. You might try to locate the dwelling places in Philadelphia and take a look. I wanted to do that, but didn’t have enough time when I was in Philly…I looked at the exteriors on Google.
      …your second question about why I was interested. I am a descendant of Elizabeth Capehart (Henry1 Heinrich2) 19.
      You may also be interested to know that the Capehart/Terry line has been taken back to Charlemagne by Calvin I Kephart. The work is not well thought of by very erudite medieval genealogists, but I have looked into it (I speak/write fluent German) and believe it is correct. Most of the refs are in German and I was able to check some of them out when I was in Schaffhausen a few years ago…I hope to still finish the verification and publish it on my website.
      Good luck, cousin

  7. Greetings. One of my ancestors was Jacob Kephart who married Ellen Harris in 1792, Mercer Co., KY. I have been trying to locate his father, who many think was a Hans Jacob Gabhardt, but I have not seen any proof of this. Hans Jacob’s 1810 will does mention a John, but according to other sources that I have read, my John Kephart was one of five brothers who ended up in Henry County, KY (i.e., Jacob, John, Henry, Charles, and Abraham). Charles, Henry, and Abraham are not mentioned in Hans Jacob Gebhardt’s will, but they could still be sons of Hans Jacob.

    One thing that you might find interesting is that the pension record of Henry Kephart (above) is very similar to that of David Adams’ pension record, even to the point that both men stood in as substitutes for other men. Furthermore, both men guarded prisoners at the “Barracks,” and Abraham Kephart (who I am assuming is Henry’s brother–and was a witness for Henry) lived in the county adjoining the “Barracks.” David Adams is living in Henry Co., KY in 1800, along with four of the above Kephart brothers.

    Hans Jacob Gebhardt mentions a daughter, “Polly” in his will, so perhaps she is the Mary “Polly” who married David Adams?

    You might also find this interesting: Charles Kephart (above) married a Dorotha Hensel c. 1787 in VA–but Charles’ last name was spelled, “Caphart,” but then “Kephart/Kiphart” in Kentucky.

    1) Do you have any solid pieces of evidence on who the father was of these five Kephart brothers, or any suggestions that might prove helpful?

    2) Was this Kephart/Gabhardt line that you have researched ever successfully used by someone to join one of those societies that connect to Charlemagne?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    With best wishes,

    David A. Harris

    1. Thanks for your note and the details of your search for your ancestor Jacob Kephart, md Ellen Harris 1792. In answer to your questions: no, I do not have any additional info on Hans Jacob Gebhardt son of Heinrich1699 and no, I know nothing about any Charlemagne lineage societies. Sorry.
      The Charlemagne lineage is published in the NGS Q’ly V243,p53-64 and is as I mentioned still viable. I have confirmed a good part of it myself, but I have found only a very few mistakes in all the things written by Calvin I. Kephart–so I very much trust his scholarship.
      I have looked over my notes and copies of my Penn. Historical Soc. excursion into the Rubincam/Kephart papers and have to say that I think it unlikely that your Jacob Kephart was a son of Hans Jacob Gebhardt. CI Kephart published his Heinrich1699 descendency twice–once in 1942 and then fixed errors and published again in 1950 at FHL and HisGen. In both versions he has Jacob b. 1757 (son of Hans Jacob) md to Mary Hensel. 1792 is late for marriage for a Jacob b. 1757 unless it is a second marriage. His son Jacob was only born 1789 and so could not be the one who married in 1792. I think you need to look further afield among the descendants of Heinrich1699. Have you examined the descendency written by Toni Norman? Unfortunately, that source has suffered linkrot and Ancestry has announced that it has been taken down from Rootsweb and they don’t know when and if it will be restored. I have gedcom of the file and a printed version of the first 6 generation which I am willing to share with you if you wish. Anyway in that file you will see as incomplete as it is there are several Kephart children who went to Kentucky and perhaps also Henry county (I’m not sure about this). Anyway it is worth checking this out; there are 24 Jacob Kepharts in the Norman file. Let me know if I can be of further help.
      Also, you might check your matches on atDNA–this could also provide clues to connecting your Kepharts to the published descendency.
      Good luck! your cousin, Dick

  8. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. I made a mistake in saying “Jacob” Kephart who married Ellen Harris, as it is “John” Kephart. Sorry about that! JOHN Kephart is mentioned in Jacob Kephart’s 1810, VA will. Jacob did have a son, Jacob who married Mary Hensel. This Jacob shows up, I believe, on the 1800 Henry Co., KY Tax lists. Interestingly, also on this is a CHARLES KEPHART who married DOROTHA HANSEL in 1785, VA. This makes me think that they are likely brothers?

    I have checked my DNA matches on Ancestry, and I do match several Kepharts/Gabbert’s, etc., but I have not had much luck in tracing these.

    I tried to find the info by Toni Norman, but, as you say, it is no longer available. I would very much appreciate any information that you could send my way (her info and anything else). Thank you for your help.

    According to Jacob’s will, he mentioned the following children:

    Barbara Palmer (m. 1791)
    Catherine Dull (m. 1794)
    Eizabeth Heise (m. 1798)
    Peggy Kershner (m. 1801)
    Hannah Mines (m. 1810)
    Polly Gabart (unmarried)
    Susanna Gabart (unmarried)
    George Gabhart (m. 1799 to Elizabeth Ellinger)
    Peter Gabhart (m. 1799 to —— Ellinger, daughter of Stokes Ellinger)
    John Gabhart
    Michael Gabhart
    David Gabhart

  9. OK….couple of questions re Toni_Norman. Do you use genealogical software? Legacy, Rootsmagic. The easiest thing would be for me to send you a gedcom (need an email address), but I could send scans of the first 6gens of Heinrich Gebhardts descendency if that would be better. The Norman stuff could help, but there are no sources…I have generally found it to be reliable.

  10. Thanks so much! I do not use software (but I have some–somewhere) so if you would not mind sending scans to my email that would be great. It is: (if you would not mind keeping my email private, I would appreciate it).

    The Toni Norman info sounds very intriguing. I also have tried to get a hold of C.I. Kephart’s 1950 book, but I think FHL is not giving out microfilms any more. If you had some material from C.I. Kephart detailing who I think my branch is, that would be very helpful as well. Does he list a son of Hans Jacob named John and does he say that he went to KY? I appreciate all your help and reply.

    Your cousin,


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